Some considerations about “values”: heading towards a collective discussion
Gonzalo Díaz Crovetto
Nationality: Chile
Residence: CHILE
Department of anthropology, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.
anthropologies of values, anthropology of moral, world anthropologies, values,
In this work I seek to present some possibilities of thinking and discussing the relationship between anthropology and values, at least in two dimensions. One that distinguishes which values could or could not be shared globally, as an ontological, moral or mythical construction if you will. While on the other hand we have the question of the production of value as an element of observation that connects us outside the discipline, as a topic that we could turn on, in this case, more phenomenologically, to the extent that we are interested in realizing the scope sociological, political and economic structuring of our lives, inside and outside of anthropology - for example as citizens or workers. Finally I want to close my work with some reflections on our ability to change our original perspectives or not, when discussing among different, but among anthropologists, about values, I therefore close with a moral and political question.