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Exploring Intimate Relationships in the Indian Urban Middle Class


    Anna Romanowicz

    Nationality: Polish

    Residence: Poland

    Jagiellonian University

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


intimate relationships, urban, middle class, India


Whereas the South Asian region is most often associated with so-called 'arranged marriages' as a dominant form of intimate heterosexual relationship, it is also recognized that so-called 'love marriages' – based on emotions of love above anything else – are on the rise. Drawing long-term ethnographic fieldwork among middle class in Delhi and Mumbai, I scrutinize the notion that love marriages are a synonymous with individual choice. In other words, love relationships are seen as a force of doing – of an individual, of progress, of liberation from obsolete traditions; and as an undoing of societal expectations, and of the caste system. They are seen as a tool for promoting inclusion and equality across genders, castes, and classes. However, in my presentation, I show that the notion of love based on individual choice can actually be a strategy for exclusion - maintaining and perpetuating inequalities. Thus, what is being done and what is being undone should be problematized.