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Papers & Panels

Paper TitlePanel
Preservation of genetic memory in the gene pools of the ancestral groups of the Adygeans of the North Caucasus (Y-chromosome polymorphism)PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
CAR-T Cell Therapy: A Novel Approach in Cancer Treatment and Current LimitationsPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
Variation of quantitative skin colour and its association with serum Vitamin-D concentration among different populations in Jharkhand, IndiaPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
Genotyping of ABCC11 gene and Colostrum Secretions: Implications for Health and Traits among East and Northeast Populations of IndiaPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
A study of A Single Variant Allele (rs1426654) of the Pigmentation Related Gene SLC24A5 Among Representative Cohort of Bengalee Caste PopulationPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
Menstruation Pattern of Kolkata’s Young College and University-Going Urban Girls with Special Emphasis on The Association of Certain Genetic Factors with Menstrual AbnormalitiesPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
Pharmacogenomic variations in NUDT15 genetic polymorphism among the ethnic tribal communities of India.PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
« It seems as if biology is once again the factor used to identify who is whom… » . Producing Knowledge about Ancestral Remains of Southern AfricaPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
The Anthropological Paradigm of the Kabylia Region: Pierre Bourdieu's Sociology of Habitus and Oppressive ModernityPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Investigation on Fat Patterning and CAPN10 Gene Polymorphism on Tibeto-Burman linguistic group of Tripura, North East IndiaPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
Challenging Essentialist Interpretations regarding sex and gender in Molecular AnthropologyPN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline
“In the heart of the city”: 1º Maio square as an epicentre of political dispute in Luanda, AngolaPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
“3G Temple”, Urban Imagination and the “New Luanda” Governmentality: The Bom Deus Church in Angola and BeyondPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
Gyanvapi - A Mosque or A Temple: Archeology, Identity, Memory and Politics in an Indian CityPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
Decolonising the public space: Radical fieldwork practice, art and performance in southern AfricaPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
Urban Landscape: Narratives and spatial imaginaries around the Lima WallPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
ARCHITECTURAL PEDAGOGIES AS ACTIVISM IN MEXICO CITY: An educator’s perspective.PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
Land of Memories: Mexico City’s Pueblos Originarios Between "Living heritage" and Political AgencyPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
Shaping Amazonian Catholicism: aesthetics and ecological imaginationsPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
The Veiled Realities: Unraveling the Impact of G20 Summit Beautification on the Lives of Delhi's Urban PoorPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
Peripheralized Voices in Art SpacesPN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South
Memórias da pandemia de Covid-19 entre indígenas Fulni-ô, no Brasil, e P`urhépecha, no México: estratégias de enfrentamento e os impactos sociais (pós)pandêmicosPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Exploring drivers of childhood vaccine hesitancy among caregivers in Brazil and South Africa: a qualitative studyPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
The social dimensions of female genital schistosomiasis: patients’ and healthcare providers’ experiences in southern MozambiquePN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Factors of patients' requests for medical assistancePN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
ON VACCINES, EMOTIONS AND TESTIMONIES: the place of the body in the production of antagonistic discourses to the immunization against covid-19PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
"Creencias, Curación y Discapacidad: Un Estudio sobre Prácticas Religiosas en el Contexto Evangélico en Brasil"PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Smoking, Prevention, Risk and Social Markers of Difference – notes from fieldwork in support groups for smokers in Goiânia, BrazilPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Race for Eradication of TB from Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh: Community and Health Care Worker's ResponsePN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Gender, Nutrition and the Medicalization of Indigenous Reproductive Healthcare among the Savara Tribe of South IndiaPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Laying bare the lived experience of COVID-19 in an urban township in Johannesburg, South AfricaPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
The anthropological responsibility of statistical health data: reiterating imaginaries and perpetrating inequalitiesPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Itinerários Burocráticos e a Efetivação dos Direitos nos sistemas de saúde pública do Brasil e da Espanha: Uma Perspectiva Antropológica de uma violência estrutural.PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Apuntes sobre la constitución de una “red”. Acerca de la atención y los abordajes de consumos problemáticos de sustancias desde un municipio de la República ArgentinaPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Researching a Global Health Intervention: Reflections on Working in a Qualitative International Remote Team across Disciplines and LanguagesPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Breast cancer awareness in Rural India: A Comprehensive reviewPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Childhood leukemia and social inequalities in Mexico among indigenous peoples: a case studyPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Leishmaniasis healing pathways in the Ecuadorian AmazonPN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes
Tendencies of Development of Armenian EthnologyPN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Tribal Museums: The Treasures of Indian Ethnic HeritagePN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Recognizing collective memories in everyday objects, the case of Museo Paulista, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Preserving Heritage: The Dual Impact of ICH Recognition on the Folk Traditions of the Irula Tribe in Attappadi, South IndiaPN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
from collections to communities Towards An inclusive and People Centric Museum Management of the Tribal Museums Beyond a Repository of the Material Culture and the Visual ManifestationsPN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
The creation of storage places for the protection of cultural material that comes from preventive archeology projects in the Aburra ValleyPN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Siberian Indigenous People Cultural Heritage in the late 20th – early 21st century: the Khanty and Mansi CasePN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Working with visitors trajectories into the exhibition of the Samarkand Regional Museum of Local Lore as the basis for involving young peoplePN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
LOCAL FOOD AND IDENTITY AT XYLAGANI (THRACE, GREECE)PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Traditional and borrowed food in East Slavic migrant communities living in South AmericaPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Natural, sacred and delicious: dried meat among the Albanians of the BalkansPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Itäkeskus as a big kitchen for everybody in HelsinkiPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Shaping National Identity Through Food: The Case of an Ethnic Group in Southwestern EthiopiaPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Changing Materiality of Food: Chukchi Cuisine at Local Feasts and Official EventsPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Reimagine Local Identity Through Cicada NymphPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Ritual baking of the Ob Ugrians from the collection of the Museum of Nature and Man.PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Exploring Cultural Beliefs and Practices in the Folklore of Awadh: An Anthropological Perspective on Food and Nutrition PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
From Bite to Belonging: The Unifying power of FoodPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Preserving identity through cuisine: The Role of Traditional cooking among diaspora Meiteis in AssamPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Commodification of Food Culture- A Study of the Bodo Community of Assam, IndiaPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Traditional nutrition as an integral part of the “sense of homeland” systemPN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource
Links established between parental environments and school through technological devicesPN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
Challenging Traditional Learning-to-Labor Processes: Teacher Work Socialization through Social Media in Santa Fe, ArgentinaPN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
Challenges of cooperative learning with the use of digital learning platformsPN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
Digitalised Voices of Young South African Women and Girls (aged 13- 24) about Social Taboos on the Springster PlatformPN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
School pathways of students from rural secondary schools in Tinogasta, Catamarca. Educational and socio-familial ethnographic study.PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
InsightED: Understanding and Improving Teacher Engagement on Ceibal's LMS PlatformPN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
The educational participation of the family in the development of communication skills in virtual learning environments.PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
Lupa Digital. /Digital Magnifying Glass (DMG)PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
Cyberbullying and university adaptation processes: social and academicPN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education
Nutrition, the Mid-Day Meal, and Social Context in India: Insights from AssamPN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?"
Covid-19 experience and water consumption in BrazilPN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?"
Hydric landscapes in Brazil: water access and infrastructure inequalities in the context of the climate changePN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?"
"Post-covid practices in water-ways research – the forced pause in research, and pivots post-covid surveillance"PN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?"
Food futures and crisis: COVID-19 and the repositioning of food sovereigntyPN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?"
Maternal Violence and Vulnerability: The Role of REMA in Advocacy and Research in South AmericaPN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Motherhood as a form of resistance: Gender-based sanctions, rituals, and birth-related institutions among Endenese women in Eastern Indonesia.PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
“I am my mother’s daughter”: an intimate ethnography of transgression and disruption across time and spacePN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Maternal Metamorphosis: Navigating the First Year of MotherhoodPN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Body care and sexual and reproductive rights among young poor women in Buenos Aires, Argentina.PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Unveiling the Silent Struggles of Women in Labour Room: An Anthropological Exploration of Maternal Perspectives and Pain EndurancePN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Legal and Moral Dilemmas of Surrogate Motherhood in Russia in the Wake of the Post-COVID CrisisPN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
CONCEPTIONS OF MOTHERHOOD AND EMPOWERMENT IN SOUTHERN MALAWIPN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Mulheres periféricas e estratégias de sobrevivência durante a pandemia de Covid-19: São Sebastião-DF em narrativas e imagens.PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Caring as a way of countering developmentPN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Being adolescent, being pregnant, becoming mother: Experiences, life paths and healthcare around adolescent pregnancy in Mexico.PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
(Grand)motherhood within community-based care of children in EswatiniPN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Stigmatizing Infertility: Societal Beliefs and Challenges in the Context of BangladeshPN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Navigating Pregnancy in Higher Education: Policy Analysis Aimed at Addressing Supportability and Antenatal Care for Pregnant University Students in South Africa.PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Unweaving and Weaving the Relationship Between Mothers and Daughters: An Analysis from the Perspective of Care and Violence in a Village in Southern ChilePN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies
Anthropological identity of the Dozo Hunters in the 21st century (or in contemporary realities)PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
The Mechanism Of Limited Autonomy In India: The Demands Of Mising CommunityPN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
‘The word of the Winka has no worth’. Unequal dialogues and struggles for autonomy in WallmapuPN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
Colombian Insurgencies and Para-States: A Historical ReviewPN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
Weaving autonomy: the autonomic paradigm and interethnic tensions in the Bahia Peoples' WebPN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
Anarchists in the Cuban Revolution: ponderations on an aborted autonomy projectPN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
Beyond Borders: Exploring Democratic Confederalism and the Global Solidarity Movement as a Post-Development ModelPN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
Resistance and Peace: Strengthening Governance, Autonomy and Special Indigenous Jurisdiction through Effective Participation in Dialogue and Peace Processes in Colombia.PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
Autonomies as practice and discourse: Toward an anthropology of insurgenciesPN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
“this land was Pindorama once, was always indigenous, and is, and will be again”: exile and diaspora from a decolonial feminist perspective.PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
Democratic Confederalism as Mytopraxis: Towards an Insurgent Analysis of the Kurdish Self-Determination StrugglePN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements
Researching ways of being-knowing and doingPN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond
How we got here: Extractivism and other faces of violence in Cabo Delgado, MozambiquePN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond
Mobilising ethnicity, ancestry, and material heritage against a new locus of extractive industry in Makapanstad, North West Province, South AfricaPN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond
Against ‘Knowledge Extractivism’: Reciprocities, Relations, & Aspirations Along the Chad-Cameroon Oil PipelinePN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond
Extractivism in the DR Congo and Canada: A comparative analysis of how resources are used to shape the narrative about development while perpetuating neo-colonial ways of governancePN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond
Decolonizing Knowledge: Unveiling Colonial Legacies in Post-Soviet ExtractivismPN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond
The Socio-Political and Cultural Layers of Anthropocene Stratigraphy in the Russian ArcticPN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond
"I am a hustler": Exploring women's lived experiences in mining-affected communities of South AfricaPN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond
Consumerism versus Sustainability: A Study of Environmental Impact on Jharkhand’s Tribal CommunitiesPN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
In Search of Transformative Justice on Gendered Climatic Displacement: Exploring a Sustainability Perspective in BangladeshPN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
Issues on Territorial Claims of the Ayta Magbukon over their Ancestral DomainPN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
Addressing rangeland degradation by changing continuous grazing patterns: local viewpoints, challenges and prospects in Namibia’s communal areas.PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
The Role of Anthropology in the Advocacy for Reparation of Traditional Communities in BrazilPN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
Indigenous People and Healing the Birrarung River, AustraliaPN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
"Studying the Abject in Capitalist Ecology: Revisiting the Endosulfan Narratives from Kerala, India"PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
“We live in a Whole Environment”: Degredo’s animated beings living with the arrival of the mud of the Samarco Tailings Dam collapsePN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
Sacred Demarcations: Land Claims, Climate Justice and the Laklãnõ Struggle in Southern BrazilPN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
Unwelcome Guest: Impact of Invasive Senna Spectabilis on the Life and Livelihood of the Kattunayakan Tribe in the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary of Kerala, South IndiaPN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
Histories, knowledges and relationships that counter-effect the desert and desertified territories of the Western La Pampa (Argentina)PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds
Public Authorities and Justice among Johannesburg's Migrant CommunitiesPN13 - Public authority in the polycrisis
Public health in the polycrisis: ethnographic findings from Uganda’s borderlands with DRCPN13 - Public authority in the polycrisis
Cementerios, pandemia y cuidados: abordajes etnográficos ante la posible transmisión de tanato-enfermedadesPN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement
DESCRIBING THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOUTH AFRICAN GAY MEN WHO DISAPPEARED, THROUGH ANALYSING ONLINE MEDIA REPORTSPN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement
Touching the invisible: Notes from São Luís Historical Centre (Maranhão, Brazil) on materiality and ghostsPN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement
The chairman gave me only a letter threatening my dad with arrest: empathic and power centred Interventions to mitigate policycrisis in northern UgandaPN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement
“Dancing with the spirits”: Individuals’ affective experience of masked dances in the wake of changing beliefs.PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement
Remembering the “Time of Difficulties”: Water-Access Objects, Structures and Places in the Brazilian Semiarid RegionPN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement
In-Between Spaces: Legal Ambiguity and Marginalisation in South African Backyard DwellingsPN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement
The senses of belonging: sensory experiences and the art of sociability among Turkish Muslim women in exilePN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement
The challenges of anthropology from the South: experiences from a Peruvian Andean universityPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
Aspects of Globally Racialized UniversitiesPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
On being a social scientist between institutional demands and day-to-day endeavours. An ethnography at a Cuban universityPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
The creation of Learning Communities supported by a network of higher education programsPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
Ever-shrinking Academic Freedom and Precarity of the Academics in BangladeshPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
Indigenous Tutorial Education Program (PET) towards decolonial thinking and the construction of autonomy: The case of UFPB, Northeast-BrazilPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
Navigating AI Integration in Higher Education: Perspectives from Social Science Students and TeachersPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
The role(s) of medical anthropology students in developing multi-partner community-based health promotion and intervention programs in Makhanda, South AfricaPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
Brazilian anthropology and its narcissistic pact of whiteness: between silences and transformationsPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
The future of anthropology in Africa: challenge, perspective and developmentPN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
"Friendship of Peoples" as a Soviet concept and policy (on the example of the formation of a multinational composition of teachers and graduate students of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1946-1978)PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation
Sporting Occasion as Affordance: Embodied Poetics of Football FandomPN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport.
