Historical reenactment as an identity-oriented social movement: neo-traditional masculinity and innovations in contemporary medieval combat sports
Elizaveta Semirkhanova
Nationality: Russia
Residence: Russia
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Science
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
historical reenactment, medievalism, masculinity, combat sports, social movements
Historical reenactment movement has become an object of cultural studies since the 1980s. Reenactment combines historical memory, elements of theater and sports, search for like-minded people, experimental archeology and an undisguised thirst for adventure. All this is closely intertwined with the romantic neo-traditionalism observed in modernity societies.
This report focuses on the neo-traditional masculinity of reenactors associated with «historical medieval battles» (HMB).
HMB is a modern combat sport that originated among medieval reenactors most developed in Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet area. Like many other trends within the reenactment movement, the HMB-community actively uses neo-traditional narratives. Along with neo-traditionalist rhetoric, the HMB-practices involve a large number of technological innovations (titanium armor and other medieval objects modifications) and the active women’s participation in battles and related creative and organizational activities. This report based on data collected from the 2017-2024 field study will propose to look at medieval historical reenactment as an identity-oriented social movement and to examine the role of neo-traditionalism in the gender and other types of reenactor's identity formation process.