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( pn8 )

Healing Touch: reflections from healing seekers


    Amlan Kanti Ray

    Nationality: India

    Residence: India

    Diverse Genomics Private Limited. 698/3, Purbachal Main Road, Kamal Nishad Apartment, Kalikapur, Kolkata 700099

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

    Soraya Tremayne

    Nationality: United Kingdom

    Residence: United Kingdom

    Institute of Social & Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University


    Binod Kumar Singh

    Nationality: India

    Residence: India

    Dept. of Health & Family Welfare Samity, Govt. of West Bengal



    WCAA Affiliation: WCAA Making Anthropology Global Task Force

    IUAES Affiliation: Anthropology of Pandemics

    IUAES Affiliation: Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology


    Long-resident, TEK, healer, HSS , semiotic


    Healers, herbal parts and ecological wisdom are the strong components of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) to heal the healing seeking sufferers (henceforth HSS). Tempo of life course in terms of sense of health in the perspective of behavioural understanding is coordinated by extended meaning of semiotic interactions between symptoms (illness) reflected on the body in terms of rubor (redness), calor (warmth), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain), and functio laesa (loss of function) in combination and tuned through homeostasis (healing) to sustain the vital functions in contrast to disease-cure construct is coined as prognosis in understanding healing (anecdotal) and cure (therapeutic) at the backdrop of nature-nurture dynamics. Contrary to the physiological response to pathogen; be it anecdotal or therapeutics, semiotic interactions are not subject to any causality, but to act as a bridge between cause and effect. The understanding of the TEK, attributed to the long-resident people of over many generations have found in the corpus of scientific literatures in respective geographical location. What can be argued about the accountability of TEK knowledge system bestows on the ‘people’ to sustain their embedded life to be duly unrelentingly disturbed by cross-cultural and cross-situational collaborations in the guise of the commercial encroachment. The understanding of the TEK as a primary knowledge system enriched with intergenerational knowledge repository is widely implicated in their (long resident people) social system, thereby possessing more (semiotic) freedom that facilitates choosing plant parts for faster healing against the respective illness. Nevertheless, the central tenet of the entire process is sign is simply the immunological response against outside influence, appears on the surface of the body to be duly treated through anecdotal or bio-medical intervention. The spatio-temporal existence of the long resident people across the globe between two such domains: illness and healing as a contrast to disease and cure, persistently oscillate as a traditional commitment for healing to thwart the deep pathogenic involvement, wherein Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) has become inter-generational construct and anecdotal understanding about natural phenomena to otherwise buttress the view – that semiotics are process rather than linguistic meaning. This panel takes an overarching context of social dynamics of the long resident people across the globe to focus on symptom-specific choice of healers through applying TEK to ensure the healing process upon HSS. The panel invites papers to argue that TEK per se should be thought as a collaborative concept. It serves to invoke collaborators of both (long-residents and urban residents) the side to continually learn from one another how each assumption approaches the body of knowledge of TEK and modern science as a learning procedures to deliver the appropriate action plan to reduce the tensions between TEK and academic knowledge production.

    Healers, herbal parts and ecological wisdom are the strong components of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) to heal the healing seeking sufferers (henceforth HSS). Tempo of life course in terms of sense of health in the perspective of behavioural understanding is coordinated by extended meaning of semiotic interactions between symptoms (illness) reflected on the body in terms of rubor (redness), calor (warmth), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain), and functio laesa (loss of function) in combination and tuned through homeostasis (healing) to sustain the vital functions in contrast to disease-cure construct is coined as prognosis in understanding healing (anecdotal) and cure (therapeutic) at the backdrop of nature-nurture dynamics. Contrary to the physiological response to pathogen; be it anecdotal or therapeutics, semiotic interactions are not subject to any causality, but to act as a bridge between cause and effect. The understanding of the TEK, attributed to the long-resident people of over many generations have found in the corpus of scientific literatures in respective geographical location. What can be argued about the accountability of TEK knowledge system bestows on the ‘people’ to sustain their embedded life to be duly unrelentingly disturbed by cross-cultural and cross-situational collaborations in the guise of the commercial encroachment. The understanding of the TEK as a primary knowledge system enriched with intergenerational knowledge repository is widely implicated in their (long resident people) social system, thereby possessing more (semiotic) freedom that facilitates choosing plant parts for faster healing against the respective illness. Nevertheless, the central tenet of the entire process is sign is simply the immunological response against outside influence, appears on the surface of the body to be duly treated through anecdotal or bio-medical intervention. The spatio-temporal existence of the long resident people across the globe between two such domains: illness and healing as a contrast to disease and cure, persistently oscillate as a traditional commitment for healing to thwart the deep pathogenic involvement, wherein Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) has become inter-generational construct and anecdotal understanding about natural phenomena to otherwise buttress the view – that semiotics are process rather than linguistic meaning. This panel takes an overarching context of social dynamics of the long resident people across the globe to focus on symptom-specific choice of healers through applying TEK to ensure the healing process upon HSS. The panel invites papers to argue that TEK per se should be thought as a collaborative concept. It serves to invoke collaborators of both (long-residents and urban residents) the side to continually learn from one another how each assumption approaches the body of knowledge of TEK and modern science as a learning procedures to deliver the appropriate action plan to reduce the tensions between TEK and academic knowledge production.

    Long-resident, TEK, healer, HSS , semiotic