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The generic condition of men: Epistemological approaches from feminist anthropology.


    Fernando Huerta-Rojas

    Nationality: México

    Residence: México

    Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

    Luis F. Gutiérrez-Domínguez

    Nationality: Mexico

    Residence: Mexico

    Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla



Feminist anthropology, masculine generic condition, sworn group, patriarchal pacts


This paper presents the first theoretical-methodological approaches that have allowed me to understand part of life's forms and sociocultural conditions of a group of Mexican men who experience the construction, formation, and constitution of their masculine generic condition in work activities, recreational and artistic. Hence, the interest in developing the following aspects in the presentation: a) Anthropology, as a discipline of the study of the human condition, in a complex, diverse, and unequal articulation of the political, economic, social, cultural, and generic order, has addressed, explained, interpreted and analyzed the life experience of men, from the approaches of the androcentric conception that postulates MAN as the episteme of the human that conceptualizes the procedure and actions of humanity, and gives reason to its being and existence. b) Understanding the characteristics that define the generic condition of men as part of their process of subjects gendering in a masculine way within the framework of a patriarchal system is part of the work of feminist anthropology. This understanding is one of the greatest contributions from this critical approach that allows generating analytical, explanatory, and interpretive knowledge about articulating the political, economic, social, cultural, and gender as the set of activities that constitute the life of men. c) Therefore, it is relevant to know the socializing and interactive process through which men constitute themselves as a sworn group, reaffirm their patriarchal pacts, and comply and do not comply with the dominant masculine mandates and attributes in the praxis of a series of heteronormative activities, considered as typical of men.