Paper Title | Panel |
Preservation of genetic memory in the gene pools of the ancestral groups of the Adygeans of the North Caucasus (Y-chromosome polymorphism) | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
CAR-T Cell Therapy: A Novel Approach in Cancer Treatment and Current Limitations | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
Variation of quantitative skin colour and its association with serum Vitamin-D concentration among different populations in Jharkhand, India | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
Genotyping of ABCC11 gene and Colostrum Secretions: Implications for Health and Traits among East and Northeast Populations of India | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
A study of A Single Variant Allele (rs1426654) of the Pigmentation Related Gene SLC24A5 Among Representative Cohort of Bengalee Caste Population | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
Menstruation Pattern of Kolkata’s Young College and University-Going Urban Girls with Special Emphasis on The Association of Certain Genetic Factors with Menstrual Abnormalities | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
Pharmacogenomic variations in NUDT15 genetic polymorphism among the ethnic tribal communities of India. | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
« It seems as if biology is once again the factor used to identify who is whom… » . Producing Knowledge about Ancestral Remains of Southern Africa | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
The Anthropological Paradigm of the Kabylia Region: Pierre Bourdieu's Sociology of Habitus and Oppressive Modernity | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Investigation on Fat Patterning and CAPN10 Gene Polymorphism on Tibeto-Burman linguistic group of Tripura, North East India | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
Challenging Essentialist Interpretations regarding sex and gender in Molecular Anthropology | PN1 - Molecular Anthropological Avenues: A New Arena in Anthropology as a Dominant Subdiscipline |
“In the heart of the city”: 1º Maio square as an epicentre of political dispute in Luanda, Angola | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
“3G Temple”, Urban Imagination and the “New Luanda” Governmentality: The Bom Deus Church in Angola and Beyond | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
Gyanvapi - A Mosque or A Temple: Archeology, Identity, Memory and Politics in an Indian City | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
Decolonising the public space: Radical fieldwork practice, art and performance in southern Africa | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
Urban Landscape: Narratives and spatial imaginaries around the Lima Wall | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
ARCHITECTURAL PEDAGOGIES AS ACTIVISM IN MEXICO CITY: An educator’s perspective. | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
Land of Memories: Mexico City’s Pueblos Originarios Between "Living heritage" and Political Agency | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
Shaping Amazonian Catholicism: aesthetics and ecological imaginations | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
The Veiled Realities: Unraveling the Impact of G20 Summit Beautification on the Lives of Delhi's Urban Poor | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
Peripheralized Voices in Art Spaces | PN2 - Common Place: Political Aesthetics, Ecologies and Imaginations of Public Spaces from the Global South |
Memórias da pandemia de Covid-19 entre indígenas Fulni-ô, no Brasil, e P`urhépecha, no México: estratégias de enfrentamento e os impactos sociais (pós)pandêmicos | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Exploring drivers of childhood vaccine hesitancy among caregivers in Brazil and South Africa: a qualitative study | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
The social dimensions of female genital schistosomiasis: patients’ and healthcare providers’ experiences in southern Mozambique | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Factors of patients' requests for medical assistance | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
ON VACCINES, EMOTIONS AND TESTIMONIES: the place of the body in the production of antagonistic discourses to the immunization against covid-19 | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
"Creencias, Curación y Discapacidad: Un Estudio sobre Prácticas Religiosas en el Contexto Evangélico en Brasil" | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Smoking, Prevention, Risk and Social Markers of Difference – notes from fieldwork in support groups for smokers in Goiânia, Brazil | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Race for Eradication of TB from Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh: Community and Health Care Worker's Response | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Gender, Nutrition and the Medicalization of Indigenous Reproductive Healthcare among the Savara Tribe of South India | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Laying bare the lived experience of COVID-19 in an urban township in Johannesburg, South Africa | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
The anthropological responsibility of statistical health data: reiterating imaginaries and perpetrating inequalities | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Itinerários Burocráticos e a Efetivação dos Direitos nos sistemas de saúde pública do Brasil e da Espanha: Uma Perspectiva Antropológica de uma violência estrutural. | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Apuntes sobre la constitución de una “red”. Acerca de la atención y los abordajes de consumos problemáticos de sustancias desde un municipio de la República Argentina | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Researching a Global Health Intervention: Reflections on Working in a Qualitative International Remote Team across Disciplines and Languages | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Breast cancer awareness in Rural India: A Comprehensive review | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Childhood leukemia and social inequalities in Mexico among indigenous peoples: a case study | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Leishmaniasis healing pathways in the Ecuadorian Amazon | PN3 - Current challenges and debates in the field of health and medical anthropology: local, regional, and global processes |
Tendencies of Development of Armenian Ethnology | PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
Tribal Museums: The Treasures of Indian Ethnic Heritage | PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
Recognizing collective memories in everyday objects, the case of Museo Paulista, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil | PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
Preserving Heritage: The Dual Impact of ICH Recognition on the Folk Traditions of the Irula Tribe in Attappadi, South India | PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
from collections to communities Towards An inclusive and People Centric Museum Management of the Tribal Museums Beyond a Repository of the Material Culture and the Visual Manifestations | PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
The creation of storage places for the protection of cultural material that comes from preventive archeology projects in the Aburra Valley | PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
Siberian Indigenous People Cultural Heritage in the late 20th – early 21st century: the Khanty and Mansi Case | PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
Working with visitors trajectories into the exhibition of the Samarkand Regional Museum of Local Lore as the basis for involving young people | PN4 - Ethnographic Museums for Preservation of Cultural Heritage |
LOCAL FOOD AND IDENTITY AT XYLAGANI (THRACE, GREECE) | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Traditional and borrowed food in East Slavic migrant communities living in South America | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Natural, sacred and delicious: dried meat among the Albanians of the Balkans | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Itäkeskus as a big kitchen for everybody in Helsinki | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Shaping National Identity Through Food: The Case of an Ethnic Group in Southwestern Ethiopia | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Changing Materiality of Food: Chukchi Cuisine at Local Feasts and Official Events | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Reimagine Local Identity Through Cicada Nymph | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Ritual baking of the Ob Ugrians from the collection of the Museum of Nature and Man. | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Exploring Cultural Beliefs and Practices in the Folklore of Awadh: An Anthropological Perspective on Food and Nutrition
| PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
From Bite to Belonging: The Unifying power of Food | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Preserving identity through cuisine: The Role of Traditional cooking among diaspora Meiteis in Assam | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
FOOD, PROTEST AND IDENTITY IN SARDINIA: THE FLAVOUR OF THE PROHIBITED MEAL | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Commodification of Food Culture- A Study of the Bodo Community of Assam, India | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Traditional nutrition as an integral part of the “sense of homeland” system | PN5 - Anthropology of Nutrition: Food as an Identity Resource |
Links established between parental environments and school through technological devices | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
Challenging Traditional Learning-to-Labor Processes: Teacher Work Socialization through Social Media in Santa Fe, Argentina | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
Challenges of cooperative learning with the use of digital learning platforms | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
Digitalised Voices of Young South African Women and Girls (aged 13- 24) about Social Taboos on the Springster Platform | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
School pathways of students from rural secondary schools in Tinogasta, Catamarca. Educational and socio-familial ethnographic study. | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
InsightED: Understanding and Improving Teacher Engagement on Ceibal's LMS Platform | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
The educational participation of the family in the development of communication skills in virtual learning environments. | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
Lupa Digital. /Digital Magnifying Glass (DMG) | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
Cyberbullying and university adaptation processes: social and academic | PN6 - Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments. Contributions of Digital Ethnography for Fieldwork in Education |
Nutrition, the Mid-Day Meal, and Social Context in India: Insights from Assam | PN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?" |
Covid-19 experience and water consumption in Brazil | PN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?" |
Hydric landscapes in Brazil: water access and infrastructure inequalities in the context of the climate change | PN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?" |
"Post-covid practices in water-ways research – the forced pause in research, and pivots post-covid surveillance" | PN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?" |
Food futures and crisis: COVID-19 and the repositioning of food sovereignty | PN7 - Post-covid practices in food and water-ways research - new frontiers, changes in research practice, or?" |
Maternal Violence and Vulnerability: The Role of REMA in Advocacy and Research in South America | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Motherhood as a form of resistance: Gender-based sanctions, rituals, and birth-related institutions among Endenese women in Eastern Indonesia. | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
“I am my mother’s daughter”: an intimate ethnography of transgression and disruption across time and space | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Maternal Metamorphosis: Navigating the First Year of Motherhood | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Body care and sexual and reproductive rights among young poor women in Buenos Aires, Argentina. | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Unveiling the Silent Struggles of Women in Labour Room: An Anthropological Exploration of Maternal Perspectives and Pain Endurance | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Legal and Moral Dilemmas of Surrogate Motherhood in Russia in the Wake of the Post-COVID Crisis | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
