Pre-Islamic antiquities in Algeria : heritage or not ? A study of the processes of patrimonialisation during and after french colonisation .
Senefer Mokhtari
Nationality: France
Residence: Paris
Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Algeria, roman archaeology, postcolonial studies, museography, reappropriation of heritage
To understand why Algerians have such an ambiguous appreciation of this heritage, I am working on the patrimonialization of pre-Islamic antiquities in Algeria by studying collections and history of 21 museums . The museum institution, archaeology and heritage in Algeria were born with French colonization (1830-1962). Like the first museum opened in Algiers in 1838 - also the oldest museum in Africa - many are still in a certain 'colonial state' (by the building and the scenography).
The challenges are multiple, because “colonial memory” is not a single and simple answer.
My research shows that the absence of antiquity in the national narrative, the necessity to deconstruct some historical myths and some cultural, religious and political considerations slow down the valorization of this heritage.
I'm going further by questioning the definition of “heritage” – which was originally very Occidental and European – taking into account the Arab definition of this concept.
To save this past, museums are trying to work on reappropriating history, because even if antiquities are still legally recognized and protected from the early beginning of the independence, sometimes, some parts of society sees them as a foreign heritage, when for a group, especially Berber, I see clear identity claims towards this past. And by studying museography, I understand how we reappropriate not only our heritage but also the museum as a space.
So, I highlight the dynamics of the patrimonialization (or non-patrimonialization) of pre-Islamic antiquities generated by the main actors: the museum, Algerian Arabo-Berber society and the government.