Next generation rituals of curated power for pathogen genomic sequencing out of Africa
Lourens Robberts
Nationality: South Africa
Residence: South Africa
Rhizomatix (Pty) Ltd.
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Surveillance, Infection,
Public health laboratories are often seen as sacred spaces where disinterested scientific inquiry yield objective facts for the protection of the population against infectious diseases and thus its knowledge generating work – “the social effects of science” - escaping analysis. However, microorgansisms have been used throughout history for a fictionalized emplotment. In this paper I employ a dispositif analysis to suggest a potential biopolitical instrumental efficiency of the global health security pathogen genomics sequencing platform rolled out across Africa in the context of the historical grounds from where it emerged and acts in the world; the situationally effective schemes it employs to manipulate and expedite its strategies; the construction of an identity through creation of redemptive hegemony; and the nature of its misrecognition to itself the real basis of its existence. I consider how such a biomedical platform may become a tool for violence in order to spread terror through the materialisation of risk by an epidemiology of affect.