CONCEPTIONS OF MOTHERHOOD AND EMPOWERMENT IN SOUTHERN MALAWI | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Mulheres periféricas e estratégias de sobrevivência durante a pandemia de Covid-19: São Sebastião-DF em narrativas e imagens. | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Caring as a way of countering development | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Being adolescent, being pregnant, becoming mother: Experiences, life paths and healthcare around adolescent pregnancy in Mexico. | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
(Grand)motherhood within community-based care of children in Eswatini | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Stigmatizing Infertility: Societal Beliefs and Challenges in the Context of Bangladesh | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Navigating Pregnancy in Higher Education: Policy Analysis Aimed at Addressing Supportability and Antenatal Care for Pregnant University Students in South Africa. | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Unweaving and Weaving the Relationship Between Mothers and Daughters: An Analysis from the Perspective of Care and Violence in a Village in Southern Chile | PN9 - Motherhood experiences, care practices and social reproduction policies |
Anthropological identity of the Dozo Hunters in the 21st century (or in contemporary realities) | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
The Mechanism Of Limited Autonomy In India: The Demands Of Mising Community | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
‘The word of the Winka has no worth’. Unequal dialogues and struggles for autonomy in Wallmapu | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
Colombian Insurgencies and Para-States: A Historical Review | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
Weaving autonomy: the autonomic paradigm and interethnic tensions in the Bahia Peoples' Web | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
Anarchists in the Cuban Revolution: ponderations on an aborted autonomy project | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
Beyond Borders: Exploring Democratic Confederalism and the Global Solidarity Movement as a Post-Development Model | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
Resistance and Peace: Strengthening Governance, Autonomy and Special Indigenous Jurisdiction through Effective Participation in Dialogue and Peace Processes in Colombia. | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
Autonomies as practice and discourse: Toward an anthropology of insurgencies | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
“this land was Pindorama once, was always indigenous, and is, and will be again”: exile and diaspora from a decolonial feminist perspective. | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
Democratic Confederalism as Mytopraxis: Towards an Insurgent Analysis of the Kurdish Self-Determination Struggle | PN10 - Anthropology of Autonomies, Self-governing peoples and insurgents indigenous movements |
Researching ways of being-knowing and doing | PN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond |
How we got here: Extractivism and other faces of violence in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique | PN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond |
Mobilising ethnicity, ancestry, and material heritage against a new locus of extractive industry in Makapanstad, North West Province, South Africa | PN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond |
Against ‘Knowledge Extractivism’: Reciprocities, Relations, & Aspirations Along the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline | PN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond |
Extractivism in the DR Congo and Canada: A comparative analysis of how resources are used to shape the narrative about development while perpetuating neo-colonial ways of governance | PN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond |
Decolonizing Knowledge: Unveiling Colonial Legacies in Post-Soviet Extractivism | PN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond |
The Socio-Political and Cultural Layers of Anthropocene Stratigraphy in the Russian Arctic | PN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond |
"I am a hustler": Exploring women's lived experiences in mining-affected communities of South Africa | PN11 - Researching Alternatives to Extractivism Otherwise: Ways of Being, Knowing and Doing Alongside the (sub)Surface in Africa and Beyond |
Consumerism versus Sustainability: A Study of Environmental Impact on Jharkhand’s Tribal Communities | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
In Search of Transformative Justice on Gendered Climatic Displacement: Exploring a Sustainability Perspective in Bangladesh | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
Issues on Territorial Claims of the Ayta Magbukon over their Ancestral Domain | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
Addressing rangeland degradation by changing continuous grazing patterns: local viewpoints, challenges and prospects in Namibia’s communal areas. | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
The Role of Anthropology in the Advocacy for Reparation of Traditional Communities in Brazil | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
Indigenous People and Healing the Birrarung River, Australia | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
"Studying the Abject in Capitalist Ecology: Revisiting the Endosulfan Narratives from Kerala, India" | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
“We live in a Whole Environment”: Degredo’s animated beings living with the arrival of the mud of the Samarco Tailings Dam collapse | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
Sacred Demarcations: Land Claims, Climate Justice and the Laklãnõ Struggle in Southern Brazil | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
Unwelcome Guest: Impact of Invasive Senna Spectabilis on the Life and Livelihood of the Kattunayakan Tribe in the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary of Kerala, South India | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
Histories, knowledges and relationships that counter-effect the desert and desertified territories of the Western La Pampa (Argentina) | PN12 - Environmental crisis, disasters, and territorial claims: the role of anthropology with traditional communities in reimagining worlds |
Public Authorities and Justice among Johannesburg's Migrant Communities | PN13 - Public authority in the polycrisis |
Public health in the polycrisis: ethnographic findings from Uganda’s borderlands with DRC | PN13 - Public authority in the polycrisis |
Cementerios, pandemia y cuidados: abordajes etnográficos ante la posible transmisión de tanato-enfermedades | PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement |
DESCRIBING THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOUTH AFRICAN GAY MEN WHO DISAPPEARED, THROUGH ANALYSING ONLINE MEDIA REPORTS | PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement |
Touching the invisible: Notes from São Luís Historical Centre (Maranhão, Brazil) on materiality and ghosts | PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement |
The chairman gave me only a letter threatening my dad with arrest: empathic and power centred Interventions to mitigate policycrisis in northern Uganda | PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement |
“Dancing with the spirits”: Individuals’ affective experience of masked dances in the wake of changing beliefs. | PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement |
Remembering the “Time of Difficulties”: Water-Access Objects, Structures and Places in the Brazilian Semiarid Region | PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement |
In-Between Spaces: Legal Ambiguity and Marginalisation in South African Backyard Dwellings | PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement |
The senses of belonging: sensory experiences and the art of sociability among Turkish Muslim women in exile | PN14 - Retracing the Invisible and the Silent: Condensed Histories, Affective Atmospheres, and the Palpability of Obliterated Emplacement |
The challenges of anthropology from the South: experiences from a Peruvian Andean university | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
Aspects of Globally Racialized Universities | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
On being a social scientist between institutional demands and day-to-day endeavours. An ethnography at a Cuban university | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
The creation of Learning Communities supported by a network of higher education programs | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
Ever-shrinking Academic Freedom and Precarity of the Academics in Bangladesh | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
Indigenous Tutorial Education Program (PET) towards decolonial thinking and the construction of autonomy: The case of UFPB, Northeast-Brazil | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
Navigating AI Integration in Higher Education: Perspectives from Social Science Students and Teachers | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
The role(s) of medical anthropology students in developing multi-partner community-based health promotion and intervention programs in Makhanda, South Africa | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
Brazilian anthropology and its narcissistic pact of whiteness: between silences and transformations | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
The future of anthropology in Africa: challenge, perspective and development | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
"Friendship of Peoples" as a Soviet concept and policy (on the example of the formation of a multinational composition of teachers and graduate students of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1946-1978) | PN15 - Anthropology and Universities as Sites of Transformation |
Sporting Occasion as Affordance: Embodied Poetics of Football Fandom | PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport. |
How to “play well” while swimming outdoors: embracing competitive values, playful encounters, and changing fields | PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport. |
“Empowerment or Hegemonic Subservience?” Female Bodybuilding in the Developing World: Insights from the Philippines | PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport. |
Creativity, Violence, and Tracing the Limits of Playful Frames | PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport. |
Problematising change: The role of iteration in fabricating knowledge for sport and anthropology | PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport. |
Tensions between discourses and practices of interpretation in the production of knowledge about the use of sport in international development settings. | PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport. |
Learning with(in) the river through kayaking: experiences of Mapuche-Pewenche children in Kayakimün. | PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport. |
Broadening the scope of skills and optimal grip: The embodied knowledge production of Fighting Monkey | PN16 - Poetry in motion – creativity and knowledge production in sport. |
NORTH AMERICAN MUSEUMS NAVIGATING NAGPRA: REPATRIATION AGAINST THE CLOCK | PN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories |
Preserving Heritage Through Thira Ritualistic Art: A Museum Anthropology Perspective. | PN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories |
Digital preservation efforts of Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Knowledge: A Systematic Review of Literature | PN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories |
Museum as an strong tool of education | PN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories |
Decolonizing Ethnographic Museums: Honoring Unsung Tribal Heroes through Freedom Fighters' Museums in India | PN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories |
Inclusive practices in ethnographic museums: experience of Russia | PN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories |
Transforming Tribal Villages into Knowledge Hubs: Preserving Culture and Sharing Indigenous Knowledge in En-Uru, a Museum Anthropology Study | PN17 - Unveiling Legitimacy: Museums and Collections as Pillars of Knowledge Repositories |
The American Anthropological Association’s Embrace of the WCAA | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
Retracing 46 Years of Philippine Anthropology through the Lens of UGAT (Anthropological Association of the Philippines) | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
World Anthropologies and IUAES/WCAA/WAU: Diverse Associations with Diverse Perspectives | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
