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Publishing Brazilian anthropology for the global environment: the experience of Vibrant - Virtual Brazilian Anthropology (2017-2024)


    Antonio Carlos de Souza Lima

    Nationality: Brasil

    Residence: Brasil

    National Museum/UFRJ.; PPGA/UFF



Brazilian anthropology – internationalization – publishing practices


Vibrant - Virtual Brazilian Anthropology was created in 2004 with the aim of contributing to the internationalization of Brazilian anthropology. In 2004, when it was created by Gustavo Lins Ribeiro, it was understood that the mission of the journal, published online and in open access format in English, French and Spanish, was to republish, in translation, established anthropological texts produced in Brazil by anthropologists based in Brazilian institutions. We intend to address the challenges we face from 2017 to 2024 in terms of maintaining the journal's mission and keeping it up to date. Prior to this period, and with the aim of obtaining financial support from Brazilian funding agencies, some significant changes were made more to its routines than to reformulating the meaning of its mission. The inclusion of Vibrant in the SciELO - Scientifc Electronic Library collection led to several other formal changes. Since 2017, however, some other changes have been made in order not only to maintain funding, but also to update the ways of fulfilling the journal's main mission, including the creation of the Global Anthropological Dialogues section and the encouragement of co-authorship with colleagues from other countries, as well as the coordination of dossiers.