How to “play well” while swimming outdoors: embracing competitive values, playful encounters, and changing fieldsPN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport.
“Empowerment or Hegemonic Subservience?” Female Bodybuilding in the Developing World: Insights from the PhilippinesPN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport.
Creativity, Violence, and Tracing the Limits of Playful FramesPN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport.
Problematising change: The role of iteration in fabricating knowledge for sport and anthropologyPN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport.
Tensions between discourses and practices of interpretation in the production of knowledge about the use of sport in international development settings.PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport.
Learning with(in) the river through kayaking: experiences of Mapuche-Pewenche children in Kayakimün.PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport.
Broadening the scope of skills and optimal grip: The embodied knowledge production of Fighting MonkeyPN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport.
NORTH AMERICAN MUSEUMS NAVIGATING NAGPRA: REPATRIATION AGAINST THE CLOCKPN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories
Preserving Heritage Through Thira Ritualistic Art: A Museum Anthropology Perspective.PN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories
Digital preservation efforts of Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Knowledge: A Systematic Review of LiteraturePN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories
Museum as an strong tool of educationPN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories
Decolonizing Ethnographic Museums: Honoring Unsung Tribal Heroes through Freedom Fighters' Museums in IndiaPN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories
Inclusive practices in ethnographic museums: experience of RussiaPN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories
Transforming Tribal Villages into Knowledge Hubs: Preserving Culture and Sharing Indigenous Knowledge in En-Uru, a Museum Anthropology StudyPN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories
The American Anthropological Association’s Embrace of the WCAAPN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
Retracing 46 Years of Philippine Anthropology through the Lens of UGAT (Anthropological Association of the Philippines)PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
World Anthropologies and IUAES/WCAA/WAU: Diverse Associations with Diverse PerspectivesPN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
Contextual factors that have influenced the development of anthropological sciences in TunisiaPN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
Anthropology in and of Southern Africa: Reflecting on Anthropological Knowledge-Making through the Anthropology Southern Africa Association and JournalPN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
The Latin American Anthropological Association and the challenges faced in the context of the plurality of our anthropologiesPN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
Feminist anthropologists in power? Presence, impact, and visibility of women in the presidency of anthropology associations in Brazil and Latin-America.PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
The challenges of anthropological practices in MozambiquePN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
Making plural anthropological communities: challenges for continuity and change to the Mexican College of Ethnologists and Social Anthropologists (CEAS)PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
Speaking (truth) to power? Precarious anthropologies facing imperial hegemoniesPN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
Managing diverse traditions in anthropology: a view from Portuguese Anthropological AssociationPN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists
Land, Culture and Development: The Marginal Identity and Struggle of Khoisan People in South Africa——Based on Fieldwork of Amazon Event in Cape TownPN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Storytelling as an indigenous research approach to health care beliefs and practices among Indo- and Afro-TrinidadiansPN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Archivos y derechos culturales: El caso de los Cucapá de Baja California, México.PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Exploring Workplace Experiences: A study among indigenous women in West Bengal, IndiaPN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Sustaining Bonda PVTGs Livelihoods in Odisha: Insights form Bonda Development Agency Micro Project.PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Storytelling as recreating Cultural Stage for Legendary Bajan Characters: Ossie Moore and King DyalPN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Constructing the gaze. Photography mediating anthropological encounters in the field.PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Storytelling Multiplicity: Embracing the Complexities and Multi-faceted Nature of Land in the Mpumalanga Lowveld, South AfricaPN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Confrontation between High-Caste Hindu and Indigenous People in Nepal: The Case of CowsPN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations
Knowledge and Power in post independence Moroccan Society A hermeneutic ApproachPN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges
: تمظهرات الخطاب الاستعماري في الفكر الأنثروبولوجي.PN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges
The technological evolution and its impact on the development of anthropological research in the Arab worldPN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges
Between national policies, self-branding and marketing- negotiating family intimacy in Saudi influencer videos on YouTubePN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges
The evolution of Anthropology in post-independent Tunisia seen through a genetic lensPN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges
النظرية الانقسامية في الفكر الأنثروبولوجي.PN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges
The experience of the Defensoras Populares Project in Ceará/BrazilPN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements
Kayuh Baimbai and Trans Superheroes: Applied arts and feminist ethnographic research towards climate, gender and disaster justicePN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements
Transnational feminism in the prevention of gender-based violence in Cape Verde: an analysis of "Fla Sim pa Mudjer"PN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements
The Political Imaginary of Mukkuvar Women: A Pedagogy for Radical PraxisPN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements
Peripheral feminism: women, activism, and democratization of higher education in the peripheries of São PauloPN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements
“The football dads”: entanglements of economy and care in the football migration industryPN22 - Football and mobility
The mobility of Brazilian football players abroadPN22 - Football and mobility
Social Networks and Football Migration to TurkiyePN22 - Football and mobility
Racial/Gendered Regimes in African women's football migrationPN22 - Football and mobility
Mobilities in women’s amateur football in Rio de JaneiroPN22 - Football and mobility
Indigenous documentary heritage: collaborative work between CPDOC and the Apinajé PeoplePN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use
The Anthropologist and the Novelist: Friendship and Intellectual Sociability in the Letters between H. Rider Haggard and Andrew Lang (1880-1910)PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use
Archiving Exile and Seeking Reconciliation in Namibia: The Work of the Ailonga Collection, 1989-2024PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use
Private Moscow press archive as a source for anthropological analysis of discursive practices of normalizing stigmatized identity in times of transitionPN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use
Marina de Vasconcelos, a professor and pioneer in Brazilian AnthropologyPN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use
The Hercílio Luz Bridge. Material forms and urban transformations in Florianópolis based on the imagery of sports clubsPN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use
Participatory Archival Charter (PAC): A Popular Approach Towards Decolonizing Reuse and Metadata in Community Archives (Shubra's Archive Case)PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use
The Agenda of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: Research and Public Policy on Oral History Interviews with AnthropologistsPN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use
Crossing The Global Mediterranean: Caranvanserai or Wound?PN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands
"This is what my fear told me": Feminist Anthropology and Research EthicsPN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands
The Banality of Good: The Ethical Challenges of Humanitarian Action in Mediterranean BorderlandsPN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands
Rethinking regions through the MediterraneanPN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands
Beyond Orientalism: Translation and changing (mis)representations of the “Other” in the metanarratives of the 21st CenturyPN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands
Desafios e (re)existências em comunidades quilombolas da Bahia: o exemplo do Tabuleiro da VitóriaPN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
Afrormative Dance: A pedagogical proposal for the applicability of law 10.639/03PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
REINVENTING TRADITIONS: notes on the processes of re-signification in the Cururupu ox cart - Maranhão/BrazilPN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
Uso da Etnopedologia no resgate de saberes sobre solo e identidade para o povo Wassu Cocal em Alagoas, Brasil.PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
Ilê-Aiyê: Caldeirão de Dendê Forjado em 50 Anos de Luta, de Transformação e de Preservação da Cultura do Povo PretoPN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
BLACK VOICES ECHO: Construction of life projects and the subjectivities of black women from the periphery of Cachoeira – BahiaPN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
The traditional costumes worn by women in the samba de roda of Recôncavo BaianoPN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
The Inti Raymi: (re)existence and resistance experience to envision new and non-essentialized identifications In Ecuadorian AndesPN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
POR ONDE ANDA O DINHEIRO DO AXÉ? D’UM CAPITAL “INVISÍVEL” E SUAS MAZELAS. PARTE 2: DO MERGULHO (NU) NO TERRENO (REFLEXÕES TEÓRICAS)PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
A return to the return of the ram: The lessons of the traditional Chilean circus on its route to UNESCOPN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
The Formation of the Mzimba Heritage Association - A Cultural GroupingPN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence
Transformation of Human-Nonhuman Relations in Herbal Healing through the Social Network ServicesPN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions
Perception, sensoriality and health in Candomblé initiation (Brazil)PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions
Crocodile, The Human's Friend: A Multispecies Ethnography Of Human-Animal Relationship in Bazoule, Burkina FasoPN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions
Ferege fani, Senufo sacrificial cloth and its more-than-human entanglements. Ritual textile practices of knotting and attaching in an interconnected cosmology.PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions
Socioecologies of Care in Extractive Contexts: An Initial ReflectionPN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions
Towards a reconceptualization of relational health: Health and more-than-human entanglements in CandombléPN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions
Las penas de ExuPN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions
Next generation rituals of curated power for pathogen genomic sequencing out of AfricaPN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions
Spiritual Healing and Mental Health: Story from KeralaPN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
SITUATING THE COEXISTENCE OF ETHNOBOTANICAL PLANTS IN THE LIFE OF PANIYA COMMUNITY OF WAYANADPN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
Sources of Healthcare among Tharu of Lakhimpur Kheri District, Uttar Pradesh, India.PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
Reviving Traditional Healing: The Ethno-Medicinal Practices of the Kandha Community in OdishaPN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
Indigenous Ethno-Medicinal Healing Practices Among The Paudi Bhuiyan Community of Deogarh District, OdishaPN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
The Dying Traditional Medicinal Culture among the Forest Dependent Communities in Dharamjaigarh Division of The Lemru Elephant Reserve, Chhattisgarh, Central IndiaPN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
From Roots to Remedies: Indigenous Healing Practices among Tiwas in AssamPN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
Traditional Healthcare: The Role of Ethno medicines and Indigenous Knowledge SystemsPN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
