Cheyenne Action Anthropology an Archeology of Mind
Linda Davis-Stephens
Nationality: United States
Residence: KS
Cheyenne Action Anthropology Archeology Mindfulness
Doing action anthropology has not been extraordinary or a compelling single story, but has been part of the mythic present. Fieldwork among Cheyenne-Tsistsistas family relations put me on a life trajectory more aware of human dignity and the human condition. Since I joined Dr. Karl Schlesier in action anthropology with the Southern Cheyenne-Tsistsitstas, my commitment to the people brought me on the inside edge of authentic, genuine leadership who continue to face vulnerabilities and risk management daily. Doing action archeology opens a worldview of belonging in hestanov—Cheyenne universe. Dr. Dorothy Billings, my mentor, brought me to speak memory painting with words of people and place --stories of a thousand years. I touch the earth with gratitude.