"Openness" and "closeness": virtual strategies of the indigenous peoples of Russia
Nationality: Russia
Head of laboratory of museum technologies of Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera)
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
digital ethnicity, indigenous small people, virtual strategies
There are 47 small indigenous peoples living in Russia, each of which has less than 50 thousand people. They mostly lead a traditional lifestyle and engage in folk crafts. Indigenous peoples are active users of the network, in which they create their own communication space and show ethnic activity.
Indigenous peoples use positioning strategies in cyberspace, which can be described as "openness" and "closeness". For example, the Besermans present themselves as ethnic extroverts, demonstrating their culture everywhere, ready for external communication and interested in defending their own identity ("openness"). Soyots are more self-centered and channel virtual ethnic energy within their kind, family and people ("closeness"). Some may change their strategy depending on external and internal circumstances: if in the past the Nagaibaks were outwardly an open people, ready to represent and defend their culture online, then the last few years they have designated themselves a closed community: they do not maintain pages on social networks and create virtual groups only for "their own".
At the same time, the network, as a relatively young technology, is still causing controversy within communities about its usefulness for traditional culture. Some believe that cyberspace contributes to the "unity of the people", others — that it affects "negatively" and "blurs belonging". While the network is both a challenge and an opportunity for the world's ethnic communities, it takes time, capacity and resources to adapt and accept new development conditions. At the same time, the presence of a positioning strategy and a focus on one's own path of development makes it possible for a favorable outcome in case of negative trends, and positive events can support the community and strengthen its position among others.