Traditional Healing Systems and Ethnomedicine of the Buxa Community in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaPN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India
Correlation of Various Physiological Parameters with Vitamin D Levels Among Adult Females of Chandigarh, IndiaPN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector
Balancing Care Amidst the Pandemic: Challenges in ERP Utilization within Finland's Home Care SectorPN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector
"Whose data is it?" Pharmacies, pharmaceutical professionals and pharmaceutical industry: Doing ehtnography about production of private epidemiology in Buenos Aires province, Argentine.PN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector
Dynamics of Digitisation in healthcarePN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector
Medical Applications and BiohackingPN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector
In Search of Good Lif: Low-Skilled Migrant Workers of Bangladesh and Nepal in IndiaPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Borders, boundaries, inter-sectionalism and the problems of memory of young British Muslims in-between identities in modern UKPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Reclaiming the agency of migrant women entrepreneurs in the Global South through a historcal and ethnographic approachPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
‘Homing Desire’: Migration Choices and shaping a desire for homePN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Refugees' mental health and sources of resilience. What works?PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Towards a borderless world: Challenging ‘sticky attachments’ and narrativesPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
The role of anthropology in combatting trafficking in personsPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Conflict, memory and anthropological values in the Lisbon areaPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Mobile Citizenry, Transnational Socialities and Place Making among Ethiopian Migrants along the Southern Route from Addis Ababa, through Nairobi to South Africa.PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Resilient Heritage: The Journey and Cultural Evolution of the Bene Israel Community in IndiaPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
“I NO LONGER HAVE A HOUSE” DISPOSSESSION AND FORCED DISPLACEMENT: MEXICO, THE CASE OF VERACRUZPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Some aspects in consumption of goods in Israel (examples of using garbage dumps in Haifa).PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
The moving dead: Anthropological reevaluation of the migratory frameworksPN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement
Childhood in China: A Three-Generation PortraitPN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
Living in a Modern Chinese Garden: Landscaping and Sociality in BeijingPN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
Reflections and Practices of Chengtoushan Archaeological Heritage Empowering Local Cultural Tourism DevelopmentPN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
Making Knowledge, Crafting Skills: The Master-Disciple Model in Chinese Cultural HeritagePN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
Rethinking racialization: The shifting representations of immigrant traders in ChinaPN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
The Disciplinary Transformation and Survival Strategies of Contemporary Chinese EthnologyPN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
Filial expectations as care in marginalised communities in ChinaPN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
Dispersed Knowledges: Ethnographic Explorations from Rural ChinaPN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
“A New Journey in the Eastern Pearl”: African Contemporary Arts on China’s Cultural LandscapePN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality
Moving From Offline to Online: A Study on the Digital Education Experience in Kerala during the PandemicPN31 - The inequality of education of rural residents compared to urban ones. The influence of education on the formation of identity among the villagers
Educational model for young people from rural communities in ColombiaPN31 - The inequality of education of rural residents compared to urban ones. The influence of education on the formation of identity among the villagers
CONTINUING EDUCATION WITH ETHNO-CULTURAL COMPONENT. NARRATIVES ABOUT THE PRESERVATION OF FOLK TRADITIONS BY RURAL RESIDENTS OF BASHKORTOSTANPN31 - The inequality of education of rural residents compared to urban ones. The influence of education on the formation of identity among the villagers
Social inequality and rural education in RussiaPN31 - The inequality of education of rural residents compared to urban ones. The influence of education on the formation of identity among the villagers
Publishing Brazilian anthropology for the global environment: the experience of Vibrant - Virtual Brazilian Anthropology (2017-2024)PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing
Horizontes Antropológicos, a multilanguage and pluri-thematic Anthropology journaPN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing
Bridging Worlds: SAPIENS Magazine's Role in Democratizing Anthropology for Global AudiencesPN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing
Publishing Perspectives from American EthnologistPN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing
Chinese perspectives on publishing academic papersPN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing
Editing with Generosity and Care as Guiding ValuesPN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing
Multiple HatsPN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing
Publishing in a context of global political and moral polarizationsPN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing
Digital Transformation: New Media and Heritage Preservation in IndiaPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Politics of Collective Identity: the Grassroots Voices in the Revival of Dragon Dance in Tongliang, Southwestern ChinaPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Journeying With the Gods: The Alphabet(a)s of Ramnagar’s Ramlila as a Theatre of FaithPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Leveraging Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Africa: Exploring the Africa’s Rain-Making TechnologyPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
The soul of the island is dying: material heritage, environment and intangible heritage on the Island of Mozambique.PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
From Colonial Crop to Local Pride: Remaking the Kenyan Pyrethrum Industry as Cultural HeritagePN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Medical heritage and citizen science in Western JapanPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Heritage meaning-making from alter-native experiences in the Ecuadorian AndesPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Wheels of Change: The Evolution of Rickshaw Art in the Socio-Technological Landscape of BangladeshPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
The Blue Journey to the Visibilization of cultural Heritage in South Africa and NamibiaPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Landscapes of Heritage, Affect and Loss: A Case Study from Central TürkiyePN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Embracing change and responding to cultural resilience for heritagePN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
The Socio-Cultural Factors for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Handicrafts: A Case Study of Indian Handloom IndustryPN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context
Grounded concepts and ethical framings: thinking about ethics via ubuntuPN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment
Research on race, ethnicity, and gender in South Africa: lessons learnt through an intersectional lens to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)PN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment
HeartworkPN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment
Islamic Ethics in South Africa in the decolonial momentPN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment
Ethnography in Danger: Fieldwork Ethics in Military-State RegimesPN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment
Navigating the Complexities of Child Domestic Labor: Insights from Female Workers in EthiopiaPN35 - Domesticity and domestic work in Africa: a long trajectory
Domesticity, girls and children's labour and legacy of slaveryPN35 - Domesticity and domestic work in Africa: a long trajectory
Vidomègon as a choice ? Ethnographic examples of a reinterpretation of a practice in Southern Benin PN35 - Domesticity and domestic work in Africa: a long trajectory
Decryption of the River Diagram and Nuwa Mending Heaven: A Dream of the Central State from Sanxingdui & Chengtoushan & ShuanghuaishuPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
Encountering the Others: anthropological courses of Africa in ChinaPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
Build the Sleeping Medicine Academic-Discipline in China: Take the Center for Sleep and Circadian Medicine of Affiliated Brain Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University as an examplePN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
Women Anthropologists and Their Contributions in Southern Africa: From Agnes Winifred HoernléPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
Thoughts on the Subject of the Yi Costume ResearchPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
AI popularization education in primary and secondary schoolsPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
On the Special Contribution of the Yi-Hai Alliance to the Chinese RevolutionPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
Yi Shared Intangible Heritage between France and ChinaPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
The Layout of African Studies Discipline Construction in China and Suggestions on Future Research DirectionsPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
Inheritance and Exchange: National culture display from the perspective of cross-cultural communication: A case study of Qinghai Tibetan Medicine Culture MuseumPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
The Relationship between Yi Torch Festival Music and Material ResourcesPN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People
The nation and its infiltrators: reflections on Immorality Act’s archives.PN37 - Towards Decolonizing African History and Visions of Development
Post-Colonialism and the Rule of Law: Global Perspectives on the Enlargement of the European UnionPN37 - Towards Decolonizing African History and Visions of Development
Remembering and forgetting under the Western gaze. A Brazilian Historian looks at East AfricaPN37 - Towards Decolonizing African History and Visions of Development
The Ruptures of Rohingya Muslim immigrants in Nepal : An ethnographic reflections in the post pandemic contextPN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance
On the coloniality of transit in the Mexican, Turkish and Moroccan border regimesPN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance
“We the Blacks.” Race-blinded humanitarianism, embodied knowledge, and the postcolonial interruption of Blackness.PN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance
Nationalism, Orientalism, and Civilizationalism on the Easter Border of the European UnionPN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance
On the mismatch between European liberal rhetoric of freedom and African migrants’ lived experiences of immobilityPN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance
Dialogues with the Divine; Connecting Religious Ontologies through Sacred MusicPN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Can drawings do more? A journey into graphic anthropology.PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
ART AS “CREATIVE INGREDIENT” IN ANTHROPOLOGICAL DISCOURSEPN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Visualizing the Universe: The Role of Pictures in Mediating the Relationship Between People and Outer SpacePN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Responding to Health Emergencies: Interdisciplinary Teams and Creative Communication to Reach Local PopulationsPN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Taking Anthropology to Power Holders in the Public RealmPN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Breaking Boundaries: Engaging Public Audiences with AnthropologyPN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Anthropology as public citizenship: examples from Caribbeanist ethnographyPN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Creativity crossroads and world cultures: heading towards new audiences.PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Singing poetry, voicing tradition: Conveying Anthropology through musical performancePN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Drawing and Talking a Way In Together: Graphic Ethnography for Youth as Generative and Intergenerational Entangled RelationsPN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Ethnography for a visual representation of April 25PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
On being informative and convincing in the Academia of the Post-Gutenberg worldPN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences.
