Empowering Rural and Tribal Communities through Clean Energy: The Odisha Perspective
Shiv Sankar Das
Nationality: Indian
Residence: India
School of Management, Centurion University of Technology and Management
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Clean Energy, Rural Areas, Odisha
In Odisha, clean energy is essential to raising the standard of living for tribal and rural populations. Since energy availability is a common problem in many communities, incorporating alternative energy sources can have a number of beneficial effects. Reliable and sustainable energy sources are provided by clean energy technology, like better cookstoves, biogas, and solar electricity. Enhancing production, education, and general well-being can be achieved by rural homes through the provision of power and clean cooking facilities. Opportunities to generate revenue are created by clean energy interventions. For example, farmers can irrigate their fields more effectively and boost crop yields by using solar-powered irrigation systems. Furthermore, local entrepreneurs are empowered via micro-enterprises linked to renewable energy, such solar light rentals or biomass briquette production. Reducing indoor air pollution involves switching from traditional biomass fuels (such as firewood and cow dung) to clean energy. As a result, community members' respiratory health improves and their disease incidence declines. Clean energy eliminates greenhouse gas emissions and lessens dependency on fossil fuels. Sustainable energy techniques that preserve their natural surroundings are beneficial to tribal societies, which are frequently closely linked to the natural world. Involving local communities in sustainable energy initiatives promotes participation and ownership. Training programs on clean energy technologies empower individuals to maintain and operate systems effectively. In Odisha, where rural and tribal livelihoods are closely tied to agriculture, forest-based activities, and handicrafts, where clean energy interventions can transform their lives. By addressing energy poverty, promoting economic growth, and preserving the environment, clean energy contributes significantly to sustainable development in the region. The present paper focuses on developing a framework on the adoption of clean energy in the rural areas of Odisha. Case study analysis has been undertaken for application of the framework.