Contextual factors that have influenced the development of anthropological sciences in Tunisia | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
Anthropology in and of Southern Africa: Reflecting on Anthropological Knowledge-Making through the Anthropology Southern Africa Association and Journal | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
The Latin American Anthropological Association and the challenges faced in the context of the plurality of our anthropologies | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
Feminist anthropologists in power? Presence, impact, and visibility of women in the presidency of anthropology associations in Brazil and Latin-America. | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
The challenges of anthropological practices in Mozambique | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
Making plural anthropological communities: challenges for continuity and change to the Mexican College of Ethnologists and Social Anthropologists (CEAS) | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
Speaking (truth) to power? Precarious anthropologies facing imperial hegemonies | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
Managing diverse traditions in anthropology: a view from Portuguese Anthropological Association | PN18 - World Anthropologies: The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA), its member-associations and the making of a plural community of anthropologists |
Land, Culture and Development: The Marginal Identity and Struggle of Khoisan People in South Africa——Based on Fieldwork of Amazon Event in Cape Town | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Storytelling as an indigenous research approach to health care beliefs and practices among Indo- and Afro-Trinidadians | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Archivos y derechos culturales: El caso de los Cucapá de Baja California, México. | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Exploring Workplace Experiences: A study among indigenous women in West Bengal, India | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Sustaining Bonda PVTGs Livelihoods in Odisha: Insights form Bonda Development Agency Micro Project. | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Storytelling as recreating Cultural Stage for Legendary Bajan Characters: Ossie Moore and King Dyal | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Constructing the gaze. Photography mediating anthropological encounters in the field. | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Storytelling Multiplicity: Embracing the Complexities and Multi-faceted Nature of Land in the Mpumalanga Lowveld, South Africa | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Confrontation between High-Caste Hindu and Indigenous People in Nepal: The Case of Cows | PN19 - De-Colonizing Ethnographic Method and Practice: Perspectives from Migrant/ Displaced- Tribal, Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations |
Knowledge and Power in post independence Moroccan Society A hermeneutic Approach | PN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges |
: تمظهرات الخطاب الاستعماري في الفكر الأنثروبولوجي. | PN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges |
The technological evolution and its impact on the development of anthropological research in the Arab world | PN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges |
Between national policies, self-branding and marketing- negotiating family intimacy in Saudi influencer videos on YouTube | PN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges |
The evolution of Anthropology in post-independent Tunisia seen through a genetic lens | PN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges |
النظرية الانقسامية في الفكر الأنثروبولوجي. | PN20 - Anthropology in the Postcolonial Era in the Middle East and North Africa: Reality and Challenges |
The experience of the Defensoras Populares Project in Ceará/Brazil | PN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements |
Kayuh Baimbai and Trans Superheroes: Applied arts and feminist ethnographic research towards climate, gender and disaster justice | PN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements |
Transnational feminism in the prevention of gender-based violence in Cape Verde: an analysis of "Fla Sim pa Mudjer" | PN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements |
The Political Imaginary of Mukkuvar Women: A Pedagogy for Radical Praxis | PN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements |
Peripheral feminism: women, activism, and democratization of higher education in the peripheries of São Paulo | PN21 - Gender activisms and community care practices from the Global South: interlocutions between universities and social movements |
“The football dads”: entanglements of economy and care in the football migration industry | PN22 - Football and mobility |
The mobility of Brazilian football players abroad | PN22 - Football and mobility |
Social Networks and Football Migration to Turkiye | PN22 - Football and mobility |
Racial/Gendered Regimes in African women's football migration | PN22 - Football and mobility |
Mobilities in women’s amateur football in Rio de Janeiro | PN22 - Football and mobility |
Indigenous documentary heritage: collaborative work between CPDOC and the Apinajé People | PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use |
The Anthropologist and the Novelist: Friendship and Intellectual Sociability in the Letters between H. Rider Haggard and Andrew Lang (1880-1910) | PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use |
Archiving Exile and Seeking Reconciliation in Namibia: The Work of the Ailonga Collection, 1989-2024 | PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use |
Private Moscow press archive as a source for anthropological analysis of discursive practices of normalizing stigmatized identity in times of transition | PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use |
Marina de Vasconcelos, a professor and pioneer in Brazilian Anthropology | PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use |
The Hercílio Luz Bridge. Material forms and urban transformations in Florianópolis based on the imagery of sports clubs | PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use |
Participatory Archival Charter (PAC): A Popular Approach Towards Decolonizing Reuse and Metadata in Community Archives (Shubra's Archive Case) | PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use |
The Agenda of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: Research and Public Policy on Oral History Interviews with Anthropologists | PN23 - Anthropology and archival sources: institutional experiences and possibilities of use |
Crossing The Global Mediterranean: Caranvanserai or Wound? | PN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands |
"This is what my fear told me": Feminist Anthropology and Research Ethics | PN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands |
The Banality of Good: The Ethical Challenges of Humanitarian Action in Mediterranean Borderlands | PN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands |
Rethinking regions through the Mediterranean | PN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands |
Beyond Orientalism: Translation and changing (mis)representations of the “Other” in the metanarratives of the 21st Century | PN24 - Politics and practices of anthropological knowledge making across contested regional borderlands |
Desafios e (re)existências em comunidades quilombolas da Bahia: o exemplo do Tabuleiro da Vitória | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
Afrormative Dance: A pedagogical proposal for the applicability of law 10.639/03 | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
REINVENTING TRADITIONS: notes on the processes of re-signification in the Cururupu ox cart - Maranhão/Brazil | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
Uso da Etnopedologia no resgate de saberes sobre solo e identidade para o povo Wassu Cocal em Alagoas, Brasil. | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
Ilê-Aiyê: Caldeirão de Dendê Forjado em 50 Anos de Luta, de Transformação e de Preservação da Cultura do Povo Preto | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
BLACK VOICES ECHO: Construction of life projects and the subjectivities of black women from the periphery of Cachoeira – Bahia | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
The traditional costumes worn by women in the samba de roda of Recôncavo Baiano | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
The Inti Raymi: (re)existence and resistance experience to envision new and non-essentialized identifications In Ecuadorian Andes | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
POR ONDE ANDA O DINHEIRO DO AXÉ? D’UM CAPITAL “INVISÍVEL” E SUAS MAZELAS. PARTE 2: DO MERGULHO (NU) NO TERRENO (REFLEXÕES TEÓRICAS) | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
A return to the return of the ram: The lessons of the traditional Chilean circus on its route to UNESCO | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
The Formation of the Mzimba Heritage Association - A Cultural Grouping | PN25 - Intangible Heritage: Challenges, Successes, Safeguarding, and Other Forms of (Re)Existence |
Transformation of Human-Nonhuman Relations in Herbal Healing through the Social Network Services | PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions |
Perception, sensoriality and health in Candomblé initiation (Brazil) | PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions |
Crocodile, The Human's Friend: A Multispecies Ethnography Of Human-Animal Relationship in Bazoule, Burkina Faso | PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions |
Ferege fani, Senufo sacrificial cloth and its more-than-human entanglements. Ritual textile practices of knotting and attaching in an interconnected cosmology. | PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions |
Socioecologies of Care in Extractive Contexts: An Initial Reflection | PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions |
Towards a reconceptualization of relational health: Health and more-than-human entanglements in Candomblé | PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions |
Las penas de Exu | PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions |
Next generation rituals of curated power for pathogen genomic sequencing out of Africa | PN26 - Health and more-than-human entanglements in African and Afro-diasporic religions |
Spiritual Healing and Mental Health: Story from Kerala | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
SITUATING THE COEXISTENCE OF ETHNOBOTANICAL PLANTS IN THE LIFE OF PANIYA COMMUNITY OF WAYANAD | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
Sources of Healthcare among Tharu of Lakhimpur Kheri District, Uttar Pradesh, India. | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
Reviving Traditional Healing: The Ethno-Medicinal Practices of the Kandha Community in Odisha | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
Indigenous Ethno-Medicinal Healing Practices Among The Paudi Bhuiyan Community of Deogarh District, Odisha | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
The Dying Traditional Medicinal Culture among the Forest Dependent Communities in Dharamjaigarh Division of The Lemru Elephant Reserve, Chhattisgarh, Central India | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
From Roots to Remedies: Indigenous Healing Practices among Tiwas in Assam | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
Traditional Healthcare: The Role of Ethno medicines and Indigenous Knowledge Systems | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
Traditional Healing Systems and Ethnomedicine of the Buxa Community in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, India | PN27 - Anthropology of Indigenous Knowledge System and Ethno-Medicinal Practices in India |
Correlation of Various Physiological Parameters with Vitamin D Levels Among Adult Females of Chandigarh, India | PN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector |
Balancing Care Amidst the Pandemic: Challenges in ERP Utilization within Finland's Home Care Sector | PN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector |
"Whose data is it?" Pharmacies, pharmaceutical professionals and pharmaceutical industry: Doing ehtnography about production of private epidemiology in Buenos Aires province, Argentine. | PN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector |
Dynamics of Digitisation in healthcare | PN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector |
Medical Applications and Biohacking | PN28 - Emerging trends and challenges in the digitizing health sector |
