Acclimatisation: entanglements of cattle and people in Northernmost Brazil
Paulo Santilli
Nationality: Brazil
Residence: Brazil
São Paulo State University
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Cattle Acclimatization Makushi
This paper aims to discuss the historical acclimatization of cattle on the savannahs and slopes of the Pacaraima chain, in northernmost Brazil. It argues that the struggles of this foreign species to settle in a new and hostile environment have intertwined with the histories of the indigenous peoples since the 19th century. Most notably, transhumance of people and cattle is better understood as social entanglements which historically have redefined indigenous territories and impacted their territoriality. For such, the paper will focus on two episodes of herds transposition across tropical forests to those savannahs, based on travelers’ written accounts, as well as Makushi oral accounts