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Resistance and Peace: Strengthening Governance, Autonomy and Special Indigenous Jurisdiction through Effective Participation in Dialogue and Peace Processes in Colombia.


    Daniel Millares

    Nationality: Bolivia

    Residence: Bolivia, Colombia

    Presence:Face to Face/ On Site


Indigenous Resistence Peace Autonomy Colombia


Colombia has been facing an armed conflict for over 60 years, resulting in millions of victims. However, during the 21st century, it has made progress by demobilizing nearly 70,000 belonging to at least 8 groups, including guerrillas, self-defense forces, paramilitaries, and gangs. Despite these efforts, violence has not ceased, and the current armed groups have consolidated their power across much of the country. The 115 Indigenous nations have chosen to resist violence through the Special Indigenous Jurisdiction and Indigenous guards, which are protected by the Constitution and jurisprudence. These guards detain armed individuals and subject them to judgment by traditional judges, among other defensive actions. Their objective is to protect life, preserve culture, and safeguard the environment while strengthening governance. However, this defense has led to attacks on Indigenous Authorities and guards. Over the past 7-years, more than 80 Indigenous leaders have been killed. Despite Indigenous Territories comprising 27% of Colombia’s land, the only peace process that included ethnic aspects was the agreement with the FARC-EP (2016). Unfortunately, it has not fully empowered the Indigenous Authority. Since 2022, the ‘Total Peace’ Policy has been implemented, based on engagement and negotiation with all armed groups. At least 4 dialogue tables and more than 10 interactions with groups have been established. While this is positive, Indigenous communities are experiencing an escalation of attacks against them, especially by the remnants/dissident factions of the FARC-EP, as well as the National Liberation Army and the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces. Much of these negotiations and partial agreements occur within Indigenous Territories without effective participation from these nations in decision-making. This paper focuses on the challenges of effective and constitutional participation of Indigenous Authorities in peace processes, considering legal pluralism. Above all, it aims to protect life, preserve culture, safeguard the environment and uphold Indigenous family and self-governance.