Racial/Gendered Regimes in African women's football migration
Mari H Engh
Nationality: Norway
Residence: South Africa
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
race, gender, migration, football
Racial/Gendered Regimes in African women's football migration
The aim of this paper is to examine how football migrations “out of Africa” is governed by racial/gendered regimes that function both to enable and inhibit women’s transnational migrations. I will explore when and how ideas about ‘desirable’ and ‘African’ female football player converge, and when they do not. Through this, I pursue a discussion firstly, about how racial/gendered regimes are maintained through recruitment practices and analyses of “talent.” Secondly, I examine how racial/gendered regimes are articulated and navigated by migrants themselves, as they work to produce and maintain transnationally mobile lives.