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من جزائر الأنثروبولوجيين، إلى أنثروبولوجيا الجزائريين سياقات إنتاج النصوص الأنثروبولوجية في الجزائر



    Nationality: Algeria

    Residence: Algeria

    unniversité Kasdi Merbah Ouargla Algeria

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


أنثروبولوجيا، الجزائر، نصوص أنثروبولوجية، انتاج معرفة، تحولات


From the anthropology produced by European foreigners about Algeria and Algerians during the colonial era, 1830-1962 and before, to the anthropology produced by Algerians: its interests, institutions and texts. This represents another transformation, even a revolution in knowledge, in a field of knowledge no less important than the field of struggle: anthropology from another, even opposing and contrasting, point of view. In line with the objective of this axis in "Questioning the Radical Transformations in the Production of Anthropological Knowledge in Arab Science after Independence", this proposed research examines the transformations of anthropology in a North African, Amazigh and Arab homeland at the same time, rich in its historical, archaeological and cultural heritage. Starting from otherness, and from the colonial European-centered view of Algeria as the first settler colony in North Africa, anthropological production can be classified into three main stages that governed the circumstances of the production of anthropological texts, their objectives and their historical contexts.