Other Values, Other AnthropologistsPN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World
The problem of normativity: From rural reform to climate changePN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World
Interalogy: A Dynamic and Relational Framework for Advancing Anthropological TheoryPN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World
Some considerations about “values”: heading towards a collective discussionPN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World
David Webster (1944 - 1989): When an anthropologist DiesPN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World
Materialising Difference, Anthropological Values and EthicsPN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World
Ethnography of entanglements: Reflections from more-than-human ways of knowingPN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World
Anthropological Values and the World Anthropological UnionPN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World
The local afterlives of interventionist environmental mangrove projects in coastal Tanzania (Rufiji Delta and Mafia Island).PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
Broken bond with the River: Exploring apathy towards Intermittent river water qualityPN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
Into the unknown. Just transition of mining regions on the example of the Konin Lignite Basin in PolandPN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
Local Agency in Enacting a Duty of Care towards the Kinabatangan River: The Role of Environmental Monitoring and Social Learning in Fostering a Sense of Place in Sabah, MalaysiaPN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
Multiple narratives and contested environmental justice in coastal IndiaPN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
Can the (Indigenous) subaltern speak (at the IPCC)? Problems and challenges in the inclusion of indigenous knowledge in environmental governancePN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
Exploring Sustainable Initiatives in a Housing Complex in Recife: A Case Study of Ruy Frazão ProjectPN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
Cultural heritage of Baiga Tribe: Resource Conservation and Sustainable DevelopmentPN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
How Urban Gardens Purposes Adapt to Combat Social Systemic Issues in Neighboring CommunitiesPN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants
Destabilising modern cosmologics: juxtapositions, alternative linkages and estrangementPN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography
Star Ritual and Embodied Outer Space in Korean ShamanismPN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography
(Female) African Voices on the Construction of the Outer Space in Light of (Gender) Inequalities and the United Nations Space Fo(u)r Sustainable Development Goals (Space4SDGs)PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography
Rendering "Outer Space Ethnography" Experimental: Speculative Visual Experimentation to Access Inaccessible SpacesPN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography
No Such Thing as Colonization or Decolonization in SpacePN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography
Meanings Made in Montage: Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography with the Video EssayPN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography
Emptiness as resource: Space exploration and alien agencies in subarctic SwedenPN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography
The Presence of the Past (In outer Space): Mexican MemoriesPN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography
Intersecting Marginalisations: The Challenges of Neuroqueer Individuals in Indian Mental Health CarePN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer
Parents Fighting for Possible Horizons for their NeuroQueer ChildrenPN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer
Structures of Domination: A Study of Impact on Trans* Health Outcomes in Prayagraj CityPN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer
Feminist anthropology, childhood and queernessPN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer
Decolonizing Neuroqueering: Bridging Historical Non-Binary Practices with Modern Neurodivergent IdentitiesPN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer
African Queer Refugees in the North Atlantic: Drawing Comparisons Between Two CasesPN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer
is this anthropology ?PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Intersectionality and the socio-cultural determinants of mental health: ethnographical cases in EcuadorPN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Dealing with mental health and trauma in fishing communitiesPN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Navigating Mental Healthcare Access: Challenges for Youth in the Border Regions of Jammu and KashmirPN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Institutional pressures in public mental health services: ethnography from an Italian Department of Mental Health.PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Juvenile penalties in contexts of mental health crisis and precarious ecologies. Proposals for an agenda of anthropological study of contemporary youth distress and violencePN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Action, strategy and care: an analysis over the access to mental health care at a higher education institution in northeastern BrazilPN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
An ethnographic inquiry on barriers to day-to-day practice among mental health professionals at a community home and a psychiatric hospital in Equatorial GuineaPN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Forced Conception & its Impact on Maternal Health : A Study of the Women’s Bodies and Agency in Jhabua, Madhya PradeshPN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Caring as contesting: Museums, Arts, and Mental Health in Kimberly, South AfricaPN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology
Sustainability of indigenous alcohol drinking culture amongst the tribes of West Bengal, India: a case study of native knowledge versus urban stigma.PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
"One size does not fit all": context specific approaches in the decision making of Covid-19 vaccinations shaping the practice of medical pluralism amongst Traditional Health Practitioners in MakhandaPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Medical Xenophobia? Unpacking undocumented Zimbabwean migrant's experiences of public healthcare in BloemfonteinPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
The effects of racial capitalism on migrant farmworker health in MarylandPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Reproductive Governance and fertility regulation techniques in Primary Heath Care in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an ethnographic studyPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Mpox as a public health emergency of international concern in Nigeria: shifting power in pandemicsPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Statehood and Healthcare: Geopolitical Challenges in Providing for Refugees in IndiaPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Navigating Barriers: Exploring environmental and structural obstacles experienced by blind and visually impaired (BVI) people when accessing public spaces in Gqeberha during COVID-19.PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Childhood vaccination coverage: Nursing mothers’ perspectives and geopolitics in rural Nigeria communitiesPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
“I don’t remember the vaccine’s name; for us, vaccines are vaccines.” The vaccination conundrum: an Indian perspectivePN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Vaccine Hesitancy and Booster Dose Acceptance among Young Adults in Pakistan during and after the COVID-19 PandemicPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Navigating Reproductive Policies: Population Control and Women's Rights in IndiaPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
The Immune System in Control Societies: Geopolitics and Immunomodulation in Contemporary Biomedical SettingsPN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics
Are Non-Governmental Organizations a Panacea for Tribal Development?: An Empirical Study of the Santal Tribe of West BengalPN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Understanding the Changing Pattern livelihoods in a Village, Bundelkhand, Madhya PradeshPN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Modes of livelihoods and experiences: the case of Liangmai youth migration to Indian citiesPN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Empirical Discourse of Tribal Land Alienation in India: A Glimpse from the CountrysidePN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Vulnerability and sustainability of the food gathering strategies of Ati people in Guimaras, PhilippinesPN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Nourishing Futures: The Impact of Nutritional and Entrepreneurial Interventions on Maternal and Child Health and Economic Resilience in the Chittagong Hill TractsPN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Associated Factors for the Poor Health of Baiga Tribes in Madhya Pradesh: An Indigenous PerspectivePN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Empowering Rural and Tribal Communities through Clean Energy: The Odisha PerspectivePN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Creating Local solutions to sustain Food Security through Food Sovereignty in the Trans Himalayan Region in IndiaPN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Following the Traditional Path: A study of the service providers at a Rural Livestock Market in Jaipur, IndiaPN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies
Title: A Fabric of Care: The Joy of Textiles Through a Feminist LensPN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Collaborative Visions: Reimagining Visual Representations Through Ethnography and PhotographyPN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Escaped memories of women circus artists in Mexico in 1920-1930 and Argentina in 1950-1960. Investigate by making a feminist ethnographic documentaryPN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Guaraní women's agency: rescue of ancestral knowledge and artisanal work in the Peña Morada community, San Martín department, Salta, Argentina.PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Ecological worldviews in the Jat-Jatin: The folk play performance of women in Mithilanchal, BiharPN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Exposing feminists' critique of white privilege in Europe from a South African perspectivePN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
How do artist-activist agencies and queer community resonate in Ghana? : the case study of creative practices to visualize and empower the inequalities and marginalities of queer communityPN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Dancing empathy. A methodological approach for kinesthetic research and new modes of connecting from a feminist perspectivePN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Artist lens on everyday mothering care. Peripherality as resiliencePN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Visibilising relations of CAA [Citizenship Amendment Act (2019-2020)] protests through artifacts in IndiaPN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction
Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments: Implications for Natural Science's Teachers EducationPN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
Social media and algorithmic distribution of content: questioning power and inequalityPN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
Between spirits and digital economies. Mediatization of marginalized performative practice.PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
Digital Funerals and Screenshots: Migrants Channel Grief and Imagine the Eternal RealmPN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
Screening indigenous films through hyper-local streaming appsPN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
Caste-ing for a match: Caste, gender, and matchmaking through online matrimonial websites in India.PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
"Work smarter, not harder": Designing a multimodal mobile ethnographic study under global pressures and uncertain futuresPN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
"Openness" and "closeness": virtual strategies of the indigenous peoples of RussiaPN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
(Un)sustainable technologies: the promise of a digital revolution at agricultural fairs in Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilPN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
Siri, Roomba and other animals: an ethnography of digitalized family relationsPN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
Doing fieldwork in South America from a multilocal, multitemporal and digital perspectivePN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices
Framing Caring Performances: The Aesthetics and Ethics of End-of-Life Photography in Chinese Hospice CarePN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Spaces of Belonging: Care and Community Among Chinese Seniors in Health Supplements MarketsPN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Male Carers: Everyday experiences of later-life caregiving of male carers in urban IndiaPN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Grace as Reparative Praxis for Anthropology as CarePN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Follow the dog: Reimagine a more-than-human anthropology of and as carePN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Images of Care and Care for Images: Intersections of research, participation and actionPN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Making Vulnerable: The Exposure to Harm of Institutionalized Older Adults in Lima, PeruPN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Caregiving, conflict and support in rural South AfricaPN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Toward an Epistemology of Care: The Impact of Structural Violence on Aging in DiasporaPN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Rethinking reciprocity and the labor of care in rural South Africa (PN53)PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
When a Stuffed Animal Speaks Out: On the Relationship between Materiality and AffectPN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Exploring Caregivers' Social and Cultural Conceptions of People with Intellectual Disability in Vhembe District Municipality, South AfricaPN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination
Peasant-indigenous women's action against Agrarian Extractivism in Argentina: from cook to international feminismPN55 - Territorial Dynamics of Extractivism and Epistemic Mobilizations in the Global South
Socioeconomic transformations and extractive everyday life in the the the Lower Urubamba River (Peruvian Amazon)PN55 - Territorial Dynamics of Extractivism and Epistemic Mobilizations in the Global South
“While I slept, a grave was digged deep inside my chest”: An ethnographic study about the Braskem disaster in Maceió, BrazilPN55 - Territorial Dynamics of Extractivism and Epistemic Mobilizations in the Global South
Extrativismo tradicional de balata no contexto das operações madeireiras na Floresta Estadual do ParuPN55 - Territorial Dynamics of Extractivism and Epistemic Mobilizations in the Global South
Traditional jester-healers of the Manden (Mali, Guinea).PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
Fostering Traditional Food Systems for Achieving Food Security: Reviving, Preserving and SafeguardingPN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
Preserving Indigenous Wisdom: Exploring Intellectual Property Rights of Tribal Communities in KeralaPN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
"Taking care of themselves- अपना ख्याल रखना"- Healing practices in Johar Valley of Uttarakhand, India PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
Land as the Mediator between Tribal Life and Their Cultural EcologyTraditional Knowledge System and Unravelling the Complexity of Issues on Land Rights from the Perspective of Traditional Knowledge System PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
“Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Oaxaca, Mexico: the case of Comunalidad”PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
Tagin Tribe's Indigenous Knowledge System: Navigating Contemporary IssuesPN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
What makes pottery a woman’s art? A study on Oinam (Poumai) of Manipur, IndiaPN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
Traditional knowledge system and sustainability: Social preservation or change?PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
Measurement Linguistic Theory of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in a Multilingual Society: A Case Study of Kurukh, Mundari and SadriPN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
Changing Identity and Dissipating Knowledge of the Lachungpas of North SikkimPN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
The Problem of Interlinking the Advancement in Science and Technology with Traditional Knowledge Systems for Achieving Inclusive Sustainable Development: A Special Focus on the Tribal Communities of Jharkhand, IndiaPN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
Local Knowledge and International Technical Cooperation: From Optimism to Cautious PragmatismPN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues
الأنثروبولوجيا السياسية في العالم العربي عِلم محل ريبة في سياقات استبداديةPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production: Insights from Refugee Family Support in IrelandPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
