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Thoughts on the Subject of the Yi Costume Research


    Su Qian

    Nationality: China

    Residence: China

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site

    Su Xiangli

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


Yi discipline construction;Yi costume;Yi embroidery;cross-cultural study;anthropological embroidery disciplines


1. Applique embroidery: It is a form of embroidery in which rust is cut and stitched from other fabrics. Qixiu French will cut the fabric according to the pattern requirements, stick on the embroidery surface, after pasting with a variety of stitches to lock complete. 2. Line embroidery: Select the appropriate thread (cotton, wool, gold, silver, etc.), line up a variety of patterns on the fabric, and then use a needle and thread to pick embroidery techniques. 3. Wrap embroidery: Cut out the needed strips of cloth, wrap them well, pick embroidery with needle and thread, arrange various patterns, and pick embroidery while wrapping the cloth. 4. Thread embroidery: With cotton thread, silk thread, gold thread, silver thread, etc., choose different stitches in embroidery on the fabric and embroider various patterns. 5. Broken thread embroidery: The thread to be used is broken, the thickness is different, and according to the needs of the work, it can be thick or fine, and the pattern is embroidered on the fabric. I will discuss the reasons why the disciplines of costume art and embroidery art need to be added to the construction of Yi academic subjects and the direction for the specific research topics in the future.