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Meeting care needs of children with Autism: the experiences of family members in Makhanda, Eastern Cape.


    Regomoditswe Dikobe

    Nationality: South Africa

    Residence: South Africa

    Rhodes UN

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that starts during infancy and is utilized to denote individuals with a particular set of deficient interpersonal interactions and recurrent conduct, severely limited interests, and sensory behaviours. Since autism symptoms can appear as early as eight months after birth, caregivers, which include family members at home, may notice abnormalities in a child's early developmental stage. Specialized assistance and therapies are typically necessary for children diagnosed with autism. There is inadequate research on the care needs of children with Autism and how they are met in South Africa, particularly in marginalized areas. This paper explores the specific care needs of autistic children in Makhanda, Eastern Cape. The research utilizes qualitative techniques such as participant observation, ethnography, and semi-structured interviews to explore the everyday circumstances of people who are caregivers to children living with autism. The theoretical framework guiding this study combines Nel Nodding's ethical care theory and the capabilities approach, which complement each other as they include relational and structural aspects of care. Utilizing both theories gives room for a more nuanced understanding of the care needs of children with autism and how they can be met. This study focuses on the theme of “care needs,” which are requirements in various aspects of life for the survival of children with autism (e.g., practical-like assistance with day-to-day activities). The practical significance of this study lies in its potential to reveal the diverse approaches, difficulties, and avenues of assistance that family members employ in meeting the requirements of children diagnosed with autism. The research will help better comprehend the unique care needs of children with autism spectrum disorder in Makhanda, Eastern Cape.


Autism Spectrum Disorder, Care Needs, Experiences, Children with Autism, Family, Makhanda.