PALESTINIAN ANTHROPOLOGY: WHAT LIES BEYOND PALESTINE?PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
المعرفة الأنثروبولوجية في العالم العربي وتحدّيات المقاربات الكولونياية وما بعد الكولونيالية : دراسات عبد الله حمّودي نموذجاPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
Colonialism and the Production of Stereotypes: Local Anthropology and Decolonization in the Arab WorldPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
The Limitations of Anthropological Theories for Studying Kinship in Arab Societies, the Segmentary Theory as a ModelPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
From Colonial to Indigenous: Transforming Anthropological Narratives in the Arab WorldPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
من جزائر الأنثروبولوجيين، إلى أنثروبولوجيا الجزائريين سياقات إنتاج النصوص الأنثروبولوجية في الجزائرPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
The Accusation of Colonialism: Anthropology in Post-Colonial Algeria and the Restoration of DignityPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
الأنثروبولوجيا في الجزائر : مسارات التكوين الجامعي وآفاق الإنتاج المعرفي الأنثروبولوجيPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
في مساءلة المعرفة الأنثروبوجية الأجنبية ما بعد الكولونيالية في المغارب: الفجوات بين الخطاب النظري والواقع الإثنوغرافي في موريتانيا والمغربPN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence
‘Possible Selves’ in Impossible Times: Imaginations of Work and Value Among the Unemployed Young Men in an Indian VillagePN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Boundaries in the world of work: the pandemic and domestic workersPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
The Voice Within: An Online Ethnography on the Experiences of Deaf Students in a Public High School during the COVID-19 PandemicPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
A walk to remember on the Mymensingh road: the politics of memorialising and forgettingPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Social vulnerability of the Amuzgos in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic in Guerrero, MexicoPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
The Many Lives of the Pandemic: Memory, Belonging and time in urban DarjeelingPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
‘Have you heard anyone talk about Covid’?: Afterlives of the pandemic in an Indian electionPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Lived Experiences of Women Sanitation Workers during the Pandemic in IndiaPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Narratives of Neglect: Unmasking the Experiences of Indian Migrant Workers and the Middle Class Amidst Public Amnesia and State PoliciesPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Understanding “Urge”: Emotion, Ethics and Politics of Care in the times of the PandemicPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Emergence and Continuity: Understanding Pandemic through an EpidemicPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Testimonials from the Border: Chronic Ailments Disrupting Continuities of the AfterlifePN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Memories of the Covid-19 pandemic among the indigenous peoples Fulni-ô, in Brazil, and P`urhépecha, in Mexico: coping strategies and (post)pandemic social impactsPN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Memories of Bodies - (not) on- the- Move: Understanding the Socio-Economic Conditions of Bihari Migrant Workers in Kolkata during COVID-19.PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic
Making of a ghost home: Exploring Ecological Narratives in Himalayan Second Home PhenomenonPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Neo-Sanskritization in Gurukuls and Struggle for Becoming Female Priests in Himalayan Hindu Society, NepalPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
From Conservation to Elitist Space: The Institutional Development of Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) for Political Contestation in NepalPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Representing Raji Identity: A Study of a PVTG in Uttarakhand HimalayaPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Institutional Development of Dhaka Industry in a multi-cultural context in Palpa District, Western Nepal HimalayaPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Ecology Economy and Religion of the Lepcha of Sikkim Himalaya : Persistence and ChangePN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Identifying Pathways for Short- and Long-Term Recoveries from Multiple Disasters: Household Vulnerabilities, Adaptive Capacities, and Change Since the 2015 Nepal EarthquakesPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Institutional Perspective on Ecological Restoration in the Himalaya: Governance and Management of Water, Forest and Ecosystem Resources in NepalPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Inclusion and Exclusion in Historical Salt and Grain Trade in the Trans-Himalaya, Kaligandaki River Basin, Mustang, NepalPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Local Initiatives for Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance and Urban ResiliencePN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
The Contested Relationship of Household and Community in the Dynamic Environmental Context Among the Loba of trans-Himalaya, Mustang, NepalPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
A Study of Himalayan Hemp Ecostay in India from the Perspective of Himalayan AnthropologyPN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up
Afetos (im)pertinentes: relações feministas e antirracistas nas fronteiras entre academia e ativismoPN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
Friendship and Feminism: A Way towards the Principles of Justice and HumanismPN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
“You will never walk alone”. Rethinking Abortion Activism as a Feminist Practice of Strategic SisterhoodPN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
The promise among musical groups os the south-central coast of PeruPN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
Feminism, friendship and collective processes of knowledge construction: bastard ethnographies?PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
Third Persons Present: Vitalities of Friendship and Familiarity in LGBTQ+ AgingPN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
“Queer clan”: Territorial politics and queer kinship in Assam, IndiaPN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
Privileged Emotional Management: Chinese Female Gynecologists’ Emotional PracticePN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
Friendship, festivities and feminism: examples from the Basque Country (Spain)PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects
Attitudes of Acceptance, Rejection or Hesitancy Towards the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Multi-Country Study: The United States CasePN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
The Actions of Social Agents Regarding the Use of Health Measures: An Analysis of School Returns in the Pandemic ContextPN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
Navigating Vaccination Realities: State Policies and Community Perspectives in Khayelitsha, South AfricaPN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
“The doctor never asks me!”: Exploring the link between vaccine hesitancy and the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
Perception of Na´ Savi preschool and primary school teachers on current school achievement and associated factors during the COVID-19 pandemicPN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
Using fuzzy cognitive mapping to promote community involvement in decision-making for COVID-19 recovery in Northern Nigeria.PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
The politicisation of vaccines and its influence on Brazilian caregivers’ opinions on childhood routine vaccinationPN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
An Anthropological study on attitude towards Covid-19 vaccine- Hesitancy, Preference, AcceptabilityPN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
The impact of Covid-19 on NGO-isation of sub-Saharan immigrants in Morocco: An anthropological perspectivePN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
Knowledge, Perception and Practices: Some Anecdotes from the Field on Covid-19PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
Differences in Covid-19 vaccination acceptance in two Zapotec communities of Oaxaca, southern Mexico; preliminary findings and hypothesesPN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
Culturally Competent Approaches to Promote Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination: Understanding Healthcare Behaviors and Vaccine AcceptancePN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
Attitudes of Acceptance, Rejection or Hesitancy Towards the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Multi-Country Study: The Peruvian CasePN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes
Learning to respect the “owners” of places: what can we learn with Galibi-Marworno children about socio-environmental care and ethics?PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
All-Russian Student Olympiad in Ethnography – an experience in popularizing anthropology among young peoplePN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
Experiences from an ethnographic clinic for adolescents living with HIV in urban Blantyre, Malawi.PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
Narratives of rural youngs, childrens and adolescents around education. An Ethnography on the Margins of the StatePN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
Youth on the move: ethnography of relational mobility with street-connected children and youth in urban Northeast BrazilPN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
“How we can help each other”: ethnographic confluence with adolescent students regarding their racial identitiesPN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
Ethnographic research experience with children in Maputo: the place of playing and schoolPN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
Doing ethnography with tikmũ'ũn children: resistance, joy and learningPN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
Researching children in Indian classrooms: Challenges and Conveniences of the ResearcherPN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
It is (not) about you: Ethnographic and narrative approach to adolescent pregnancy through teenager’s voices and silences.PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
'Swaeros’ Movement: Dalit and Tribal Assertion, Agency, and Aspirations in Telangana, IndiaPN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology
Decolonizing Queer AnthropologyPN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
Tracing Imbrications of Power, Gender, and Race in Travesti-Trans* Spaces in Argentina through Decolonial Anti-Racist Transfeminist EthnographyPN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
Navigating Sexuality through Intersectionality: A Sociological study of Indian FilmsPN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
Decolonial approaches to labour inclusion policies for trans people: a comparative study in Madrid and Buenos AiresPN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
Unseen Borders: Sociologically Navigating Daydreams as a Space to Explore QueernessPN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
Narratives of Hijra People in the Mainstreaming Process of the Formal Institutions: Case Studies from BangladeshPN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
Warlike binarism: gender, race and sexuality in militarised contexts in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
Engendering Death: Ethnographic Insights into the Posthumous Mistreatment and Misgendering of Trans-Queer Bodies.PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
Gender wears leather: productions of dissident masculinitiesPN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south
The “Memories of Football” project at the Museum of Sound and Image (MIS-São Paulo/Brazil): historical and anthropological approaches on football as a sociocultural phenomenonPN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections
"Very happy to realize that our flag, which was almost usurped, returned to us. GO BRAZIL!"PN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections
The Political Game: Football, Identity, and Mobilization in Contemporary BengalPN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections
Gender, football fandom and knowledge production: ethnographic insightsPN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections
The Impacts of Digital Technology in the Glocalization of Soccer in the USPN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections
Soccer and Personhood: A South African Subaltern StoryPN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections
An ontological injustice towards indigenous justice systems: the case of traditional witchcraft-related conflict management mechanisms and the laws of Ghana.PN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production
Structural agents and epistemic injustices: An Autoethnographic reflectionPN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production
Authorship Abuse in Research and Academics in the Digital AgePN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production
Inclusive Language in Scientific Journals: Challenges and OpportunitiesPN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production
Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Integrating Local and Academic KnowledgePN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production
Multiespecies relations in a indigenous village during the 19th century in Paraná: the case of São Jerônimo (Empire of Brazil)PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Much more than human: a reading of Lo que son los yerbales paraguayos, by Rafael Barrett (1908)PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
From multispecies view to ethnography of Papuans: animals in Miklouho-Maclay papersPN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Ecosistema cadavérico. Teorizaciones ecológicas en Arqueología Forense y BioarqueologíaPN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Divine Goddess Ganga, River Ganga, and Multispecies Historical AnthropologyPN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Cosmopoloitical Battles for Good Health in the Andes: epidemics, colonialism and indigenous resistancePN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Disturbed landscapes in northern MozambiquePN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Saatantatsirira: on pyrotechnics in Matsigenka shamanismPN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Did the vassoura-de-bruxa (witch’s broom plague) kill cocoa? Towards an infrahistory of cocoa planting in Southern Bahia, BrazilPN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Acclimatisation: entanglements of cattle and people in Northernmost BrazilPN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Landscape and species interactions in northern Amazon trough 18th, 19th and 20th centuries: notes for a non-anthropocentric history of animals and plants, rivers or mountainsPN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology
Field work , Economy, social change in Mexico: Tlaxcala and ChiapasPN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
Outraged Anthropology: Reflexions on the Use of Emotions in Activist ResearchPN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
Relevancy (?) of interviewing: metacommunicative regimes gone roguePN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
Victor W. Turner: From Decentering to Performing EthnographyPN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
What does Action Anthropology teach us?PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
Social movements, formative experiences and subjectivity. Reflections on co-participatory strategies in anthropological researchPN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
Empowering change: exploring militant and popular researchPN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
From Interpretation to Action: Experiences from Fieldwork in Tsotsil, Tseltal and Mestizo Communities in Chiapas.PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
On help: how to be differently in the fieldPN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
Challenges of Fieldwork in Artisanal Emerald and Amber Mines: A Comparative Study between Colombia and MexicoPN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change
Devenir con la antropología: epistemología para la investigación autoetnográfica.PN73 - What does feminist epistemology have to say about hegemonic forms of anthropological knowledge production?
On unkwowable experiences and unpresentable political consciousnesses in anthropology knowledge productionPN73 - What does feminist epistemology have to say about hegemonic forms of anthropological knowledge production?
The generic condition of men: Epistemological approaches from feminist anthropology.PN73 - What does feminist epistemology have to say about hegemonic forms of anthropological knowledge production?
“Pastoral and Nomadic Communities in India – Challenges and Possibilities - a Case of Jharkhand state in India”PN74 - Pastora-logy: what might anthropology learn from pastoral and nomadic lifeworlds?
Creation of landscapes and pastoral memories in the semi-arid region of Northeastern BrazilPN74 - Pastora-logy: what might anthropology learn from pastoral and nomadic lifeworlds?
Pluralizing ecologies of knowledge for the Anthropocene: pastoralist perspectives from AfricaPN74 - Pastora-logy: what might anthropology learn from pastoral and nomadic lifeworlds?
