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Moving From Offline to Online: A Study on the Digital Education Experience in Kerala during the Pandemic


    Athul Mohan

    Nationality: India

    Residence: India

    Research Scholar, Department of Communication and Journalism, University of Kerala

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


Digital Divide, Online Education, Ed - Tech, Communication and Emotional well-being


The present study is an attempt to look at how a family in Kerala deals with the radical move from an offline/regular mode of teaching and learning to an online mode. The study takes the case of a single family to materialize the research work. Family is the most basic unit of any social strata. The researcher makes an in-depth open conversation with each member of the family. The participants have the freedom to speak openly, tell what they really want or compare themselves with their neighbors. The interviews were conducted in August 2021 and the collected data is subject to narrative analysis. It helps us to understand the nuances of the problem under study and produced rich and detailed depictions of their experiences. Also, it is valuable as the participants reveal their world, their identity, their issues, limitations, helplessness, their point of view, cultural norms, standpoints and beliefs, their love, anxieties, thoughts, emotions, and all about the social and cultural world around them.