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Masculine or feminine? Recounting experiences of a female ethnographer in rural Burkina Faso.


    Delphine Manetta

    Nationality: France

    Residence: Nigeria


    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


Gender; Reflexivity; Burkina Faso; Moves; Space


My communication is a retrospective reading of fieldwork experiences in Jàana villages, Burkina Faso. Events I experienced, between 2009 and 2019, exemplify the control on my moves my host applied. Through this control, I discovered how I was classified as masculine then as feminine. But my gender changed in tandem with my relation to rural space. At first, my hosts tended to "immobilize" me in the compound and obliged me to come back home quickly when I was outside, for example, in a field to sow seeds, at a local bar or at the market. In their effort, they were helped by local gods, for which I did sacrifices when I arrived and left the village. My almost “immobility” had a purpose: prevent any occasion of bewitchment or poisoning. From my hosts’ point of view, villagers were jealous. They wanted to make me run away as to deprive my hosts of my money. I was seen then, as a White, as a rich person. A twist happened later, when men tried to attract, not only my money, but also my sexual favors by using local drugs or witchcraft. From my hosts’ point of view, the goal was then to canalize my money and my sexual favors, by channeling my moves towards the men’s houses. This twist happened at a particular moment: when I broke free from my hosts’ compound, by buying a motorcycle and moving temporarily to other compounds. First associated to masculinity because I was “rich” and “anchored” in the compound, I discovered my own feminity on the roads. These experiences have grown an idea: what if gender could be analyzed through moves, places and space, such as the house which architecture defines masculinity as a grounded gender and feminity as the gender of mobility?