The Contested Just Transition in the Waterberg Coalfield: Exploring Meanings of Justice and Possibilities for Habitable Futures PN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition
Digital minerals in green energy transitions: supply chain disparitiesPN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition
‘Green’ resource frontiers, waste and the paradoxes of the Just Transition in the Northern Cape PN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition
From Watts to Well-being: Assessing the First Decade of South Africa's Renewable Energy Independent Producer Procurement Programme (REI4P) on Local Development Initiatives in the Northern Cape ProvincePN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition
Unjust Transitions: The Case of Old Coronation, MpumalangaPN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition
Navigating Gendered Identities in Qualitative Research: Challenges of Studying Intimate Partner Violence in an Urban Poor Neighborhood of Delhi, IndiaPN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
‘Is it just me or does everyone stare at you wherever you go?’: relationalities of race and gender in fieldwork among women in Cape VerdePN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
Accompanied research in literature – from anecdotes to epistemological contributionsPN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
The Polymorph Anthropologist veiled/unveiled. Reflections on « going anthropologist », « going native » and gender dissonance in Saharan fieldworks and in the laic FrancePN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
The collapse of the myth of the “genderless anthropologist”: epistemological reflections on ethnographic practice in the context of gender and sexual violence in the fieldPN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
Relationality and Family Ties in AnthropologyPN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
Friendships, courtships, and their delicate boundaries. Negotiating gender, race and nationality in relationships in the fieldPN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
From Vulnerability to Creativity (And the Hidden life in Between)PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
Masculine or feminine? Recounting experiences of a female ethnographer in rural Burkina Faso.PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
Staged identities in male-dominated field sites: examples from Mali and Sierra LeonePN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
A Woman Archaeologist in the field: Negotiating challenges of a gendered identity in India.PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field
Feminist Anthropology in Cape Verde: review of the production of postgraduate research authored by womenPN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology
Recovering certain regional Indian female anxieties of colonial-era to analyse their present day manipulation by neoliberalismPN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology
Unclassified Feminist Lloronas: Noes on the Hierarchies of Anger and Dispassion in the Decolonized Academic TextPN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology
Gendered Gazes and Transnational Networks: The Photographic Archives of Albanian Ethnography under Communism (1944-1991)PN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology
A trajetória da antropóloga Esmeralda Mariano nos estudos de gênero, sexualidades e saúdePN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology
Women and feminists in Anthropology in Chiapas, Central American and the CaribbeanPN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology
Guardiãs da Memória: Mulheres Enlutadas e Modos de Produção de Memória na Pandemia de Covid-19PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
Fieldwork during a Pandemic: Traversing Real and Virtual SpacesPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
Impact of Ecotourism on Indigenous Knowledge and Education in Pastoral communities of Jammu and KashmirPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
‘Revamping of Anthropological Studies and Research in Algerian Universities Post-COVID-19: A Comparative Analysis’PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
Resilience and Revelation: The Role of Indian Knowledge Systems in the COVID-19 PandemicPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
From Heroes to Pariahs: Understanding Marginality and Stigma from Kerala Coastal Community’s pandemic narrativesPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
IS REEL LIFE IMPACTING REAL LIFE? A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF YOUNG WOMEN IN BELAGAVI CITYPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
Resilience of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from Selected Communities in IndiaPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
Beyond Biomedicine: The Jenu Kuruba Response to COVID-19 and the Significance of Indigenous Knowledge SystemsPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
MIXOPATHY AROUND COVID-19: BIOMEDICAL HEGEMONY AND OTHERING OF INDIGENOUS SYSTEMSPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
Navigating Modernity in the Faith and Practice of Contemporary Mappilas through Digitalized Dargah-Sufis in Malabar, KeralaPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
We drink as we want: Conviviality and Unveiling the Hidden Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Imbamba-Alcoholic Consumption in Townships in South AfricaPN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid
The other side of tourism. The effects of tourist capital movements in the city of Palma de MallorcaPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Platform Capitalism and Labor Precarity in TourismPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Tourism Infrastructure and Private Hosting of Refugees from Ukraine in Poland: Between Solidarity and CommodificationPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Favela Tourism Mobilities: Listening to Local Voices, Mobilizing Social NarrativesPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Polish-Armenian marriages: migration for "love" or for "citizenship"? Mixed marriages in the context of mobility regimes.PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Privileged Mobilities, Globalization and Post-industrial Changes - An Ethnographic Study of China's Overseas Education ProgramPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Mobilities and Diasporic Connections: Tracing African Roots in SenegalPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Female Migrants In the Indian Construction Industry: Analyzing their WellbeingPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Valley of Dreams for Whom? Investigating Tourism, Migration, and Inequality in the Cape WinelandsPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Tourists’ behaviour at consolidated destinations. The case of Barcelona.PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Sacred Migration and Charisma: Subjectivity, Spatiality, and Indigenous Knowledge Practices of Transnational Paiwan People.PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Challenges and Opportunities for Black South African Engagement with Nature-based TourismPN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices
Caregivers' dynamics in accessing medication for people with chronic diseases in rural South Africa.PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
Ageing in the Digital Age: Exploring the Role of ICTs in Care ProvisionPN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
Caring in Crisis: A qualitative study on the experience of home hospice workers amidst the COVID-19 pandemicPN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
Caring for the resistant baby boomers in a smart ageing societyPN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
Childlessness and Elderly Care in Asia: Shortcomings and Gaps in Law and PolicyPN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
The Impact of Social environment on the mental health and social integration of elderly residents in care homes: A case study in Lucknow, IndiaPN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
Informal caregivers support for older people’s cellphone use in rural South AfricaPN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
Stochastic Frontier Approach to Efficiency Analysis of Elderly Inpatients in IndiaPN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
Healing Holidays & Retirement in Goa/India: Inequalities of Healthcare Home and AbroadPN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
The Intersection of Aging and Artificial IntelligencePN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care
Balancing Progress and Tradition: How Urbanization Affects Ecological Knowledge and Traditional Health System of PVTGs of IndiaPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, a tool for intercultural dialogue in health researchPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Healthcare delivery and healthcare-seeking behaviour in tribal areas of India: Reflecting upon inadequacies on the demand and supply sidesPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Tribes in India and health emergency: towards a systematic anthropological approachPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Understanding the Burden and Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Rural Communities: A Case Study of Umuri Village, Odisha, IndiaPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Understanding community knowledge, attitude and practices related to malaria: To improve the communication strategy of Mandla-Malaria Elimination Demonstration Project, Madhya PradeshPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
The concept of faith healing among the traditional healing systems of Indian tribes: should the ancient knowledge systems be reimagined?PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Exploring Traditional Healthcare Practices: Insights from the Ang (Jarawa) Hunter-Gatherer Tribe of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, IndiaPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
The Ethno-Medical Practices among Baiga and Kol tribes of Sidhi District ,Madhya Pradesh, IndiaPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Indigenous Resilience to Heatwaves: Exploring Indigenous Nature-Based Solutions.PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Power of Perception: Shifting Attitudes Towards Traditional Medicine in a Changing ScenarioPN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era
Nostalgia and sense of belonging in places ‘left-behind’ - on how ‘fields of care’ can imbue places ‘left-behind’ with meaning and counteract moral and symbolic declinePN85 - Beyond post-development: inequality, power struggles, and the forging of territories left behind.
Beyond post-development: inequality, power struggles, and the forging of territories left behindPN85 - Beyond post-development: inequality, power struggles, and the forging of territories left behind.
Leaving being 'Left behind': itineraries of operation and resistance in post-Brexit Britain.PN85 - Beyond post-development: inequality, power struggles, and the forging of territories left behind.
Anthropology of ‘Hard Sciences’ and its Impact on knowledge generation and InnovationPN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World
Revitalization of structural anthropology through a new concept on knowledge origin ‘Dynamic mixed origin of knowledge’PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World
Recognising significant studies while Decolonising the production of knowledge.PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World
Hanya ada Satu Kata: Lawan! Engaging applied arts in decolonising ethnographic research towards climate, gender and disaster justicePN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World
Ableism and passport privilege: a double burden in academiaPN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World
Undoing Epistemic Injustice in Research and PracticePN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World
The Creative Strategies of Decolonial Communities of Young African AnthropologistsPN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World
Unearthing Kinship and Kingship Ties among the Ikodi Community of Egene: From Orality to Audio RecordingsPN87 - Beyond Orality in African Ethnography
Negotiating translocality: case studies in cultural changePN87 - Beyond Orality in African Ethnography
Localising Solutions to Global Environmental Issues: Bridging the Gap between Standardised and Popular Knowledge using Ethnographic Methods. PN87 - Beyond Orality in African Ethnography
Protection of Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous Communities through Intellectual Property Rights Regime: A Critical Socio-Legal Study among Mundas of Jharkhand, IndiaPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Crafting Khoplak: Ethnomathematical Observation of an Eco-friendly DustpanPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Práticas de Enfrentamento ao Racismo: Consciência Negra nos Quilombos de Santo Antônio e VidalPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
"Unveiling epistemic justice: rediscovering indigenous knowledge of Central Indian indigenous communities for sustainable development".PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Eco-cosmology - Learning from the local to the Global.PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Saving the Mother Earth and the need to revisit the Terrains of Traditional Knowledge: An Anthropological AnalysisPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
IMPACT OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIAN TRIBAL COMMUNITYPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Promoting Sustainable Development and Indigenous Knowledge Production: Portraying the Women of the Kani Tribal Community in Kanyakumari, IndiaPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Indigenous Knowledge of Health practices among the Tribes of Bastar Region of Chhattisgarh, IndiaPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Sustainable Development and Anthropological Knowledge: An Analysis of Aesthetic LabourPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Revitalizing Tea Industry: A Case Study of Co-operative Formation in a Closed Tea Plantation in Dooars.PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Exploring how Indigenous knowledge systems of health and wellbeing can be integrated into modern educational programs.PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
The Contesting Debates and Challenges on validating and invalidating the Traditional Knowledge Systems in India: An Anthropological analysisPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Inheritance of Wisdom: A Comprehensive Study of Traditional Knowledge Systems in IndiaPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Venerating stones: A living tradition among the Lepcha community of SikkimPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Need for an Inclusive Approach to Indigenous KnowledgePN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Influencing Women’s Mental Health: A Study in Juang Tribe in OdishaPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Walking the Path of Sustainability: Reconnecting with the Indigenous Roots through Odisha's Famine NarrativesPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Contextualizing Culture and Agriculture in Neoliberal times in Kalahandi, OdishaPN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production.
Dialogues with Lithuanian Christian Women on Gender Equality: Power Imbalances in the Context of Rising Anti-Gender PopulismPN89 - Dialogues with the Other: positive and enriching encounters with diversity beyond the limits of ontological Otherness
Grass-root energy technology innovation groups as a resource for energy innovation: what science can learn from DIY?PN89 - Dialogues with the Other: positive and enriching encounters with diversity beyond the limits of ontological Otherness
Intersectional women as spiritual actors and leaders: a comparative case studyPN89 - Dialogues with the Other: positive and enriching encounters with diversity beyond the limits of ontological Otherness
Other faces of DevelopmentPN89 - Dialogues with the Other: positive and enriching encounters with diversity beyond the limits of ontological Otherness
Contemporary collecting – a provocation or a way forward?PN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections
Exploring Peasant Memory and State-Induced Repression: An Examination of Internal Colonization Theory through the Case Study of the Perm-36 MuseumPN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections
A Glimpse on the Frobenius Expedition to Southern Ethiopia: The Significance of its Legacy to the Contemporary Studies of the RegionPN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections
Museums and archives as scenarios for symbolic reparations for Afro-descendants in ColombiaPN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections
An auto-ethnographic account of decolonised museum solidarities in the Global South & NorthPN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections
Museums and the possibility of decolonization. The case of the Ethnological Museum of World Cultures of BarcelonaPN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections
The anthropologist as curator in collaboration with artistsPN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections
Intercultural dialogues as a path to decolonize feminist anthropology: Reflections from Abya YalaPN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala
“You’re not blessing my life, you’re sponsoring it”: money and romantic relationships among young university students in Cape TownPN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala
Rethinking teenage mothering: Indigenous perspectives from UgandaPN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala
Beyond the Household and the Battlefield: Feminist Insights on War, Peace, and the Politics of Everyday LifePN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala
Feminist anthropologies in the Caribbean: tracing traces, weaving ties.PN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala
Folk phenological signs and problems of a green economyPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Lifestyles as a Social Movement: The Case of RussiaPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
The impact of climate collapse on pastoral customs in the Alpine territory of Sauze di Cesana ItalyPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
Youth in the system of preservation and transmission of traditional valuesPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
Indigenous Tongva Sacred Springs of West Los Angeles, Southern California, USAPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
Folk Knowledge, Folk Wisdom, and Sustainable DevelopmentPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
Use of International Law to Preserve Indigenous Knowledge and CulturePN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
Social reproduction, living and working spaces and collective action, The Highlands of Chiapas, MexicoPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
Losing indigenous wisdom about dying and grief to globalizationPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
Cheyenne Action Anthropology an Archeology of MindPN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
