Feminist anthropologies in the Caribbean: tracing traces, weaving ties.
Lina Rosa Berrio Palomo
Nationality: Mexico
Residence: Mexico
Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social. Unidad Pacífico Sur
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Feminist anthropologies, Caribbean, Afrofeminism, Diaspora.
This paper is part of an ongoing collective research on feminist anthropologies in the Caribbean and Central America, developed by professors and students from several Mexican academic institutions (UNAM, UAM-X, UAM-I, CIESAS), with the aim of contributing to understanding the genealogies and configuration of feminist anthropologies in the Caribbean and Central America. The research is developed with the support of UNAM through the PAPIIT projects (2022-2023).
In the project we have tracked 14 countries belonging to the Greater Caribbean, where we identified anthropologists who consider themselves feminists, or who work from a gender perspective. It is a research that is inscribed in the anthropology of anthropology, focusing on a region little known in the anthropological academic discussions of Latin American region.
In the presentation I´ll share some results of the findings on the Caribbean, especially the Colombian case, to critically reflect on the configuration of a field under construction (Caribbean feminist anthropologies), some of its characteristics, challenges and dialogues with feminisms in the region. It is an invitation to think about what place the Caribbean occupies in the idea of Abya Yala and in our genealogy. ¿What do Caribbean anthropologists and Caribbean Afrofeminists contribute to us?¿How to enhance our dialogues and academic exchanges between Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa? How Caribbean feminist anthropologies put forward new epistemic and political anti-racist proposals that destabilize the universalizing perspectives of the anthropologies of the global North.