The call for submissions for the WAU Congress 2024 in Johannesburg is now closed, and we thank all participants; paper evaluations will be ready on June 14.




( pn114 )

Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally


    Xiaochun SUN

    Nationality: China

    Residence: China

    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

    Maria Kaczmarek



    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

IUAES Affiliation: Anthropology and Education


Poetic Anthropology, Institutional Support for Building New Branches of Anthropology, Modernity of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, Grassroots anthropology


Amaini was the master of astronomy, medicine, pedagogy, poetry creation and poetry research during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. (420-589A.D.). She composed her poetry by using Yi script, a semi-syllable, semi-hieroglyphic script created in southwest China. In addition to inheriting the knowledge of Yi medical and astronomical texts in the form of poetry writing, she standardized and created more than 30 forms of Yi rhythmic poetry. The current Amaini project team members are working to form a new 5-branches sub-disciplinary (meta-theory, fieldwork/ethnographic methodology and analysis of historical cases). This panel discusses the poetic anthropology, by drawing on changing fields of anthropological sub- disciplines in SW China and a new sub-discipline construction project by 5 grassroots academic institutions in SW China's Yi regions and including perspectives and voices from the multiple regions amongst our WAU associates to enrichen the conversation. We invite papers around three themes: (1) Constructing a new poetic anthropology through the subject of poetry/painting/ architecture/sculpture/music etc (2) Studying the tradition of both oral and written language texts and its impact on a new poetic-anthropology. (3) Academic disciplinary debate by Kant and how to expand the anthropology by building more dynamic, with vitality and people oriented sub-discipline branches and subjects.



阿买妮是南北朝时期彝族的天文学、医学、教育学、诗歌创作及诗歌研究的集大成者。她采用中国西南地区创造的半音节半象形文字的彝族文字书写。在继承诗歌书写形式的彝族医学和天文学文本知识,规范、归纳彝族格律诗歌形式外,阿买妮项目涉及学科元理论与田野工作和民族志方法论等,针对缺乏历史案例的分析,本论坛讨论整理阿买妮书写基础上发起新的学科建设项目,讨论三个课题: A)阿买妮彝族诗性语言的文字书写传统与再建构原住民的诗歌人类学知识生产的学科建设; B)继承半音节半象形特征的彝族文字遗产;绘画诗歌(昭通壁画; 卢德福的漆画; 曲木阿鸽的版画;马柯的形而上毕莫绘画;建筑与雕塑文化;设计新型跨学科的中国及国际比较诗歌人类学的四个分支: 1)音乐与诗歌(奉圣乐,白狼王;星回节;曲谷和走谷); 2)散文诗歌(桑戈尔和非洲诗歌研究: 阿买妮等深度研究; 3)医学与诗歌(a多元主义医学传统;B通过西医中医巫医结合仪式治疗理念 ;对传统医患理念、疾痛体验和道德正义的反思; 4)天文学与诗歌:跨越学科的太阳历及打通诗歌和天文学、医学的行业壁垒。 C)论坛对话康德以来的全球北方知识分子所提出的学科建设争论;讨论如何扩展诗歌人类学的项目和案例。

古典人类学四大分支的变迁;诗歌人类学与真、善、美现代性思考;多元文化和融合的全球性挑战问题; 支持少数民族彝族人民为美好生活而奋斗的阿买妮项目; 人类学新学科建设的制度支持