In Search of Good Lif: Low-Skilled Migrant Workers of Bangladesh and Nepal in India | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Borders, boundaries, inter-sectionalism and the problems of memory of young British Muslims in-between identities in modern UK | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Reclaiming the agency of migrant women entrepreneurs in the Global South through a historcal and ethnographic approach | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
‘Homing Desire’: Migration Choices and shaping a desire for home | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Refugees' mental health and sources of resilience. What works? | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Towards a borderless world: Challenging ‘sticky attachments’ and narratives | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
The role of anthropology in combatting trafficking in persons | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Conflict, memory and anthropological values in the Lisbon area | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Mobile Citizenry, Transnational Socialities and Place Making among Ethiopian Migrants along the Southern Route from Addis Ababa, through Nairobi to South Africa. | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Resilient Heritage: The Journey and Cultural Evolution of the Bene Israel Community in India | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
“I NO LONGER HAVE A HOUSE” DISPOSSESSION AND FORCED DISPLACEMENT: MEXICO, THE CASE OF VERACRUZ | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Some aspects in consumption of goods in Israel (examples of using garbage dumps in Haifa). | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
The moving dead: Anthropological reevaluation of the migratory frameworks | PN29 - World on the Move – Reframing perspectives on migration and displacement |
Childhood in China: A Three-Generation Portrait | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
Living in a Modern Chinese Garden: Landscaping and Sociality in Beijing | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
Reflections and Practices of Chengtoushan Archaeological Heritage Empowering Local Cultural Tourism Development | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
Making Knowledge, Crafting Skills: The Master-Disciple Model in Chinese Cultural Heritage | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
Rethinking racialization: The shifting representations of immigrant traders in China | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
The Disciplinary Transformation and Survival Strategies of Contemporary Chinese Ethnology | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
Filial expectations as care in marginalised communities in China | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
Dispersed Knowledges: Ethnographic Explorations from Rural China | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
“A New Journey in the Eastern Pearl”: African Contemporary Arts on China’s Cultural Landscape | PN30 - Toward a Decentred Anthropology of Inquiry: Engaging with China, Reimagining Sociality |
Moving From Offline to Online: A Study on the Digital Education Experience in Kerala during the Pandemic | PN31 - The inequality of education of rural residents compared to urban ones. The influence of education on the formation of identity among the villagers |
Educational model for young people from rural communities in Colombia | PN31 - The inequality of education of rural residents compared to urban ones. The influence of education on the formation of identity among the villagers |
CONTINUING EDUCATION WITH ETHNO-CULTURAL COMPONENT. NARRATIVES ABOUT THE PRESERVATION OF FOLK TRADITIONS BY RURAL RESIDENTS OF BASHKORTOSTAN | PN31 - The inequality of education of rural residents compared to urban ones. The influence of education on the formation of identity among the villagers |
Social inequality and rural education in Russia | PN31 - The inequality of education of rural residents compared to urban ones. The influence of education on the formation of identity among the villagers |
Publishing Brazilian anthropology for the global environment: the experience of Vibrant - Virtual Brazilian Anthropology (2017-2024) | PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing |
Horizontes Antropológicos, a multilanguage and pluri-thematic Anthropology journa | PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing |
Bridging Worlds: SAPIENS Magazine's Role in Democratizing Anthropology for Global Audiences | PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing |
Publishing Perspectives from American Ethnologist | PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing |
Chinese perspectives on publishing academic papers | PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing |
Editing with Generosity and Care as Guiding Values | PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing |
Multiple Hats | PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing |
Publishing in a context of global political and moral polarizations | PN32 - Worldwide Perspectives on Publishing |
Digital Transformation: New Media and Heritage Preservation in India | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Politics of Collective Identity: the Grassroots Voices in the Revival of Dragon Dance in Tongliang, Southwestern China | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Journeying With the Gods: The Alphabet(a)s of Ramnagar’s Ramlila as a Theatre of Faith | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Leveraging Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Resilience and Sustainability in Africa: Exploring the Africa’s Rain-Making Technology | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
The soul of the island is dying: material heritage, environment and intangible heritage on the Island of Mozambique. | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
From Colonial Crop to Local Pride: Remaking the Kenyan Pyrethrum Industry as Cultural Heritage | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Medical heritage and citizen science in Western Japan | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Heritage meaning-making from alter-native experiences in the Ecuadorian Andes | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Wheels of Change: The Evolution of Rickshaw Art in the Socio-Technological Landscape of Bangladesh | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
The Blue Journey to the Visibilization of cultural Heritage in South Africa and Namibia | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Landscapes of Heritage, Affect and Loss: A Case Study from Central Türkiye | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Embracing change and responding to cultural resilience for heritage | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
The Socio-Cultural Factors for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Handicrafts: A Case Study of Indian Handloom Industry | PN33 - Making and remaking heritage in global context |
Grounded concepts and ethical framings: thinking about ethics via ubuntu | PN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment |
Research on race, ethnicity, and gender in South Africa: lessons learnt through an intersectional lens to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) | PN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment |
COLLECTIVE GUILT, DENIAL AND PUNISHMENT IN AUSTRIA | PN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment |
Heartwork | PN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment |
Islamic Ethics in South Africa in the decolonial moment | PN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment |
Ethnography in Danger: Fieldwork Ethics in Military-State Regimes | PN34 - Ethics in the decolonial moment |
Navigating the Complexities of Child Domestic Labor: Insights from Female Workers in Ethiopia | PN35 - Domesticity and domestic work in Africa: a long trajectory |
Domesticity, girls and children's labour and legacy of slavery | PN35 - Domesticity and domestic work in Africa: a long trajectory |
Vidomègon as a choice ? Ethnographic examples of a reinterpretation of a practice in Southern Benin
| PN35 - Domesticity and domestic work in Africa: a long trajectory |
Decryption of the River Diagram and Nuwa Mending Heaven: A Dream of the Central State from Sanxingdui & Chengtoushan & Shuanghuaishu | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
Encountering the Others: anthropological courses of Africa in China | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
Build the Sleeping Medicine Academic-Discipline in China: Take the Center for Sleep and Circadian Medicine of Affiliated Brain Hospital, Guangzhou Medical University as an example | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
Women Anthropologists and Their Contributions in Southern Africa: From Agnes Winifred Hoernlé | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
Thoughts on the Subject of the Yi Costume Research | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
AI popularization education in primary and secondary schools | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
On the Special Contribution of the Yi-Hai Alliance to the Chinese Revolution | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
Yi Shared Intangible Heritage between France and China | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
The Layout of African Studies Discipline Construction in China and Suggestions on Future Research Directions | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
Inheritance and Exchange: National culture display from the perspective of cross-cultural communication: A case study of Qinghai Tibetan Medicine Culture Museum | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
The Relationship between Yi Torch Festival Music and Material Resources | PN36 - Critique/Reflection versus Inheritance/Reform: A Comparison of Different Approaches in China and Africa to Building Vibrant Anthropological Disciplines that Serve the People |
The nation and its infiltrators: reflections on Immorality Act’s archives. | PN37 - Towards Decolonizing African History and Visions of Development |
Post-Colonialism and the Rule of Law: Global Perspectives on the Enlargement of the European Union | PN37 - Towards Decolonizing African History and Visions of Development |
Remembering and forgetting under the Western gaze. A Brazilian Historian looks at East Africa | PN37 - Towards Decolonizing African History and Visions of Development |
The Ruptures of Rohingya Muslim immigrants in Nepal : An ethnographic reflections in the post pandemic context | PN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance |
On the coloniality of transit in the Mexican, Turkish and Moroccan border regimes | PN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance |
“We the Blacks.” Race-blinded humanitarianism, embodied knowledge, and the postcolonial interruption of Blackness. | PN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance |
Nationalism, Orientalism, and Civilizationalism on the Easter Border of the European Union | PN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance |
On the mismatch between European liberal rhetoric of freedom and African migrants’ lived experiences of immobility | PN39 - Anthropological perspectives on the coloniality of border regimes and the ‘liberal’ way of migration and international mobility governance |
Dialogues with the Divine; Connecting Religious Ontologies through Sacred Music | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Can drawings do more? A journey into graphic anthropology. | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
ART AS “CREATIVE INGREDIENT” IN ANTHROPOLOGICAL DISCOURSE | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Visualizing the Universe: The Role of Pictures in Mediating the Relationship Between People and Outer Space | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Responding to Health Emergencies: Interdisciplinary Teams and Creative Communication to Reach Local Populations | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Taking Anthropology to Power Holders in the Public Realm | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Breaking Boundaries: Engaging Public Audiences with Anthropology | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Anthropology as public citizenship: examples from Caribbeanist ethnography | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Creativity crossroads and world cultures: heading towards new audiences. | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Singing poetry, voicing tradition: Conveying Anthropology through musical performance | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Drawing and Talking a Way In Together: Graphic Ethnography for Youth as Generative and Intergenerational Entangled Relations | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Ethnography for a visual representation of April 25 | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
