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A Cartography of Good Living in Tocantins: thinking about development from indigenous worldviews


    Panosso Carlos Eduardo

    Nationality: Brazil

    Residence: Brazil

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

    Ana Karolina Araújo

    Nationality: Brasil

    Residence: Brasil

    Instituto Federal do Tocantins

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


Good Living; Development; Indigenous Worldviews; Degrowth


With a thesis entitled “An ethnographic report on the mentalities of Bom Viver in Ecuador and the Slow Movement in Italy: “Resistance Movements” and “Concrete Utopias” as alternatives to Development”, we seek to understand, through the ethnographic method, among other issues , if Sumak Kawsay (worldview of the Andean peoples) would be configured as a “resistance movement” to the ideals of progress and development, or even an alternative development, reconciling, in this case, the ideas of local and global development. It was assumed that the “conventional development” that guided Western societies was strongly marked by crises. Therefore, it was necessary to review, for example, the political organization of communities, as well as production and consumption levels. Now, however, what is proposed, still in the bibliographical research phase, but already with some impressions of field work, and as a continuation of the studies started in the doctoral process, to understand whether there are elements in the indigenous communities of Tocantins cosmological movements that, when perceived and understood by anthropological study, they could also be configured as “resistance movements” to “conventional” models of development. It is in this sense, therefore, that we propose the construction of a cartography of good living, using the ethnographic method, to think about what development and public policies are for such communities.