Revitalization of structural anthropology through a new concept on knowledge origin ‘Dynamic mixed origin of knowledge’
Hassen Chaabani
Nationality: Tunisia
Residence: Tunisia
University of Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Structural anthropology, Knowledge origin, Remembering, Genome-epigenome, Extrinsic inputs
Since the time of ancient Greeks to the present, several thinkers have tried to define knowledge, but its origin is still a matter of controversial debates. In this context, they have developed different positions on the origin of knowledge such as Innatism, rationalism and empiricism. Here, after a deep analysis of these views, I have been able to suggest a more convincing origin of knowledge. This, well-supported by evidence and substantial arguments derived from the latest scientific findings, is formulated into a new concept ‘Dynamic mixed origin of knowledge’ or ‘The remembering concept’. I consider that all types of knowledge are the outcome of a combination between intrinsic factors and extrinsic inputs such as particular environmental conditions, perceptual personal experience, and learning. The intrinsic factors are ingrained in our genome as basic infrastructures of knowledge. Although until now only few genes belonged to these genetic basic infrastructures are identified, very likely several other genes and innumerable DNA sequences that serve as basic building blocks of structural information are still to be discovered. For a given knowledge some of these genetic factors could participate through a complex dynamic network of reciprocal interconnections between them and consistent extrinsic inputs thanks to mental abilities of our brain. Furthermore, I consider that each of these complex dynamic networks leading to the emergence of knowledge in our conscious as a particular remembering process different from the well-known processes of remembering what we have known and forgotten. Based on this concept, I reveal the origin of what Levis-Strauss meant by ‘fundamental structures and/or hidden rules from which languages and social processes have been built’. And, therefore, I regenerate the initial principal idea of structural anthropology in a modern vision that is not concerned by criticisms voiced with regard to the classical one.