Challenges of volunteer and humanitarian work in the Arab region The International Organization for Voluntary Work I-O-V model
Nationality: مصر
Residence: مصر
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Volunteer work
relies on the initiative of the volunteers themselves to empower citizens at the same time as benefiting society. The possibility of engaging in unpaid work in a formal organization or on an individual basis in different countries is realized within the informal networks of their immediate environment. However, organized volunteering is stronger in some countries than others. In other cases, informal interaction and mutual assistance predominate. The study presented in this article discusses the changes in the institutional conditions for volunteering in the countries of the Arab region. The transforming relationship between volunteers and other members of society is understood in terms of the identification by volunteers of the social impact of their activity and work on communities, which in turn is largely determined by the development of non-profit organizations in these countries, representing an infrastructure for volunteer activity. The recognition of volunteering by the governments of the countries of the Arab region, as well as state support for nonprofit organizations and the activity of volunteers, has led to the expansion of formal volunteering in those countries where centuries-old traditions of mutual assistance to others Based on religious and humanitarian values were already strong. According to the results of an online survey of 768 volunteers aged 18 years and older from 20 countries of the Arab world carried out in 2023, there is convincing evidence of an increase in trust in people in the countries of this region due to volunteer participation and citizen involvement in non-profit organizations. Citizens with volunteer experience in an organized format appreciate the social significance for society of this type of social participation of citizens in their communities.