Conflict, memory and anthropological values in the Lisbon area
Clara Saraiva - ICS-Universidade de Lisboa
Nationality: Portugal
Residence: Portugal
Institute of Social Sciences University of Lisbon
memory, retornados, local knowledge, values
This proposal looks at the intersections between memory, migration and postcolonialism and how such themes relate to “values in anthropology” . It concerns both former Portuguese colonial settlers (retornados) and immigrants from former Portuguese colonies. The research considers that both retornados and immigrants from Portuguese ex-colonies occupy a shared space, marked by an experience of unsettling created by colonial relations. In line with the concept of multidirectional memory, we will look at how new constellations of remembrance are produced through the uneven encounter between the two groups, in a new setting, the place they came to when they left the former colonies´spaces. Fieldwork has been be carried in one of the south bank of Lisbon's suburban area, in the Vale da Amoreira neighbourhood, populated after 1975 by both retornados and immigrants from Portuguese ex-colonies. This particular part of the research concerns the religious affiliations that these two groups had in the original settlements, in the regions of the former Portuguese colonies, and the way they either continued those affiliations or developed new ones, once displaced. In line with the discussion on “anthropological values”, we will look at how ethnography and the search for understanding of “local knowledges” is perceived both by anthropologists working in the field and by the retornados themselves. What are “local knowledges” once a population is displaced, due to reasons and situations they did not control? What should be the “anthropological values” guiding fieldwork research in such a case?