On being informative and convincing in the Academia of the Post-Gutenberg world | PN40 - Anthropology and creativity: reaching new audiences. |
Other Values, Other Anthropologists | PN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World |
The problem of normativity: From rural reform to climate change | PN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World |
Interalogy: A Dynamic and Relational Framework for Advancing Anthropological Theory | PN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World |
Some considerations about “values”: heading towards a collective discussion | PN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World |
David Webster (1944 - 1989): When an anthropologist Dies | PN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World |
Materialising Difference, Anthropological Values and Ethics | PN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World |
Ethnography of entanglements: Reflections from more-than-human ways of knowing | PN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World |
Anthropological Values and the World Anthropological Union | PN41 - What are Anthropological Values? Comparisons Across the World |
The local afterlives of interventionist environmental mangrove projects in coastal Tanzania (Rufiji Delta and Mafia Island). | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
Broken bond with the River: Exploring apathy towards Intermittent river water quality | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
Into the unknown. Just transition of mining regions on the example of the Konin Lignite Basin in Poland | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
Local Agency in Enacting a Duty of Care towards the Kinabatangan River: The Role of Environmental Monitoring and Social Learning in Fostering a Sense of Place in Sabah, Malaysia | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
Multiple narratives and contested environmental justice in coastal India | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
Can the (Indigenous) subaltern speak (at the IPCC)? Problems and challenges in the inclusion of indigenous knowledge in environmental governance | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
Exploring Sustainable Initiatives in a Housing Complex in Recife: A Case Study of Ruy Frazão Project | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
Cultural heritage of Baiga Tribe: Resource Conservation and Sustainable Development | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
How Urban Gardens Purposes Adapt to Combat Social Systemic Issues in Neighboring Communities | PN43 - Fostering Local Agency to Confront Environmental Issues: Global Forces, Local Conjunctures and Environmental Actants |
Destabilising modern cosmologics: juxtapositions, alternative linkages and estrangement | PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography |
Star Ritual and Embodied Outer Space in Korean Shamanism | PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography |
(Female) African Voices on the Construction of the Outer Space in Light of (Gender) Inequalities and the United Nations Space Fo(u)r Sustainable Development Goals (Space4SDGs) | PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography |
Rendering "Outer Space Ethnography" Experimental: Speculative Visual Experimentation to Access Inaccessible Spaces | PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography |
No Such Thing as Colonization or Decolonization in Space | PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography |
Meanings Made in Montage: Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography with the Video Essay | PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography |
Emptiness as resource: Space exploration and alien agencies in subarctic Sweden | PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography |
The Presence of the Past (In outer Space): Mexican Memories | PN44 - Decolonizing Outer Space Ethnography |
Intersecting Marginalisations: The Challenges of Neuroqueer Individuals in Indian Mental Health Care | PN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer |
Parents Fighting for Possible Horizons for their NeuroQueer Children | PN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer |
Structures of Domination: A Study of Impact on Trans* Health Outcomes in Prayagraj City | PN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer |
Feminist anthropology, childhood and queerness | PN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer |
Decolonizing Neuroqueering: Bridging Historical Non-Binary Practices with Modern Neurodivergent Identities | PN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer |
African Queer Refugees in the North Atlantic: Drawing Comparisons Between Two Cases | PN46 - Feminisms, Childhood, and Neurodivergent/ Neuroqueer |
is this anthropology ? | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Intersectionality and the socio-cultural determinants of mental health: ethnographical cases in Ecuador | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Dealing with mental health and trauma in fishing communities | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Navigating Mental Healthcare Access: Challenges for Youth in the Border Regions of Jammu and Kashmir | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Institutional pressures in public mental health services: ethnography from an Italian Department of Mental Health. | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Juvenile penalties in contexts of mental health crisis and precarious ecologies. Proposals for an agenda of anthropological study of contemporary youth distress and violence | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Action, strategy and care: an analysis over the access to mental health care at a higher education institution in northeastern Brazil | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
An ethnographic inquiry on barriers to day-to-day practice among mental health professionals at a community home and a psychiatric hospital in Equatorial Guinea | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Forced Conception & its Impact on Maternal Health : A Study of the Women’s Bodies and Agency in Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Caring as contesting: Museums, Arts, and Mental Health in Kimberly, South Africa | PN47 - Inequalities in (Mental) Healthcare: Critical Perspectives in Medical Anthropology |
Sustainability of indigenous alcohol drinking culture amongst the tribes of West Bengal, India: a case study of native knowledge versus urban stigma. | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
"One size does not fit all": context specific approaches in the decision making of Covid-19 vaccinations shaping the practice of medical pluralism amongst Traditional Health Practitioners in Makhanda | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Medical Xenophobia? Unpacking undocumented Zimbabwean migrant's experiences of public healthcare in Bloemfontein | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
The effects of racial capitalism on migrant farmworker health in Maryland | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Reproductive Governance and fertility regulation techniques in Primary Heath Care in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: an ethnographic study | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Mpox as a public health emergency of international concern in Nigeria: shifting power in pandemics | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Statehood and Healthcare: Geopolitical Challenges in Providing for Refugees in India | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Navigating Barriers: Exploring environmental and structural obstacles experienced by blind and visually impaired (BVI) people when accessing public spaces in Gqeberha during COVID-19. | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Childhood vaccination coverage: Nursing mothers’ perspectives and geopolitics in rural Nigeria communities | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
“I don’t remember the vaccine’s name; for us, vaccines are vaccines.” The vaccination conundrum: an Indian perspective | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Vaccine Hesitancy and Booster Dose Acceptance among Young Adults in Pakistan during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Navigating Reproductive Policies: Population Control and Women's Rights in India | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
The Immune System in Control Societies: Geopolitics and Immunomodulation in Contemporary Biomedical Settings | PN48 - Geopolitics of Health: Intersections, Implications, and Dynamics |
Are Non-Governmental Organizations a Panacea for Tribal Development?: An Empirical Study of the Santal Tribe of West Bengal | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Understanding the Changing Pattern livelihoods in a Village, Bundelkhand, Madhya Pradesh | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Modes of livelihoods and experiences: the case of Liangmai youth migration to Indian cities | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Empirical Discourse of Tribal Land Alienation in India: A Glimpse from the Countryside | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Vulnerability and sustainability of the food gathering strategies of Ati people in Guimaras, Philippines | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Nourishing Futures: The Impact of Nutritional and Entrepreneurial Interventions on Maternal and Child Health and Economic Resilience in the Chittagong Hill Tracts | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Associated Factors for the Poor Health of Baiga Tribes in Madhya Pradesh: An Indigenous Perspective | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Empowering Rural and Tribal Communities through Clean Energy: The Odisha Perspective | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Creating Local solutions to sustain Food Security through Food Sovereignty in the Trans Himalayan Region in India | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Following the Traditional Path: A study of the service providers at a Rural Livestock Market in Jaipur, India | PN50 - Mapping Rural and Tribal Livelihoods and Quest for Sustainability in the Contemporary South Asian Societies |
Title: A Fabric of Care: The Joy of Textiles Through a Feminist Lens | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Collaborative Visions: Reimagining Visual Representations Through Ethnography and Photography | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Escaped memories of women circus artists in Mexico in 1920-1930 and Argentina in 1950-1960. Investigate by making a feminist ethnographic documentary | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Guaraní women's agency: rescue of ancestral knowledge and artisanal work in the Peña Morada community, San Martín department, Salta, Argentina. | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Ecological worldviews in the Jat-Jatin: The folk play performance of women in Mithilanchal, Bihar | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Exposing feminists' critique of white privilege in Europe from a South African perspective | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
How do artist-activist agencies and queer community resonate in Ghana? : the case study of creative practices to visualize and empower the inequalities and marginalities of queer community | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Dancing empathy. A methodological approach for kinesthetic research and new modes of connecting from a feminist perspective | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Artist lens on everyday mothering care. Peripherality as resilience | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Visibilising relations of CAA [Citizenship Amendment Act (2019-2020)] protests through artifacts in India | PN51 - Undoing Inequalities through Creative Practice and Art in/as Research: Feminist Lens on Reimagining Knowledge Construction |
Social Networks as Sociotechnical Learning Environments: Implications for Natural Science's Teachers Education | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
Social media and algorithmic distribution of content: questioning power and inequality | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
Between spirits and digital economies. Mediatization of marginalized performative practice. | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
Digital Funerals and Screenshots: Migrants Channel Grief and Imagine the Eternal Realm | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
Screening indigenous films through hyper-local streaming apps | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
Caste-ing for a match: Caste, gender, and matchmaking through online matrimonial websites in India. | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
