The call for submissions for the WAU Congress 2024 in Johannesburg is now closed, and we thank all participants; paper evaluations will be ready on June 14.




( pn36 )

Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People


    Ga Wu

    Nationality: China

    Residence: China

    YASS Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

    FALL Mamadou

    Nationality: sàinèijiāěr

    Residence: sàinèijiāěr

    History department Cheikh Anta Diop University

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

IUAES Affiliation: Anthropology and Education


(1)Critical Reflection verses Inheretance/Reform (2)To Build a Vibrant Anthropological Discipline that Serves the People (3)The Legitinacy of Museums and Collections as Knowledge Repositories (4) Ort


Both China and Africa have experienced colonialism and have shown mutual sympathy and support in history. From early rejection of anthropology to later reflection, criticism, and collaboration, scholars have taken courageous steps to participate in the global anthropological dialogue. This panel will discuss how the Chinese and African academia have accommodated local knowledges for more inclusive museum studies, media arts, and film studies. The convenors draw on their Qinghai Museums teams to discuss their respective projects for publication of school-based textbooks; the transnational cooperation in medical research, multicultural review and exhibition hall layout, and the construction of women's anthropology; Case-studies from China: Roads and efforts to build anthropology and museums. We invite other scholars from Africa and further afield to discuss building an anthropology, from negative spaces, that serves the people, by drawing on case studies. 1) Legacies: limitation of ethnographic description of Malinowski, Edmund Leach, Edward Evans-Pritchard, Lewis Henry Morgan, Claude Levi-Strauss, Marshall Sahlins; Gender/cultural studies, Critical Race Studies; anthropologists work with scientific authority, reasons for terminating and resuming the discipline; 2) The anthropology for the contemporary world: the exchange of theories and methods between disciplines, interdisciplinary ideas and methods; blurred boundaries between disciplines; the field study and the manufacture of truth; excellent curriculum design; project funding agencies; promoting funding policies that support transnational partnerships and cooperate; basic/transnational studies, searching for real history, studies of historical figures and places, the expansion of traditional fields of study; anthropological ancient texts/traditions recorded in the literary, social, and humanities disciplines; changes in basic concepts, fields and themes, The funding agencies and production of anthropological knowledge; transition to the emerging future of transnational and global research. Langagues: English, Yi and Han Chinese, French



阿买妮是南北朝时期彝族的天文学、医学、教育学、诗歌创作及诗歌研究的集大成者。她采用中国西南地区创造的半音节半象形文字的彝族文字书写。在继承诗歌书写形式的彝族医学和天文学文本知识,规范、归纳彝族格律诗歌形式外,阿买妮项目涉及学科元理论与田野工作和民族志方法论等,针对缺乏历史案例的分析,本论坛讨论整理在阿买妮书写基础上发起新的学科建设项目,讨论三个课题: A)阿买妮彝族诗性语言的文字书写传统与再建构原住民的诗歌人类学知识生产的学科建设; B)继承半音节半象形特征的彝族文字遗产;绘画诗歌(昭通壁画; 卢德福的漆画; 曲木阿鸽的版画; 马柯的形而上毕莫绘画;建筑与雕塑文化;设计新型跨学科的中国及国际比较诗歌人类学的四个分支:1)音乐与诗歌中非都经历过殖民时期,历史上相互同情、相互支持。我们对人类学作为一门学科的认识、排斥、接受和共同建构都有着相似的原因。从早期对人类学的排斥到后来的反思、批评和合作,学者和领袖们采取了勇敢的步骤来参与全球人类学对话。在中国,人类学仍然处于从属于社会学和民族学的地位。本论坛将讨论中国和非洲学术界协调学院知识与本地知识张力和采用纳入更具包容性的博物馆研究、媒体艺术和电影研究,以及找出这些本地知识生产和理论知识冲突的解决方案。多个团队将讨论各自的校本教材出版项目;医学研究的跨国合作;多元文化回顾与展馆布局;女性人类学建设; 中国案例将讨论中国西部具有民族传统和遗产与的8所大学(四川、贵州、广西、云南、新疆、西藏、青海和甘肃)为何不同于东部大学(北京/清华/人民/民族/南开/浙江/厦门/中山/最近加入的上海华东师范大学)由国家社科与艺术资金支持的新项目。非洲案例涉及:1)肯尼亚/乔莫·肯雅塔;2)尼日尼亚的Benjamin Nnamdi Aziki-we/aksolana Akiwowo(伊巴丹大学);3)加纳的夸梅·恩克鲁玛;W.E.B.杜波依斯;4) 南非的Archie Manger和Ruth First;5)乌干达的Okot p 'bitek;6)赞比亚的欧文·西肯;7)历史/弗朗茨·法农的《世界上受苦受难的人们》;8)文学和诗歌。 会议将讨论以下问题:1)传承卓越的遗产:对马林诺夫斯基、埃德蒙·利奇、爱德华·埃文斯-普里查德、刘易斯·亨利·摩根、克劳德·列维-斯特劳斯、布罗尼斯拉夫·马林诺夫斯基、马歇尔·萨林斯等人的民族志描述;性别/文化研究,批判种族研究反思;终止和恢复学科的理由;2)人类学的未来与当代世界的相关性。跨学科努力结合文学、社会科学和人文科学的重要思想和方法;实地考察的经验与真理的制造;优秀的课程设计;项目资助机构;基础/跨国研究,寻找真实的历史,历史人物和历史地点的研究,学科之间的理论和方法的交流,人类学在世界各国存在的原因,传统研究领域的扩展;第三世界的人类学是否与澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰和美国的古典人类学相同?基本概念、领域和主题的变化,大学和资助机构与人类学知识的生产,不同国家传统和学派在国际层面的融合;促进支持跨国伙伴关系和合作的资助政策(IUAES2016和2021支持贫困学者)。

(1)批判反思与继承改革 (2)建设充满活力、为人民服务的人类学学科 (3)博物馆和馆藏作为知识宝库的合法性 (4)奥特纳的自然/文化写作与女性主义学术知识生产 (5)地方知识生产与学术知识生产的矛盾