The mobility of Brazilian football players abroad
Carmen Rial
Nationality: Brazil
Residence: Brazil
Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia Estudos do Futebol e Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Brazilian football players , international migration, bubbles, celebrities
For many years, I have been investigating the international movement of male and female Brazilian football players, many of whom are well-known celebrities. My aim is to explore whether this flow is uniform or varied. To achieve this, I conducted an ethnographic investigation involving personal interactions and screen ethnography of three distinct cohorts: male and female celebrities competing for renowned global clubs, lesser-known players navigating through second-tier clubs in distant lands, and those participating in the US Major League Soccer (MLS). Key factors influencing the permeability of these 'bubbles' and their integration into the local context include the status of the destination club in the football hierarchy, the player's age at the time of departure, their cultural capital, the duration of their stay abroad, and whether their children live with them. Celebrity players often return to their home clubs at the end of their international careers as a way of giving back to where they started. I conclude by highlighting the diversity of this movement, which varies significantly based on the players' social backgrounds and cultural capital, as well as their real-life experiences in their host countries, particularly regarding their integration into local life.