The Texas Power Grid and Political Power:PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System
New Tribal Religions of India: Construction and TransformationsPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Historical reenactment as an identity-oriented social movement: neo-traditional masculinity and innovations in contemporary medieval combat sportsPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Anthropologist as a Catalyst: Exploring the role in revitalizing tradition amidst globalization (a case study of the Hamar of Southern Ethiopia)PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Not just spiritual: Sufi orders in modern India, administrations, organizations, functions.PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Traditional Convergence and revitalization: African Christianity as Mazeway disintegrationPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Folk traditions: life after deathPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Ethnicity of the "Russian Zoroastrianism": Rethinking the ancient Iranian religion in the context of Russia's political transformationPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
“World’s traditional religions against...”: The reconfiguration of “traditional religions” in the context of legitimizing contemporary military conflictsPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Protestantism as a new tradition: cases of the Protestant missionary strategies among indigenous peoples of Russia and EthiopiaPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Pastoral Traditions of the Hamar Tribe: Sustaining Cultural Heritage Through Livelihood StrategiesPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
Integrated education as a discursive tradition; Anthropological insights on new traditionalism among the Sunni Muslims of KeralaPN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge
“Impact of Storytelling in Reviving Glory in Communities”PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
Semantics of Verbal Symbol and Folklore Motif in EthnolinguisticsPN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
“Answer” to “A Different History”: Linguistic Resilience and Cultural EncountersPN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize CommunitiesPN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
Bikol ArchetypesPN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
VOICING THE TRAUMA OF CASTE:A READING OF THE POETRY OF MEENA KANDASAMYPN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
“We All Serve the Same Master:” Transnationalism, Identity, and Pedagogy in the North American Alphorn CommunityPN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
Human Culture and Environment in Anita Nair’s Novels: A Critical StudyPN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
From Ghost to Life: A Revitalization Story of a Village with Forests and Wetlands, Jeju Island, South KoreaPN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities
Uncertainty, serendipity, opportunity: researching the COVID-19 crisis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ethnographicallyPN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events
Ethnographic non-encounters: Researching Covid 19 in post-pandemic Diepsloot, South Africa.PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events
The Mark of the Witch’s Broom: After Collapse on the Cacao Coast of Bahia PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events
Within the shadows of HIV: Fear, Rumor, and Stigma among young women living with HIV in COVID-19 times in Dudi, western Kenya.PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events
How to do ethnography in 'there' and 'then'PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events
"We have different problems now" - An (un)successful search for the long-term effects of Covid-19 in GermanyPN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events
Patriotic sentiments of modern Armenian youth in the context of the complicated political situation in the countryPN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events
Covid 19 in Tunisia: loss and the presentPN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events
Deromanticizing unheard (queer) paradigms? Class and the politics of queer youth voices in contemporary IndiaPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
The Ritual Object of Phanek: Infinite Forms, and Folds at the Interstices of Ritual and PoliticsPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Hijra Ilakas: Turf wars and communal land inheritance in New Delhi, IndiaPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
1980s Transnational Lesbian Feminism in Mexico/Chicago through the Life and Photographs of Diana SolísPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Decolonizing Sexual Knowledge: Deconstructing Colonial Influence on Queer Identity and Indigenous Epistemologies in Oriental ContextsPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Challenges of Right to Employment Faced by Hijra People in the Formal Sectors of BangladeshPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Ephemeral Archives of the Subaltern: De/Colonial Queer-Trans Worldmaking in Kothi WhatsApp Groups of Eastern IndiaPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
POKHARA – The Tourism Capital of Nepal: Understanding the Anthropological Dialectics of Caste and Sanitation Work.PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Exploring the Perception of Masculinities: A Comparative Study of Nonbinary and Cisgender IndividualsPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Exploring Intimate Relationships in the Indian Urban Middle ClassPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Respect and Other Small Steps Towards a Countercolonial Anthropology: Learning from Indigenous Peoples in BrazilPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Exploring Indigenous Epistemologies: Voices, Challenges and enriching Indigenous Knowledge System of the Kamar Tribe, Chhattisgarh state, IndiaPN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms
Traversing Mongolia’s Rural-Urban Continuum with Herders’ Children: Spatiality of The Good LifePN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
Rural Kazakhstan as a place of learning with/from more than human worldsPN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
Roaming free: a 'mermaid in London' in search of a playgroundPN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
Empowering Children as Peer Researchers in Walking Ethnography: Methodological Reflections and Ethical Considerations from Studies Past and Present PANEL NUMBER: 99PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
Walking as WayfindingPN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
Childhood Memoir with an Anthropologist: Filming the Life Path of the First Educated Generation in a Bangladeshi Village, 2000-PresentPN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
Liminality of walking in rituals children partecipation.PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
"What if the city could-be also ours?": The right that girls have to walk, enjoy and live in the city, their urban experiences and their resistance strategies to claim their placePN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
Exploring Multispecies Assemblages Through Walking Ethnography in Abandoned LandscapePN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
Autismlogy: running as cognition and ethnography.PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people
"The Work of coastal Women in Southern Chile: Reexistence and Disputes for the Future from a Feminist Ethnographic Perspective"PN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa
Meat-Eating of the Bengalis in India: A discourse on the role of culinary symbolism influencing the socio-political dynamics of alimentary practicesPN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa
Umleqwa and hata-hata: comparative perspectives on human-animal relations, food preparation and consumption in Mthatha, South Africa and Akita City, JapanPN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa
The Butchery of BreedsPN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa
The Brazilian Pampa Beef: a multispecies history of the bovine landscape transformations in the Southern Plains of BrazilPN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa
Good, bad, mediocre mothers: On ducks & motherhood in contemporary EgyptPN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa
Climate Change or Local Justice?: On frequent drought and regicide in South SudanPN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Building Resilience from Below: Exploring Pastoralists’ High Reliability Networks in Northern KenyaPN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Changes in Maasai livelihood practices and knowledge in the era of climate change and the Anthropocene: A case study of Amboseli region, southern KenyaPN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
When Complex is as Simple as it Gets: A Recent Guide for Recasting Policy and Management in the AnthropocenePN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
‘No longer Nowhere to Refuge’: Re-imagining the Displaced Pastoralists in the Anthropocene.PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Relational Resiliences: Reflections from Pastoralism across the WorldPN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Wayuu pastoralism illustrates the urgency of a relational ontology that facilitates indigenous and scientific knowledges exchange for addressing the challenges of AnthropocenePN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Environmental Narratives, Empirical Realities: Damaged Landscapes and Livelihoods and the Role of the State in Northern KenyaPN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Relational approaches to sustainability transformations: walking together in a world of many worldsPN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Re-visited Epupa Dam Debate: Chieftaincy Disputes in North-west NamibiaPN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Look for the ‘blood’!: Dealing with the Loss of Cattle among Nuer Refugees of South SudanPN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’
Matthew Effect in Anthropology: the Case of Europe and beyondPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
The Ostrich pulls his/her Head out of the Sand and Ponders PovertyPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
A Cartography of Good Living in Tocantins: thinking about development from indigenous worldviewsPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
“If Education is the Key, then School is the Lock”: Reparative futures thinking beyond the modern schoolPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
Leveraging Local Knowledge in Acquiring Academic Knowledge: Experiences of Saora School Children in South OdishaPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
Teacher training and anti-racist education in Angola, Brazil and South AfricaPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
Community care research: what theoretical and practical keys?PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
The politics of knowledge production and the policies of state: why practice education fails to be at the driving seatPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
Local Knowledge and Climate Science: Partners for Managing the Climate Crisis in Africa and the Global SouthPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
Indigenous Cognitive Process vs. Modern Mental ConstructPN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge
Pre-Islamic antiquities in Algeria : heritage or not ? A study of the processes of patrimonialisation during and after french colonisation .PN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context
Decolonizing Museum Spaces: How can anthropology be used as a tool to decolonize museums?PN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context
Spirituality, sacredness and re-imagining heritage spaces: the conceptualisation and functioning of the Spiritual Centre at Great Zimbabwe World Heritage Site, ZimbabwePN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context
Absence and presence of Mayombe artefacts (DRC): a collaborative projectPN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context
Restitution of sacred objects from National Museums to CommunitiesPN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context
Communal Wealth?PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Beneath the Visible: How Power, Peer & Reliance Shape Youths’ Interaction with Artificial IntelligencePN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Virtual representation of the Seto people in the Russian internet space in its current dynamicsPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Approaches and Distances: The Role of the Researcher in Digital Anthropology Through Three Experience ReportsPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Digitalizing the Tribal life: A study on globalization of Kadar through InternetPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Unveiling Black Feminist Narratives: Pan-Africanism, Decolonialism, and Digital Advocacy in Social Media DiscoursesPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Identity of digital artists in Cuba, considerations on technological use and appropriation in the present Cuban context.PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Understanding a Women’s WhatsAPP Group: Continuities between the physical and digitalPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Selling Handlooms. Preserving Handlooms : Gendered Digital Retailing on Social MediaPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Technological work and the utopia of flexibility: mobility and ageism among digital nomads in the technological district of BarcelonaPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
"'Emotion capitalism' and its influence on the use of dating apps among gay men in the countryside of Santa Catarina - Brazil"PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Trade, Technology, and Trust: The Pillars of the India-Africa PartnershipPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Emotional labor guided by application: an anthropological research about why neoliberalism is selling mental wellness in the digital agePN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Memeing Revolution and War: Examining the Contemporary History of Ukraine via Online FolklorePN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Ministries on WhatsApp: evangelical transformations based on intersectional uses of social media in BrazilPN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology
Esports Physical Exercise/Performance Matrix 1.0 Country Factsheets: A Protocol for National, Regional and Global Annual AssessmentPN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport
Watersports and local development on the coast of UruguayPN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport
“The Flipped Classroom”: an Innovative Approach in the Field of Physical EducationPN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport
Ultra-Trail Running and Walking: An Anthropological Perspective on EndurancePN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport
The (self)management of emotions: the complexities of activist practices between corporeal co-presence and a digital platform in an antifascist football club.PN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport
COST Action CA19101 DE-PASS Examination of Physical Activity Behaviors (PABs) and their associated determinants in youth: Dissemination of activitiesPN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport
“Mak xa ch’ut (Her belly is already closed)”: menopause, ageing and blood between tsotsil indigenous women from the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico.PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body
Women´s experiences of menopause: A qualitative study among women in Soweto, South AfricaPN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body
Queer Reflections on Youth: Gay Men’s Experience of Growing OlderPN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body
An analysis of youth awareness towards contraceptive use and the role of counselors in promoting reproductive health education: A study in Lucknow city, India.PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body
Pink Ribbons on Postcolonial Bodies: Exploring the Efficacy of Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Kerala, India.PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body
Producing Sexual Desire: Aesthetic and Affective Labour in Nightlife in Southern Spain.PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body
Methodological challenges in ethnographic fieldwork at agro-industrial city in ArgentinaPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Navigating as an anthropologist in the fieldPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Field work experiences: An insider and outsider view of the Biates of North east IndiaPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Determining Hominin Behaviour during Acheulian from Surface Artefact Scatter Study: An Example from Tikoda Locality-I and III, District-Raisen, Madhya PradeshPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Megalithic Research: Insights from Experiences in Chotanagpur, IndiaPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Partnerships in the field: Team building for participatory research in the African contextPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Unraveling Social Research Methods: Deriving insights from case studies on witch hunts in Assam, IndiaPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Anthropology of women and Fieldwork tradition in Arunachal PradeshPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Strengthening health system and community participation through public health implementation: A field work experience in Odisha, IndiaPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Evolving Ethnographic Practices in Northeast India: Adapting and Integrating Technology for Modern ResearchPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Anthropological Fieldwork: Experiences as Ethnographic ResearchersPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Navigating Ethical dilemmas in Fieldwork: Perspectives of Academics and Anthropologists in Indian UniversitiesPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
ETHICS AND CONCERNS DURING FIELDWORKPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Case Study on Anthropological Fieldwork and Ethical Dilemma: The Changing ScenarioPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Understanding the emplaced self/I in ethnographic work, understanding the rhetorical production of categories and conceptionsPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
The Persistent of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Applying Medical Anthropology to the Problem PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Doing Anthropological Fieldwork in Sikkim: Challenges and OpportunitiesPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
Keeping Up with The Pace: Changes in Anthropological FieldworkPN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles
The figure of “the average woman” and the white gaze in prolympic sportsPN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport
Who needs categories? Skateboarding between play, sport and collective agency from below on the US-Mexico borderPN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport
