Some aspects in consumption of goods in Israel (examples of using garbage dumps in Haifa).
Vinogradova Olga
Nationality: Russia
Residence: Israel
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Israel Moshe
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
anthropology of consuption, garbage, repatriation, refugees, war
The author is interested in the culture of consumption of things (furniture, electronics, clothing and shoes) in Israel in recent decades. The use of garbage dumps (exhibitions, boutiques - as repatriates from Russia call them) is becoming more and more widespread, when people take out a huge amount of quite usable, expensive and even new things, others use them (or things deteriorate or go to landfills). By interviewing people from different social groups, we find out for what reasons this happens, how it is related to the living conditions in the country, with the processes of repatriation, instability of jobs and places of residence, cash loans, etc. Uncertainty in their situation and the inability to plan, the war in Israel and in the "countries of exodus" of repatriates, lack of their housing and living in rented apartments, the old housing stock exacerbate the "clothing chaos" and the "exhibition" phenomenon.