"Work smarter, not harder": Designing a multimodal mobile ethnographic study under global pressures and uncertain futures | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
"Openness" and "closeness": virtual strategies of the indigenous peoples of Russia | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
(Un)sustainable technologies: the promise of a digital revolution at agricultural fairs in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
Siri, Roomba and other animals: an ethnography of digitalized family relations | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
Doing fieldwork in South America from a multilocal, multitemporal and digital perspective | PN52 - Reimagining digital anthropology: towards decolonial perspectives and practices |
Framing Caring Performances: The Aesthetics and Ethics of End-of-Life Photography in Chinese Hospice Care | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Spaces of Belonging: Care and Community Among Chinese Seniors in Health Supplements Markets | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Male Carers: Everyday experiences of later-life caregiving of male carers in urban India | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Grace as Reparative Praxis for Anthropology as Care | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Follow the dog: Reimagine a more-than-human anthropology of and as care | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Images of Care and Care for Images: Intersections of research, participation and action | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Making Vulnerable: The Exposure to Harm of Institutionalized Older Adults in Lima, Peru | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Caregiving, conflict and support in rural South Africa | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Toward an Epistemology of Care: The Impact of Structural Violence on Aging in Diaspora | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Rethinking reciprocity and the labor of care in rural South Africa (PN53) | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
When a Stuffed Animal Speaks Out: On the Relationship between Materiality and Affect | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Exploring Caregivers' Social and Cultural Conceptions of People with Intellectual Disability in Vhembe District Municipality, South Africa | PN53 - Care and the anthropological imagination |
Peasant-indigenous women's action against Agrarian Extractivism in Argentina: from cook to international feminism | PN55 - Territorial Dynamics of Extractivism and Epistemic Mobilizations in the Global South |
Socioeconomic transformations and extractive everyday life in the the the Lower Urubamba River (Peruvian Amazon) | PN55 - Territorial Dynamics of Extractivism and Epistemic Mobilizations in the Global South |
“While I slept, a grave was digged deep inside my chest”: An ethnographic study about the Braskem disaster in Maceió, Brazil | PN55 - Territorial Dynamics of Extractivism and Epistemic Mobilizations in the Global South |
Extrativismo tradicional de balata no contexto das operações madeireiras na Floresta Estadual do Paru | PN55 - Territorial Dynamics of Extractivism and Epistemic Mobilizations in the Global South |
Traditional jester-healers of the Manden (Mali, Guinea). | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
Fostering Traditional Food Systems for Achieving Food Security: Reviving, Preserving and Safeguarding | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
Preserving Indigenous Wisdom: Exploring Intellectual Property Rights of Tribal Communities in Kerala | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
"Taking care of themselves- अपना ख्याल रखना"- Healing practices in Johar Valley of Uttarakhand, India | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
Land as the Mediator between Tribal Life and Their Cultural EcologyTraditional Knowledge System and Unravelling the Complexity of Issues on Land Rights from the Perspective of Traditional Knowledge System | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
“Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Oaxaca, Mexico: the case of Comunalidad” | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
Tagin Tribe's Indigenous Knowledge System: Navigating Contemporary Issues | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
What makes pottery a woman’s art? A study on Oinam (Poumai) of Manipur, India | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
Traditional knowledge system and sustainability: Social preservation or change? | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
Measurement Linguistic Theory of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in a
Multilingual Society: A Case Study of Kurukh, Mundari and Sadri | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
Changing Identity and Dissipating Knowledge of the Lachungpas of North Sikkim | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
The Problem of Interlinking the Advancement in Science and Technology with Traditional Knowledge Systems for Achieving Inclusive Sustainable Development: A Special Focus on the Tribal Communities of Jharkhand, India | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
Local Knowledge and International Technical Cooperation: From Optimism to Cautious Pragmatism | PN56 - Tribal Communities and Their Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Reference to Contemporary Issues |
الأنثروبولوجيا السياسية في العالم العربي عِلم محل ريبة في سياقات استبدادية | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production: Insights from Refugee Family Support in Ireland | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
PALESTINIAN ANTHROPOLOGY: WHAT LIES BEYOND PALESTINE? | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
المعرفة الأنثروبولوجية في العالم العربي وتحدّيات المقاربات الكولونياية وما بعد الكولونيالية : دراسات عبد الله حمّودي نموذجا | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
Colonialism and the Production of Stereotypes: Local Anthropology and Decolonization in the Arab World | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
The Limitations of Anthropological Theories for Studying Kinship in Arab Societies, the Segmentary Theory as a Model | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
From Colonial to Indigenous: Transforming Anthropological Narratives in the Arab World | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
من جزائر الأنثروبولوجيين، إلى أنثروبولوجيا الجزائريين سياقات إنتاج النصوص الأنثروبولوجية في الجزائر | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
The Accusation of Colonialism: Anthropology in Post-Colonial Algeria and the Restoration of Dignity | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
الأنثروبولوجيا في الجزائر : مسارات التكوين الجامعي وآفاق الإنتاج المعرفي الأنثروبولوجي | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
في مساءلة المعرفة الأنثروبوجية الأجنبية ما بعد الكولونيالية في المغارب: الفجوات بين الخطاب النظري والواقع الإثنوغرافي في موريتانيا والمغرب | PN57 - Transformations in Anthropological Knowledge Production in the Arab World Post-Independence |
‘Possible Selves’ in Impossible Times: Imaginations of Work and Value Among the Unemployed Young Men in an Indian Village | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Boundaries in the world of work: the pandemic and domestic workers | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
The Voice Within: An Online Ethnography on the Experiences of Deaf Students in a Public High School during the COVID-19 Pandemic | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
A walk to remember on the Mymensingh road: the politics of memorialising and forgetting | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Social vulnerability of the Amuzgos in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic in Guerrero, Mexico | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
The Many Lives of the Pandemic: Memory, Belonging and time in urban Darjeeling | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
‘Have you heard anyone talk about Covid’?: Afterlives of the pandemic in an Indian election | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Lived Experiences of Women Sanitation Workers during the Pandemic in India | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Narratives of Neglect: Unmasking the Experiences of Indian Migrant Workers and the Middle Class Amidst Public Amnesia and State Policies | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Understanding “Urge”: Emotion, Ethics and Politics of Care in the times of the Pandemic | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Emergence and Continuity: Understanding Pandemic through an Epidemic | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Testimonials from the Border: Chronic Ailments Disrupting Continuities of the Afterlife | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Memories of the Covid-19 pandemic among the indigenous peoples Fulni-ô, in Brazil, and P`urhépecha, in Mexico: coping strategies and (post)pandemic social impacts | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Memories of Bodies - (not) on- the- Move: Understanding the Socio-Economic Conditions of Bihari Migrant Workers in Kolkata during COVID-19. | PN58 - Between Public Amnesia and Neglect: Marginalized Communities’ Experiences of the Pandemic |
Making of a ghost home: Exploring Ecological Narratives in Himalayan Second Home Phenomenon | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Neo-Sanskritization in Gurukuls and Struggle for Becoming Female Priests in Himalayan Hindu Society, Nepal | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
From Conservation to Elitist Space: The Institutional Development of Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) for Political Contestation in Nepal | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Representing Raji Identity: A Study of a PVTG in Uttarakhand Himalaya | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Institutional Development of Dhaka Industry in a multi-cultural context in Palpa District, Western Nepal Himalaya | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Ecology Economy and Religion of the Lepcha of Sikkim Himalaya : Persistence and Change | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Identifying Pathways for Short- and Long-Term Recoveries from Multiple Disasters: Household Vulnerabilities, Adaptive Capacities, and Change Since the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Institutional Perspective on Ecological Restoration in the Himalaya: Governance and Management of Water, Forest and Ecosystem Resources in Nepal | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Inclusion and Exclusion in Historical Salt and Grain Trade in the Trans-Himalaya, Kaligandaki River Basin, Mustang, Nepal | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Local Initiatives for Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance and Urban Resilience | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
The Contested Relationship of Household and Community in the Dynamic Environmental Context Among the Loba of trans-Himalaya, Mustang, Nepal | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
A Study of Himalayan Hemp Ecostay in India from the Perspective of Himalayan Anthropology | PN59 - Himalayan Anthropology: Exploring Institutions, Elitism and Studying Up |
Afetos (im)pertinentes: relações feministas e antirracistas nas fronteiras entre academia e ativismo | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
Friendship and Feminism: A Way towards the Principles of Justice and Humanism | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
“You will never walk alone”. Rethinking Abortion Activism as a Feminist Practice of Strategic Sisterhood | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
The promise among musical groups os the south-central coast of Peru | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
Feminism, friendship and collective processes of knowledge construction: bastard ethnographies? | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
Third Persons Present: Vitalities of Friendship and Familiarity in LGBTQ+ Aging | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
“Queer clan”: Territorial politics and queer kinship in Assam, India | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
Privileged Emotional Management: Chinese Female Gynecologists’ Emotional Practice | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
Friendship, festivities and feminism: examples from the Basque Country (Spain) | PN61 - Friendship as a Feminist Proposal: New Approaches to the Anthropology of Gender, Kinship and Affects |
Attitudes of Acceptance, Rejection or Hesitancy Towards the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Multi-Country Study: The United States Case | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