On the balance of sport: on the goods and evils on which sport is basedPN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport
Exploring the Complexities of Sports Culture in North India: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Wrestling and Its Socio-Political DynamicsPN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport
Somatotypes among Konyak Naga males aged 11-20 years: A cross-sectional study in the District Mon, Nagaland, IndiaPN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport
Olympic Games, Indigenous peoples and Mobility: Global/Glocal contextsPN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport
The Feeling of Honor and Defeat among Brazilian Chess PlayersPN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport
Sea you there! An auto-ethnographic study of open-water swimming in Cape TownPN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport
Mongolian marmot: hunting, boodog, legendsPN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Nomads, Wolves and Dogs in Siberia and MongoliaPN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Animal-Oriented Projects of the Indigenous Societies in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
The Arctic Nomads’ “Reindeer Thinking”PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Peculiarities of settlement of river beavers along the Kem River in the Yenisei region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the 50s of the 20th centuryPN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Human and Animal in Ethnographic Films of North Asia: on the Example of Film Collection of the International Film Festival “Days of Ethnographic Cinema”PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Humans and snakes as competitors and as relatives in Philippine traditional culture, epics and mythologyPN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Use of animal resources for food self-supply of local communities in ChukotkaPN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Human/animal collectives on the move: reindeer individualities and caravan among Evenki of East SiberiaPN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Yak breeders of Sayan-Altai region. Traditions and modern specifics of yak breeding among Tozhu TuvansPN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
Master Roshilin’s “Cruel Aesthetics”: Human-Animal Relations in the Mirror of Chukchi and Asian Eskimo ArtPN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia
The study of Twenty-eight constellations from the perspective of Yi and Han culturePN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
On the Eco-translation to A Maini’s Poetry of Yi Minoirty from the Perspective of Language ParallaxPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
The relationship between Astronomy and the Qoyllur Rit’i festivalPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
Amani and the painting of Ancient Yi BooksPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
Star lore of the Yi people of ChinaPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
The Disciplinary Construction of Anthropology in China:The Current Status of Second-level Disciplines Under First-level Discipline and Interdisciplinary CollaborationPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
Amaini and the beliefs of the Yi peoplePN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
Yi People's Millennium-long Duet with the World ———The Convergence of Amaini's Poetry Creation Theory and Ancient Greek Dramatic Theory: Commonalities and Differences in Human Cultural DevelopmentPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
Poetic Representations of stars and seasons of the Yi People of Southwest ChinaPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
Archaeological Perspectives: Reflections on the Migration of the Sanxingdui Community to Today's Yi Derived Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Aftermath of the PandemicPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
The narrative of the poetry of Amaini and the historical memory of the Yi AboriginesPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
The musical interpretation of the“Scrolls” of the BimosuniPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
On the Construction of Guizhou Liupanshui Yi-ethnic Astronomical ObservatoryPN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
A Comparison of Poetic Anthropology in Africa and China - Presents Our Reflections on the Construction of the DisciplinePN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally
Self-perception of representatives of post-colonial countries in a non-colonial societyPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
Indigenous Perspectives and Sovereignty Challenges in the Indo-Pacific: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and SomalilandPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
Climate Change-induced Migration Risks in Southeast Asia and Their Impact on Taiwan SecurityPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
Principles and Practices of Responsible Research and Innovation towards foundational structures for a technology decolonization methodology in the Global SouthPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
Climate Change and Livelihood Vulnerabilities in the Global South: Vietnam and Bangladesh: A Systematic ReviewPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
The foreign Aid and the Sub-Saharan Economic Crisis in AfricaPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
Coloniality, Democratisation and the Question of Taiwan Independence/SovereigntyPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
Coloniality, Decoloniality and the Praxis of Social Protection in NigeriaPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
The Haitian Revolution: from the ethic of Live free or Die to radical decolonialityPN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific
Kinship as an interdisciplinary dialog: the relationship today between kinship, family studies, and biomedicine.PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Cognitive Dimensions of Birjia Kinship: Insights from an Indigenous CommunityPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Segmentary Lineages, Indigenous Knowledge, and Grass Roots Agricultural DevelopmentPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Grandparent and Grandchild: Alternate Generation Equations in the Tewa Kinship TerminologyPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Kinship in a flux: Community as a heuristic tool in urban spacesPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Transnational Kinship in Times of War: Re/configurations from “Below” and from “Above”PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Conspicuous consumption or evolution in tradition? Reflections on marriage prestations in GhanaPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
(Re)designs of families - imprisonment of women-mothers and circulation of childrenPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
(Un)veiling Phoenecianism: kinship and affect among the Mexican LebanesePN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Beyond Incest: matrimonial structures in historical perspective in an Amazonian SocietyPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Kinship as a product of Indigenous knowledge and producer of relations: exemplified by the Mẽbêngôkre (Jê) in Central Brazil.PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
What It Means to Be Human in Today's Transformed World: Gignetics as a Multidisciplinary, Kinship-Based Approach to the Study of the AI-Human Interactions, Human-Animal Interactions and New Reproductive TechnologiesPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Kinship issues of medically assisted reproduction : A religious and non religious comparative approachPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Conceptual basis for the descriptive and classificatory kinship terminology typologyPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Performing Kinship in Central AfricaPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Recentering Kinship in AnthropologyPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Family, Kinship and economy among Kanjars of IndiaPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
Family that is made in struggle: kinship relations, politics and commensalityPN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World
"Projeto Curas" Platform: co-creation, territory, spirituality, and the construction of memory archives.PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality
Conserving Biodiversity and Tradition: The Role of Sacred Groves among the Kandh Tribe in Odisha, IndiaPN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality
OCCUPATION OF A SUBALTERN COMMUNITY AND THEIR FISHING RITUALSPN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality
Staroverstvo: Multidisciplinary investigation on slavic paganism in contemporary SloveniaPN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality
Health and religious syncretism: understanding how Christian families in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa accept family members’ calling to traditional healingPN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality
Cultivating Transformative Faith and a New Ecology of HopePN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality
Spirit-Filled Communities and Their Lived, Everyday Praxes: Modalities of ‘Doing Pentecostalism’ in Hong KongPN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality
All the magic of the south. Spiritual holism, subjectivation and lifestyle migration in scenic Puerto VarasPN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality
In xochitl, In cuicatl, poetry or performance? communication with the sacred. A proposal from the Nahua worldview.PN1479 - Multiplicity of languaging and communication in anthropology
Call out my name: the problem of choosing the proper name in our speech (on the materials of the epic songs of the Russian North)PN1479 - Multiplicity of languaging and communication in anthropology
Somatic Communication for a care protocol in first contact with aliensPN1479 - Multiplicity of languaging and communication in anthropology
Abordajes antropológicos de la literaturaPN1479 - Multiplicity of languaging and communication in anthropology
Assembling Vaccine Perspectives: Vaccination and Moral Self-Talk in the Journals of White US Mothers during Covid-19PN1481 - Congress Withdrawals
Anthropology Beyond Academia: Reflections on taking anthropological insights into the corporate workplace in South AfricaPN1481 - Congress Withdrawals
Non-Rentier Conditions: Digital (Urban) Agency in Bahrain's Peri-urban AreasPN1481 - Congress Withdrawals
“Pour moi c’est la patience”. Migrants’ Experience of Time and Space in the Immobility Enforced by European Border Regimes.PN1481 - Congress Withdrawals
Mapping Martial Arts Genealogies on the Swahili Coast: “Karate Combat” and Its Contested OriginsPN1481 - Congress Withdrawals
Radically embodied creativity in sportPN1481 - Congress Withdrawals
Determinants of oral health knowledge and dental care practices amongst students at a South African UniversityPN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts
Investigating the understanding of safer sex negotiation amongst first-year students at Rhodes University, Makhanda, Eastern Cape.PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts
Prevalence and associated risk factors of obesity among the adult rural population of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaPN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts
Navigating Diverse Understandings of Childbirth Complications: Experiences of Traditional Healers working as Professional Nurses in Johannesburg Hospitals.PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts
Androcentric and ethnocentric biases in observation technologies (ultrasound) and fetal surgery: a lecture from feminist epistemologyPN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts
Mothers “in the measure”: reflections on the motherhood of adolescents in contexts of deprivation of liberty in Brazil.PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts
Thirst for Hope: Imaginative Landscapes of Turkish Imperialist Populism PN1485 - The State
Challenges of volunteer and humanitarian work in the Arab region The International Organization for Voluntary Work I-O-V modelPN1485 - The State
Anthropology, Democracy, and Dictatorship: Reflections from CameroonPN1485 - The State
How Can the Basic Income Truly act as a Trigger for Self-Organising a New Resilient Health System?PN1485 - The State
Cardko Lãgi": A Collective Moral of Migrant Nepali Agriculture Workers in PortugalPN1485 - The State
Ethiopia’s Post-Socialist Regress: The Re-imposition of Double Marginalization in Northeastern EthiopiaPN1485 - The State
The Role of Anthropological Knowledge in Addressing Injustices Beyond International LawPN1485 - The State
Paths of plea bargaining in Brazil: an ethnographic approach to contemporary forms of legal expansionismPN1485 - The State
Mukheristas: women in transit producing themselves and subjectivitiesPN1486 - Urban Anthropology
Recycling and its actors: approaches between Brazil and UruguayPN1486 - Urban Anthropology
Tourism and Beyond: The Quest of Socio-Cultural Impacts and Sustainable Development of Kalbelia in Rajasthan, IndiaPN1486 - Urban Anthropology
Slums of Rio de Janeiro and environmental crisis: Etnography as theoretical and methodological strategyPN1486 - Urban Anthropology
Guarani children in urban spaces: experience in multiple contexts in the commercialization of handicrafts.PN1486 - Urban Anthropology
"Platformization" of the taxi industry: A new dynamic of work relationship in Yaoundé, Cameroon.PN1486 - Urban Anthropology
Changes in the Formation of Cultural Space Brought about by the Expansion of the Verb “Walk”PN1486 - Urban Anthropology
Legal Activism, Police and Democracy: a comparative study between Brazil and South AfricaPN1486 - Urban Anthropology
Digital Cacophony: nutritional culture and its sub-cultures on Brazilian social media.PN1487 - Identities
Performing soldiering, being women: situated and shifting identities of female soldiers in the Zimbabwe National Army.PN1487 - Identities
No Longer Earthlings: Impacts of Extreme Journeys on Personal IdentitiesPN1487 - Identities
Reframing Migration Narratives: Marronage, Freedom of Movement, and Participatory Theatre in Anthropological ResearchPN1487 - Identities
La adquisición de Inglés entre los estudiantes de la UIEPPN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Transforming Lives: Educating Child Beggars from Marginalized Communities in India"PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Traditional Knowledge and Pedagogy of Tribes in India: Relevance and Adoption in Formal SchoolingPN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
The profile of female rectors of the Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, Science and TechnologyPN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Archaeology and Heritage Education from Perspective of Interdisciplinary Anthropology: Poster Project of Painting and Photography on Nuwa Mending Sky by Primary School StudentsPN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Assessment of academic stress among students of NTPC campus, Shaktinagar, Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaPN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
A case study of Heritage preservation and innovation with the implementation of NEP2020PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Building Values and Ethics Among School Children through Academics in Maharashtra, India.PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Uniting Voices to Challenge the Monolith: Multivocal, Multilingual, Mutual approaches to Teaching AnthropologyPN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Bringing Empowerment, Social Justice, and Equity through Digital Literacy and Computational ThinkingPN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Rethinking postgraduate classroom Anthropology: a framework for successful postgraduate promotion and durable careers.PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Unsettling knowledge about Palestine: Epistemic decolonization in a time of genocidePN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world
Integrating Oral Literature and Archaeological Methods in Identifying Potential Sites: A Case Study of Lepcha Folktales in, Sikkim, India.PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends
Transcultural Echoes in Bronte and Byron: A postcolonial Reading of ‘Jane Eyre’ and Don JuanPN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends
For a Post-‘Turn’ Anthropology: Critical Realism, meta-theory, and the ‘militant middle ground’PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends
Ecological Wisdom in Vindya-Satpura Range:praxis for human survivalPN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends
‘Political reading’ or a countercritique of Balaš’s „A Crusade for Social Anthropology“PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends
Raising Mapuche children among violence a militarizationPN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends
Anthropology of Food Sustainability: the Agroecological Transition of Food Producers in The Peri-Urban Area of Mexico CityPN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food
Food as Heritage: Politics on the PlatePN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food
From Achojcha to Picante de pollo. The change from indigenous to mestizo identity in Argentina (18th to 21st century).PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food
Vanishing art of Paasa preparation: A study on the ethnic Tai Khamti delicacy of Arunachal PradeshPN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food
Cum Pane: Meditations on Bread, Life, and Death PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food
Can a community-based public health arts intervention in Mali motivate change in community practices regarding food hygiene and child nutrition?PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food
Contemporary wedding menu in Albania: examining food in the perspective of language and identityPN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food
Cultural hybridisation and food practices, the case of "Friday's taco" in Norway.PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food
Lost in an Emerging Megapolis: An Ethnographic Study of Abducted and Migrant Children in Pune City of India, Exploring Diverse Viewpoints and Associated ChallengesPN1494 - Duplicates
Youth Participation in Lingayat Reservation Movement: An Anthropological Perspective in Pune,Maharashtra,India.PN1494 - Duplicates
Empowering Women’s Reproductive Health: Exploring CBD as a Novel Therapy for PCOS and Endometriosis Management.PN1494 - Duplicates
Deciphering cognitive paradigms of ancient humans : Rock Art of Central IndiaPN1494 - Duplicates
An in-depth exploration of the traditional healing beliefs and practices of the Hawasupai Tribe of Arizona, Through an emic approach.PN1494 - Duplicates
Factors contributing to life satisfaction of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the perspective of positive psychology.PN1494 - Duplicates
التطور التكنولوجي وتأثيره على تطور البحث الانثروبولوجي في العالم العربيPN1494 - Duplicates
Southern African forms of shamanism: holistic healing of personal and social problemsPN1494 - Duplicates