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The technological evolution and its impact on the development of anthropological research in the Arab world



    Nationality: Algeria

    Residence: Algeria

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


anthropological research, the technological evolution, the Arab world


Anthropology as a science has faced many challenges and difficulties in the Arab world in general, and in Algeria in particular. It was initially considered a colonial science, with the aim of studying societies and understanding their cultures, customs, and beliefs in order to facilitate colonization and control. This led to a intellectual rupture with the science, to the extent that it was not recognized as a subject taught in universities. This situation persisted for several years until new trends emerged in recent years seeking to change this narrow view of anthropology and to recognize it as an independent science. However, it faced the problem of limiting its subjects to primitive societies only, but gradually its scope expanded to include both primitive and modern societies. On the other hand, the nature of Arab societies posed a barrier to field studies. All of these conditions have affected anthropological research in terms of quantity, quality, and results. Today, with the ongoing technological development and modern techniques, especially artificial intelligence, how can it help in studying and understanding Arab cultures and societies? And how can it contribute to the reproduction of modern anthropological knowledge in Arab societies?