An in-depth exploration of the traditional healing beliefs and practices of the Hawasupai Tribe of Arizona, Through an emic approach.
Dr Tishyarakshita Nagarkar
Nationality: India
Residence: India
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Traditional healing, Tribal Healers, Traditional Wisdom
Sweat lodges hold great significance for the Grand Canyon tribes, serving as a powerful manifestation of their cultural identity, spirituality, and heritage. These sacred spaces provide a means for purification, healing, and a profound connection with the spiritual realm. It is of utmost importance to uphold and safeguard these traditions in order to maintain their cultural integrity and significance. Sweat lodges, known as "hózhójí" in Arizona, hold great importance in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the Hawasupai community. Sweat lodges are utilised by the Hawasupai people to achieve purification, healing, and restoration of balance.
The fundamental framework and objective of sweat lodges remain consistent, while the particular rituals and customs may differ across various Navajo communities and families. Every leader possesses their own distinct songs, prayers, and methods.
Individuals engage in various rituals to achieve specific objectives, such as recovering from ailments, seeking divine counsel, or commemorating significant milestones in life.
This paper aims to thoroughly examine the symbolism, composition, and ethnic healing practices of a tribe that is currently facing a struggle for survival.