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Can drawings do more? A journey into graphic anthropology.


    Steven Van Wolputte

    Nationality: Belgium

    Residence: Belgium

    Dept. Social & Cultural Anthropology, Fac. Social Sciences, University of Leuven

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


Graphic anthropology; the imagistic; sequential art;


How do you show what is invisible? How does the ‘amphibious relation’ (Sousanis 2015) between text and visuals ‘work’? Can sequential art be more than an attractive way of reaching a broader audience? Or is the more-than-textual a way to research, think and analyze otherwise? This paper draws on previous experience with three graphic anthropological projects to look at the possibilities and limitations of (in)sequential art in anthropology. More in particular it homes in on a) the use of time; on b) the importance of taking into account visuality – of importance especially in collaborative projects and in outreach efforts; and on c) the materiality of assembling text, drawings and other visual materials (such as photographs, archival materials or video footage). These three dimensions are framed by a search for an anthropology of the possible, and explored through the lens of Stevenson’s concept of the imagistic.