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Women Anthropologists and Their Contributions in Southern Africa: From Agnes Winifred Hoernlé


    Wei Xu

    Nationality: China

    Residence: China

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


Sourthern Africa; Women Anthropologists; Agnes Winifred Hoernlé


Agnes Winifred Hoernlé (1885-1960) is known as “the mother of South African anthropology”, a title that is a testament to her contribution to the discipline. However, women scholars in anthropology were neglected at the time, Agnes’s feat of founding the discipline of anthropology in South Africa was overshadowed by many male scholars of the same period. Looking back on the history of anthropology in South Africa, the figure of women scholars in the development of anthropology has been hidden intentionally or unintentionally. Nevertheless, a lot of historical facts and data show that they occupied a dominant position in the construction of the discipline and the training of human resources in the early days. In addition, many female anthropologists have also been influential social activists. They actively pay attention to the rights and interests of women and children, speak out for the disadvantaged and marginalised groups and fight for social welfare, and contribute to the construction and development of society and the discipline of anthropology with their unique openness and tolerance, which deserves to be noticed and remembered.