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Autonomies as practice and discourse: Toward an anthropology of insurgencies


    Andrey Cordeiro Ferreira

    Nationality: Brazil

    Residence: Brazil


    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


stateless societies, resistance, decolonial theory


Our main purpose it to lauch some taks for an agenda of anthropological study and theory of the insurgencies and autonomies locating them in the perspective and historical backgound of the anthropological theory of states and stateless societies. This is a great challenge since the main paradigms in social sciences take the insurgencies as repressive discursive category that perfom the role of imput a crimininal or semi-criminal mark on social and political actors. On the other hand, some approaches, (in political sciences and law) came to incorporate the notion of insurgency, but from an approach focused on a national security perspective. Precisely for this reason we propose here a certain critical framing for the dialetical study of insurgencie-autonomies process. Insurgencies must have to be seen as dialetical category related to the variated autonomic processes and social and state building. Based on these reflections from Latin American social science, we can thus distinguish as insurgencies and autonomies use to carry on sociological changes specially such as: 1) change in political system or government regime (institutional and territorial) and political organizations; 2) in social action and forms of organization that offer continuous tensions to estabilhed institutions; 3) as discursivity and reorganizing the national, etnhic and culture indeintiites, their modes of narrating and constructing worldviews and modos of speech. In this way it is necessary perfom a path toward an ethnographic and theoretical debates about the meaning of insurgencies and autonomic process in contemporary world beyond the politics of desqualifying an reducing insurgence a military irregular or criminal practice. Insurgence as a “weapon of the weak” can be carried of different and contradictory meanings and historical implications.