The Actions of Social Agents Regarding the Use of Health Measures: An Analysis of School Returns in the Pandemic Context | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
Navigating Vaccination Realities: State Policies and Community Perspectives in Khayelitsha, South Africa | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
“The doctor never asks me!”: Exploring the link between vaccine hesitancy and the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
Perception of Na´ Savi preschool and primary school teachers on current school achievement and associated factors during the COVID-19 pandemic | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
Using fuzzy cognitive mapping to promote community involvement in decision-making for COVID-19 recovery in Northern Nigeria. | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
The politicisation of vaccines and its influence on Brazilian caregivers’ opinions on childhood routine vaccination | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
An Anthropological study on attitude towards Covid-19 vaccine- Hesitancy, Preference, Acceptability | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
The impact of Covid-19 on NGO-isation of sub-Saharan immigrants in Morocco: An anthropological perspective | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
Knowledge, Perception and Practices: Some Anecdotes from the Field on Covid-19 | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
Differences in Covid-19 vaccination acceptance in two Zapotec communities of Oaxaca, southern Mexico; preliminary findings and hypotheses | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
Culturally Competent Approaches to Promote Equitable COVID-19 Vaccination: Understanding Healthcare Behaviors and Vaccine Acceptance | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
Attitudes of Acceptance, Rejection or Hesitancy Towards the COVID-19 Vaccine: A Multi-Country Study: The Peruvian Case | PN64 - The Subjectivity of Others in the COVID-19 Vaccination Processes |
Learning to respect the “owners” of places: what can we learn with Galibi-Marworno children about socio-environmental care and ethics? | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
All-Russian Student Olympiad in Ethnography – an experience in popularizing anthropology among young people | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
Experiences from an ethnographic clinic for adolescents living with HIV in urban Blantyre, Malawi. | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
Narratives of rural youngs, childrens and adolescents around education. An Ethnography on the Margins of the State | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
Youth on the move: ethnography of relational mobility with street-connected children and youth in urban Northeast Brazil | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
“How we can help each other”: ethnographic confluence with adolescent students regarding their racial identities | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
Ethnographic research experience with children in Maputo: the place of playing and school | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
Doing ethnography with tikmũ'ũn children: resistance, joy and learning | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
Researching children in Indian classrooms: Challenges and Conveniences of the Researcher | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
It is (not) about you: Ethnographic and narrative approach to adolescent pregnancy through teenager’s voices and silences. | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
'Swaeros’ Movement: Dalit and Tribal Assertion, Agency, and Aspirations in Telangana, India | PN66 - Ethnographic experiences with children, adolescents, and youth: Reflections on these young people as subjects of knowledge, creativity, and technology |
Decolonizing Queer Anthropology | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
Tracing Imbrications of Power, Gender, and Race in Travesti-Trans* Spaces in Argentina through Decolonial Anti-Racist Transfeminist Ethnography | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
Navigating Sexuality through Intersectionality: A Sociological study of Indian Films | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
Decolonial approaches to labour inclusion policies for trans people: a comparative study in Madrid and Buenos Aires | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
Unseen Borders: Sociologically Navigating Daydreams as a Space to Explore Queerness | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
Narratives of Hijra People in the Mainstreaming Process of the Formal Institutions: Case Studies from Bangladesh | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
Warlike binarism: gender, race and sexuality in militarised contexts in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
Engendering Death: Ethnographic Insights into the Posthumous Mistreatment and Misgendering of Trans-Queer Bodies. | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
Gender wears leather: productions of dissident masculinities | PN67 - Queering all the borders: questioning the anthropology of gender and sexuality from the south |
The “Memories of Football” project at the Museum of Sound and Image (MIS-São Paulo/Brazil): historical and anthropological approaches on football as a sociocultural phenomenon | PN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections |
"Very happy to realize that our flag, which was almost usurped, returned to us. GO BRAZIL!" | PN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections |
The Political Game: Football, Identity, and Mobilization in Contemporary Bengal | PN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections |
Gender, football fandom and knowledge production: ethnographic insights | PN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections |
The Impacts of Digital Technology in the Glocalization of Soccer in the US | PN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections |
Soccer and Personhood: A South African Subaltern Story | PN68 - Football as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Ethnographic Analyses and Contemporary Reflections |
An ontological injustice towards indigenous justice systems: the case of traditional witchcraft-related conflict management mechanisms and the laws of Ghana. | PN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production |
Structural agents and epistemic injustices: An Autoethnographic reflection | PN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production |
Authorship Abuse in Research and Academics in the Digital Age | PN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production |
Inclusive Language in Scientific Journals: Challenges and Opportunities | PN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production |
Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Integrating Local and Academic Knowledge | PN69 - Tensions on Local Knowledge and Academic Knowledge Production |
Multiespecies relations in a indigenous village during the 19th century in Paraná: the case of São Jerônimo (Empire of Brazil) | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Much more than human: a reading of Lo que son los yerbales paraguayos, by Rafael Barrett (1908) | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
From multispecies view to ethnography of Papuans: animals in Miklouho-Maclay papers | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Ecosistema cadavérico. Teorizaciones ecológicas en Arqueología Forense y Bioarqueología | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Divine Goddess Ganga, River Ganga, and Multispecies Historical Anthropology | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Cosmopoloitical Battles for Good Health in the Andes: epidemics, colonialism and indigenous resistance | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Disturbed landscapes in northern Mozambique | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Saatantatsirira: on pyrotechnics in Matsigenka shamanism | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Did the vassoura-de-bruxa (witch’s broom plague) kill cocoa? Towards an infrahistory of cocoa planting in Southern Bahia, Brazil | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Acclimatisation: entanglements of cattle and people in Northernmost Brazil | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Landscape and species interactions in northern Amazon trough 18th, 19th and 20th centuries: notes for a non-anthropocentric history of animals and plants, rivers or mountains | PN71 - Facing the more-than-human: multispecies approach in historical anthropology |
Field work , Economy, social change in Mexico: Tlaxcala and Chiapas | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
Outraged Anthropology: Reflexions on the Use of Emotions in Activist Research | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
Relevancy (?) of interviewing: metacommunicative regimes gone rogue | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
Victor W. Turner: From Decentering to Performing Ethnography | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
What does Action Anthropology teach us? | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
Social movements, formative experiences and subjectivity. Reflections on co-participatory strategies in anthropological research | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
Empowering change: exploring militant and popular research | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
From Interpretation to Action: Experiences from Fieldwork in Tsotsil, Tseltal and Mestizo Communities in Chiapas. | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
On help: how to be differently in the field | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
Challenges of Fieldwork in Artisanal Emerald and Amber Mines: A Comparative Study between Colombia and Mexico | PN72 - Transformations of Fieldwork: Anthropology and Social Change |
Devenir con la antropología: epistemología para la investigación autoetnográfica. | PN73 - What does feminist epistemology have to say about hegemonic forms of anthropological knowledge production? |
On unkwowable experiences and unpresentable political consciousnesses in anthropology knowledge production | PN73 - What does feminist epistemology have to say about hegemonic forms of anthropological knowledge production? |
The generic condition of men: Epistemological approaches from feminist anthropology. | PN73 - What does feminist epistemology have to say about hegemonic forms of anthropological knowledge production? |
“Pastoral and Nomadic Communities in India – Challenges and Possibilities - a Case of Jharkhand state in India” | PN74 - Pastora-logy: what might anthropology learn from pastoral and nomadic lifeworlds? |
Creation of landscapes and pastoral memories in the semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil | PN74 - Pastora-logy: what might anthropology learn from pastoral and nomadic lifeworlds? |
Pluralizing ecologies of knowledge for the Anthropocene: pastoralist perspectives from Africa | PN74 - Pastora-logy: what might anthropology learn from pastoral and nomadic lifeworlds? |
The Contested Just Transition in the Waterberg Coalfield: Exploring Meanings of Justice and Possibilities for Habitable Futures
| PN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition |
Digital minerals in green energy transitions: supply chain disparities | PN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition |
‘Green’ resource frontiers, waste and the paradoxes of the Just Transition in the Northern Cape
| PN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition |
From Watts to Well-being: Assessing the First Decade of South Africa's Renewable Energy Independent Producer Procurement Programme (REI4P) on Local Development Initiatives in the Northern Cape Province | PN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition |
Unjust Transitions: The Case of Old Coronation, Mpumalanga | PN75 - The paradoxes, trade-offs, and hidden narratives of the Just Transition |
Navigating Gendered Identities in Qualitative Research: Challenges of Studying Intimate Partner Violence in an Urban Poor Neighborhood of Delhi, India | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
‘Is it just me or does everyone stare at you wherever you go?’: relationalities of race and gender in fieldwork among women in Cape Verde | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
Accompanied research in literature – from anecdotes to epistemological contributions | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
The Polymorph Anthropologist veiled/unveiled. Reflections on « going anthropologist », « going native » and gender dissonance in Saharan fieldworks and in the laic France | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
