Field work experiences: An insider and outsider view of the Biates of North east India
Ringnunfeli Nampui
Nationality: INDIA
Residence: India
Department of Anthropology, Cotton University, Assam, India
Autoethnography, insider, outsider, reflexibility
Auto involves" turning of the ethnographic gaze onward on the self ( auto) while maintaining the outward gaze of ethnography looking at the larger context where in self - experiences occur"( Denizen 1997:227). This paper attempts to discuss the challenges of the shifting identities of the author's auto ethnographic fieldwork from an insider and outsider view in relationship with the people and how autoethnographic methods can be used to gain nuanced and complex understanding of personal experiences of the scocial setting field environments, offering researchers variable insights into the methods application and the embodied emotional experiences of the participant researcher during fieldwork. The following contributions discusses approaches for conducting ethnographic explorations of research field environments, offering researcher's valuable insights into the subjects explorations. This discussion is based on my auto ethnographic Ph.D research field work.
Denzin,N.K.1997.Interpretive Ethnography.Thousand Oaks, C.A: Sage.