emotions, social issues, finance, sport, antrhopology
Not many activities bring together physical activities, emotions, social issues, and finance such as sports. In German soccer stadiums or Montenegrin water polo pools, on American baseball or Australian rugby fields, people can test their biological boundaries, express positive or negative emotions, address some social issues, invest or spend some money, or do something else that can make them fit or unfit, happy or sad, proud or ashamed, loved or unloved, etc. Anyhow, sport represents what life essentially is in the best way. On the other hand, it is well-known that contemporary activities that succeed in their fields have one common characteristic: significant dedication to development. Therefore, focusing on growth in the modern anthropology of sport would be essential. The reason anthropology of sport explores how sport and its related fields can shape and can be shaped by the biological, social, cultural, political, and historical contexts in which people live; the core themes discussed in this panel include biological, social, cultural, political, and historical questions such as how to develop the man from all perspectives mentioned above. Namely, most of the questions will require answers from panel attendees related to the development of the anthropology of sports, which is a multidisciplinary field that enriches our understanding of human culture, identity, and biology through the lens of physical activities, all to solve the intricate relationship between humans and sports that represents a microcosm of the contemporary world's complexities.