The call for submissions for the WAU Congress 2024 in Johannesburg is now closed, and we thank all participants; paper evaluations will be ready on June 14.




( pn92 )

Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System


    Rudnev Viacheslav

    Nationality: Russia

    Residence: Russia

    Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


    Phillips James

    Nationality: United States of America

    Residence: USA

    Wichita Indochinese Center, Wichita, USA


IUAES Affiliation: Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development


Heritage, Renewable resources, Harmony in Society life.


Problems of harmonizing nature and society reflect the separation of humanity from our direct relationship with the earth. Acquisition of folk knowledge by anthropologists can contribute to the United Nations goal of establishing a healthy environment. Folk societies have had experience in relation to nature when they solved problems , carrying out Life-support activities under a regime that required the sparing of nature, as they did not possess elaborate technologies that permitted them to ignore nature’s own requirements. The effects of excessive human pressure on nature have been noted for a long time at a local levels, but in recent years this process has been seen to have dangerous global level. Loss of soil and soil fertility, depletion of forest resources, loss of variety in flora and fauna are testament to the dangers of exceeding the limits of the “economic capacity” of the biosphere. In this panel we will discuss the role of anthropological knowledge (folk wisdom /heritage) in a life of modern society. Special attention will be focus on examples of keeping a folk heritage in a modern society: in Africa and round the world (in cities and villages). Traditionally wild flora and fauna were an important component of diet, medical practices and in farming for peoples in pre-industrial period. Peasants used knowledge about wild flora and fauna as indicators of environmental conditions. Folk heritage in nature using is not only original technologies but also an idea that mankind Is a part of nature. Folk wisdom/knowledge is an important component of local heritage and actual for process of realization local models on sustainable development. Traditionally, folk know-how in nature using had an important role in everyday life of societies and now this resource is actual for realization projects directed on harmonizing situation in a Human-Nature-Society system. Indigenous wisdom is vital to combatting the climate breakdown. We will discuss differing approaches to indigenous knowledge research. We are inviting anthropologists to participate in the panel and presenting papers about folk wisdom of different peoples of Africa and other countries of the world in context of searching a model of sustainable development for mankind.