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“Answer” to “A Different History”: Linguistic Resilience and Cultural Encounters


    Sudhir K Arora

    Nationality: India

    Residence: India

    MJP Rohilkhand University Bareilly



bridge, body, soul, multilingualism, multiculturalism


Language is the soul; culture is the body. When culture is attacked, soul is affected. As the time passes, this soul creates an aura which protects the body culture from its total annihilation. Discharging positive vibes, it generates an environment for ‘body culture’ to get the positive impressions from the foreign/colonial cultures. Here lies the beauty of ‘soul’ that releases energy which makes the ‘body culture’ ready to assimilate the best in the foreign power. It motivates ‘the body culture’ to bounce back to counter without losing its basic cultural fabric. In the postcolonial and post-pandemic context, to use Arnold Wesker’s words from Roots, “language is words.” It is language which constructs “bridges” making movement / transmission possible and easier. This is the right time to know and learn more about the bridges without losing the identity of the very native bridge which one’s culture has constructed and preserved. The bridges are the languages that offer several choices for making dialogue, discussion and conversation possible. Knowing about more bridges strengthens a community as it provides various linguistic fabrics. These bridges are the bridges of multilingualism and multiculturalism. My final submission is: culture is not an island in itself. In cultural encounters, various linguistic and cultural streams enter. The confluence, where streams meet while preserving their identities, is the solution in the present-day scenario. Chinua Achebe’s “Answer” and Sujata Bhatt’s “A Different History” prove this viewpoint mentioning linguistic patterns and cultural encounters very symbolically and metaphorically. Answer lies in history; history in answer. History is the body that speaks through the language which answers to various questions concerning how linguistic and cultural aspects can revitalize communities.