Polish-Armenian marriages: migration for "love" or for "citizenship"? Mixed marriages in the context of mobility regimes.
Ewelina Ebertowska
Nationality: Poland
Residence: China
Zhaoqing University
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Mariage; mobility; love migration; Poland; Armenia
Marriage has no universal, pan-cultural definition and becomes a "social phenomenon" difficult to describe and analyze. Researchers such as Carrie Yodanis and Sean Lauer (2016) show that marriage is socially reduced to a love relationship. “Love” becomes the key motivation for getting married and socially accepted as the only right reason. The important concept for this is love migration which was conceived by Wilasinee Pananakhonsab (2019) and Suzanne Sinke (1999). In the context of my research, there is a main question: what contexts, motivations, and relationships accompany the practice of Polish-Armenian mixed marriages? I want to present the results of my research and answer this question and more. I show what challenges mixed couples face. The issues discussed include legal aspects, mobility (Schiller, Salazar 2012), and everyday practices.