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Radically embodied creativity in sport


    Zuzanna Rucinska

    Nationality: Poland

    Residence: Netherlands

    University of Antwerp

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


creativity, embodiment,


“Tactical creativity” (Memmert et al. 2010) is a useful skill in sports, though hard to achieve. For example, in the in situation of attacking or advancing (as opposed to defending), on-the-spot ‘creative’ maneuver that can surprise the defendant is beneficial to the game. As Memmert & Roth (2007) claim, “creativity entails varying, rare and flexible decision-making in complex game situations… (but) it is not clear how this type of thinking is developed.” This paper will challenge the common assumptions in cognitive sciences and sports psychology that creativity (or creative improvisation) requires conceptual thinking and that it is “explicitly representational in character”. Instead, I will propose a notion of radically enacted creativity, a result of using one’s sensorimotor skills (coupling of perception and action) on exploring contextual affordances and participating in shared activity. It is the idea that creativity can be conceptualised as putting experiences (not ideas) together in a new way, which is an embodied and enacted skill. I will argue that tactical creativity in sports should be understood as an embodied capacity, giving reasons why it is unattractive to believe in mental plans playing the guiding role of action, and suggesting that radically embodied creativity serves as a good predictive model of improvement and innovation in creating new sports tactics. I will propose suggestions to coaches of how such creativity could be developed, basing on the success of this approach in other domains like stage acting and family therapy.