Community care research: what theoretical and practical keys?
Eufémia Vicente Rocha
Nationality: Cabo Verde
Residence: Cabo Verde
University of Cabo Verde
Miriam Steffen Vieira
Nationality: Brazil
Residence: Brazil
Carmelita de Afonseca Silva
Nationality: Cabo Verde
Residence: Cabo Verde
University of Cabo Verde
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Research, Community care, Black Atlantic
The aim of this communication is to share and debate the project proposal “Practices in community care, from an intersectional perspective: Cape Verde-Brazil-Portugal”, making it a space and moment for reflection on the possible theoretical and practical keys to (re)knowing, mapping, reconstituting, articulating the care trajectories triggered by subalternized population groups, generating learning and knowledge from the dialogue between different actors, particularly universities and communities. Therefore, we are interested in thematizing the memories, practices and repertoires of care that are at work in different communities along the axes of the Black Atlantic - Africa, America and Europe - from different areas of action, whether gender, race, the environment or others.
What epistemological, methodological and pedagogical possibilities are being explored? What theoretical and practical alternatives can emerge from these contexts? That allow us to ask about their contributions outside state structures, alongside possible scenarios of articulation with the state for the implementation of public policies.