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(Re)designs of families - imprisonment of women-mothers and circulation of children


    Miquelly Barbosa da Silva

    Nationality: Brasil

    Residence: Brasil

    Universidade de Brasília


    Daiana Maria Santos de Sousa Silva

    Nationality: Brasil

    Residence: Brasil




Women; prision; circulation of children; families; motherhood.


This article is based on the experience of women in prison. A situation that gives rise to implications for the daily lives of their children that, in turn, begin to circulate, as well as generating an effect on the motherhood of these women, in (re)designing families through parenting, new possibilities of motherhood and maternage. The article problematizes, based on empirical data collected in a research field diary, the social phenomenon of the circulation of children and new family arrangements in the context of deprivation of freedom of women-mothers. This panorama is anchored in social relations established by children whose mothers are in prison, revealing the ruptures generated and the inconsistencies in the accessibility and maintenance of the right to motherhood. The objective is to analyze the situation of family practices experienced after prison and is based on the perspective of reflection on the hegemonies of the context of motherhood, its remodeling and effects that arise from its (non) exercise. In a methodological understanding, we seek to carry out a qualitative analysis and review of the theoretical framework through research already carried out, with the theoretical panorama based on the category of gender of Lia Zanotta Machado, through a look at practical aspects of the daily life that the penal system builds on children, mothers and parenting by Cinthya Sarti, Cláudia Fonseca, Jessaca B. IeinAweAver, Rosamaria Giatti e Nubia Ferreira, as well as a reading about motherhood and maternage in the prison system from the perspective of Ana Gabriela Mendes Braga and Bruna Angotti. As a possible result, the State, through the prison system, causes ruptures in mother-child relationships, forcing a possible movement of children between grandparents, aunts and neighbors, with blood relations being remodeled by prison and social force.