The experience of the Defensoras Populares Project in Ceará/Brazil
Violeta Maria de Siqueira Violeta Holanda
Nationality: Brasil
Residence: Brasil
Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira - Unilab
Luma Nogueria de Andrade
Nationality: Brasil
Residence: Brasil
University Extension; Popular Defenders; Access to justice
The project covers three macro-regions of the State of Ceará and directly serves 100 women community leaders. It is based on the principles of the National Human Rights Education Plan (PNEDH, 2010), which promotes the critical formation of subjects with the potential to act in defense and protection of human dignity, relating the cognitive dimensions (thinking and the process of construction and apprehension of knowledge), subjective (feeling with oneself and others) and practical (individual and group attitudes and behaviors and institutional actions). Furthermore, we were inspired by studies in feminist anthropology that contribute to theoretical reflection on the existence of hierarchies and oppression of women, reproduced in the context of social systems. (RUBIN, 1975; ROSALDO, 1995; MENDÉZ, 1993; LAMAS, 1996; CORRÊA, 2003; GROSSI, 2010; PISCITELLI, 2008, etc.). The actions are aimed at disseminating knowledge about the organization of the State, the justice system, the obligation of public services and the right to citizenship, guaranteeing access to information; the empowerment of women leaders from the perspective of combating gender-based violence; training to confront naturalized oppression, being able to recognize the violation of rights and the safest and most effective way to combat this reality.