Poetic Anthropology, Institutional Support for Building New Branches of Anthropology, Modernity of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Grassroots anthropology
Amaini was the master of astronomy, medicine, pedagogy, poetry creation and poetry research during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. (420-589A.D.). She composed her poetry by using Yi script, a semi-syllable, semi-hieroglyphic script created in southwest China. In addition to inheriting the knowledge of Yi medical and astronomical texts in the form of poetry writing, she standardized and created more than 30 forms of Yi rhythmic poetry. The current Amaini project team members are working to form a new 5-branches sub-disciplinary (meta-theory, fieldwork/ethnographic methodology and analysis of historical cases). This panel discusses the poetic anthropology, by drawing on changing fields of anthropological sub- disciplines in SW China and a new sub-discipline construction project by 5 grassroots academic institutions in SW China's Yi regions and including perspectives and voices from the multiple regions amongst our WAU associates to enrichen the conversation. We invite papers around three themes: (1) Constructing a new poetic anthropology through the subject of poetry/painting/ architecture/sculpture/music etc (2) Studying the tradition of both oral and written language texts and its impact on a new poetic-anthropology. (3) Academic disciplinary debate by Kant and how to expand the anthropology by building more dynamic, with vitality and people oriented sub-discipline branches and subjects.