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Call out my name: the problem of choosing the proper name in our speech (on the materials of the epic songs of the Russian North)



    Nationality: Russia

    Residence: Russia

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


proper name, speech, relations, epic songs, Russian North


The report examines epic folklore speech from the point of view of its communicative features, the use of proper names and addressing forms by storytellers, in comparison with the modern nuances of using them in everyday speech. Folklore oral works themselves are a way of speech interaction for traditional speakers, that is why they were included in the analysis. Mentioned communicative elements turn out to be key to creating a communicative format in a dialogue, building relationships between speakers (as well as between the performer and the audience), and between characters within the work itself. Due to the difference in the use of the names by performers, such things as behavioral stereotypes, prescriptions and transgressions get manifested, as well as specificity of the speech etiquette of men and women. Transformations of proper names during the act of talking (singing) are connected with the social strategies of sexes, revealing a complex system of kinship and other relations in a traditional society. The contradictions between general patterns and individual peculiarities of the ways of the different forms of proper names usage, on the one hand, articulate a social norm, on the other hand — reflect a deeply personal experience of the participants of the communication.