Climate Change and Livelihood Vulnerabilities in the Global South: Vietnam and Bangladesh: A Systematic Review
Cristel Poveda Alvarado
Nationality: Nicaragua
Residence: Taiwan
National Chengchi University
climate change; Asia Pacific; Vietnam; Bangladesh; literature reviev
The potential effects of global warming are increasingly devastating, and the most serious climate risks and conflicts are anticipated in the Global South due to their limited capabilities in adaptation. Asia accounting for more than 60 percent of the world's population and particularly vulnerable to natural disasters, the projected impact of climate change comes from both human and natural streak. This paper investigates adaptation practices in Asia, particularly Vietnam and Bangladesh, vis-à-vis sustainability. The objective is to examine how and why, despite being a low-income country, Vietnam appears to be more adaptable to climate change than Bangladesh. Methodologically, a comparative case study was employed, integrating a systematic review. Preliminary findings suggest significant variations in the adoption and success of sustainability practices, influenced by local governance structures and community engagement strategies. The study contributes to understanding the complexities of sustainable urban development and offers insights for policy makers and practitioners.