"The Work of coastal Women in Southern Chile: Reexistence and Disputes for the Future from a Feminist Ethnographic Perspective"
Nationality: Chile
Residence: IX Región de La Araucanía
Universidad Católica de Temuco
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Feminist ethnography, coastal women, Southern Chile, future, Reexistence.
From a feminist ethnographic perspective, it is proposed to analyze how, within the framework of the processes of globalization, rural industrialization, peasantization and depeasantization experienced since 1980 on the coast of Valdivia, Calbuco, and Quellón in the south of Chile, together with the expansion and crisis of Industrial Salmon Farming (IS), a scenario has been fostered for the development of various strategies of resistance devised and worked by families with fishing roots in the heart of the local economy, headed by Women and the economic architecture of the "home". The discussion is proposed around what historically, it has been problematized as "the public and private scenarios" of work in fishing societies, and their potential visibility in the performance of a in the marketing processes, active participation in local fairs, the allocation of value-added fishery products, the creation of coastal kitchens, the production of crafts the development of micro-scale agriculture and livestock, the incorporation of women young women to the trades of Bordemar and, as a consequence, the disputes over the creation of other possible and sustainable futures for artisanal fishing activities, which it is presented as one of the critical knots of fishing communities. Historically, in anthropological research carried out in fishing scenarios, an androcentric and colonialist approach has predominated, which has made invisible the contributions of women in the production and economic reproduction of the fishing-artisanal household. In this direction, from a feminist methodological and ethnographic approach, It is observed that, through the different tasks carried out by women in the fishing economic scenario, they will be the pioneers in developing alternatives and set limits to industrial development, deploying a series of strategies to resistance and re-existence conceived from subjectivation, local knowledge and collective construction of gender identities.