The collapse of the myth of the “genderless anthropologist”: epistemological reflections on ethnographic practice in the context of gender and sexual violence in the field | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
Relationality and Family Ties in Anthropology | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
Friendships, courtships, and their delicate boundaries. Negotiating gender, race and nationality in relationships in the field | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
From Vulnerability to Creativity (And the Hidden life in Between) | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
Masculine or feminine? Recounting experiences of a female ethnographer in rural Burkina Faso. | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
Staged identities in male-dominated field sites: examples from Mali and Sierra Leone | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
A Woman Archaeologist in the field: Negotiating challenges of a gendered identity in India. | PN77 - Ethnographic dissonance: working with gendered identities in the field |
Feminist Anthropology in Cape Verde: review of the production of postgraduate research authored by women | PN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology |
Recovering certain regional Indian female anxieties of colonial-era to analyse their present day manipulation by neoliberalism | PN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology |
Unclassified Feminist Lloronas: Noes on the Hierarchies of Anger and Dispassion in the Decolonized Academic Text | PN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology |
Gendered Gazes and Transnational Networks: The Photographic Archives of Albanian Ethnography under Communism (1944-1991) | PN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology |
A trajetória da antropóloga Esmeralda Mariano nos estudos de gênero, sexualidades e saúde | PN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology |
Women and feminists in Anthropology in Chiapas, Central American and the Caribbean | PN78 - Women in the History of Anthropology |
Guardiãs da Memória: Mulheres Enlutadas e Modos de Produção de Memória na Pandemia de Covid-19 | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
Fieldwork during a Pandemic: Traversing Real and Virtual Spaces | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
Impact of Ecotourism on Indigenous Knowledge and Education in Pastoral communities of Jammu and Kashmir | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
‘Revamping of Anthropological Studies and Research in Algerian Universities Post-COVID-19: A Comparative Analysis’ | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
Resilience and Revelation: The Role of Indian Knowledge Systems in the COVID-19 Pandemic | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
From Heroes to Pariahs: Understanding Marginality and Stigma from Kerala Coastal Community’s pandemic narratives | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
IS REEL LIFE IMPACTING REAL LIFE? A SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY OF YOUNG WOMEN IN BELAGAVI CITY | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
Resilience of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from Selected Communities in India | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
Beyond Biomedicine: The Jenu Kuruba Response to COVID-19 and the Significance of Indigenous Knowledge Systems | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
MIXOPATHY AROUND COVID-19: BIOMEDICAL HEGEMONY AND OTHERING OF INDIGENOUS SYSTEMS | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
Navigating Modernity in the Faith and Practice of Contemporary Mappilas through Digitalized Dargah-Sufis in Malabar, Kerala | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
We drink as we want: Conviviality and Unveiling the Hidden Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Imbamba-Alcoholic Consumption in Townships in South Africa | PN79 - Local Practices and Emerging Traditions of Anthropological Knowledge Making in Post Covid |
The other side of tourism. The effects of tourist capital movements in the city of Palma de Mallorca | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Platform Capitalism and Labor Precarity in Tourism | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Tourism Infrastructure and Private Hosting of Refugees from Ukraine in Poland: Between Solidarity and Commodification | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Favela Tourism Mobilities: Listening to Local Voices, Mobilizing Social Narratives | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Polish-Armenian marriages: migration for "love" or for "citizenship"? Mixed marriages in the context of mobility regimes. | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Privileged Mobilities, Globalization and Post-industrial Changes - An Ethnographic Study of China's Overseas Education Program | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Mobilities and Diasporic Connections: Tracing African Roots in Senegal | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Female Migrants In the Indian Construction Industry: Analyzing their Wellbeing | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Valley of Dreams for Whom? Investigating Tourism, Migration, and Inequality in the Cape Winelands | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Tourists’ behaviour at consolidated destinations. The case of Barcelona. | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Sacred Migration and Charisma: Subjectivity, Spatiality, and Indigenous Knowledge Practices of Transnational Paiwan People. | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Challenges and Opportunities for Black South African Engagement with Nature-based Tourism | PN81 - Tourism, Migration, and Other Mobilities in the World of (In)Justices |
Caregivers' dynamics in accessing medication for people with chronic diseases in rural South Africa. | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
Ageing in the Digital Age: Exploring the Role of ICTs in Care Provision | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
Caring in Crisis: A qualitative study on the experience of home hospice workers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
Caring for the resistant baby boomers in a smart ageing society | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
Childlessness and Elderly Care in Asia: Shortcomings and Gaps in Law and Policy | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
The Impact of Social environment on the mental health and social integration of elderly residents in care homes: A case study in Lucknow, India | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
Informal caregivers support for older people’s cellphone use in rural South Africa | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
Stochastic Frontier Approach to Efficiency Analysis of Elderly Inpatients in India | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
Healing Holidays & Retirement in Goa/India: Inequalities of Healthcare Home and Abroad | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
The Intersection of Aging and Artificial Intelligence | PN82 - Navigating Ageing: Contemporary Perspective on Elderly Care |
Balancing Progress and Tradition: How Urbanization Affects Ecological Knowledge and Traditional Health System of PVTGs of India | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, a tool for intercultural dialogue in health research | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Healthcare delivery and healthcare-seeking behaviour in tribal areas of India: Reflecting upon inadequacies on the demand and supply sides | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Tribes in India and health emergency: towards a systematic anthropological approach | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Understanding the Burden and Management of Sickle Cell Disease in Rural Communities: A Case Study of Umuri Village, Odisha, India | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Understanding community knowledge, attitude and practices related to malaria: To improve the communication strategy of Mandla-Malaria Elimination Demonstration Project, Madhya Pradesh | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
The concept of faith healing among the traditional healing systems of Indian tribes: should the ancient knowledge systems be reimagined? | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Exploring Traditional Healthcare Practices: Insights from the Ang (Jarawa) Hunter-Gatherer Tribe of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
The Ethno-Medical Practices among Baiga and Kol tribes of Sidhi District ,Madhya Pradesh, India | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Indigenous Resilience to Heatwaves: Exploring Indigenous Nature-Based Solutions. | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Power of Perception: Shifting Attitudes Towards Traditional Medicine in a Changing Scenario | PN84 - Reimagining anthropological knowledge: connecting the less connected traditional knowledge systems of medicine of the tribes in the post-colonial era |
Nostalgia and sense of belonging in places ‘left-behind’ - on how ‘fields of care’ can imbue places ‘left-behind’ with meaning and counteract moral and symbolic decline | PN85 - Beyond post-development: inequality, power struggles, and the forging of territories left behind. |
Beyond post-development: inequality, power struggles, and the forging of territories left behind | PN85 - Beyond post-development: inequality, power struggles, and the forging of territories left behind. |
Leaving being 'Left behind': itineraries of operation and resistance in post-Brexit Britain. | PN85 - Beyond post-development: inequality, power struggles, and the forging of territories left behind. |
Anthropology of ‘Hard Sciences’ and its Impact on knowledge generation and Innovation | PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World |
Revitalization of structural anthropology through a new concept on knowledge origin ‘Dynamic mixed origin of knowledge’ | PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World |
Recognising significant studies while Decolonising the production of knowledge. | PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World |
Hanya ada Satu Kata: Lawan! Engaging applied arts in decolonising ethnographic research towards climate, gender and disaster justice | PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World |
Ableism and passport privilege: a double burden in academia | PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World |
Undoing Epistemic Injustice in Research and Practice | PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World |
The Creative Strategies of Decolonial Communities of Young African Anthropologists | PN86 - Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Global Perspectives from the World |
Unearthing Kinship and Kingship Ties among the Ikodi Community of Egene: From Orality to Audio Recordings | PN87 - Beyond Orality in African Ethnography |
Negotiating translocality: case studies in cultural change | PN87 - Beyond Orality in African Ethnography |
Localising Solutions to Global Environmental Issues: Bridging the Gap between Standardised and Popular Knowledge using Ethnographic Methods. | PN87 - Beyond Orality in African Ethnography |
Protection of Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous Communities through Intellectual Property Rights Regime: A Critical Socio-Legal Study among Mundas of Jharkhand, India | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Crafting Khoplak: Ethnomathematical Observation of an Eco-friendly Dustpan | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Práticas de Enfrentamento ao Racismo: Consciência Negra nos Quilombos de Santo Antônio e Vidal | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
"Unveiling epistemic justice: rediscovering indigenous knowledge of Central Indian indigenous communities for sustainable development". | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Eco-cosmology - Learning from the local to the Global. | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Saving the Mother Earth and the need to revisit the Terrains of Traditional Knowledge: An Anthropological Analysis | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
IMPACT OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIAN TRIBAL COMMUNITY | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Promoting Sustainable Development and Indigenous Knowledge Production: Portraying the Women of the Kani Tribal Community in Kanyakumari, India | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Indigenous Knowledge of Health practices among the Tribes of Bastar Region of Chhattisgarh, India | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Sustainable Development and Anthropological Knowledge: An Analysis of Aesthetic Labour | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Revitalizing Tea Industry: A Case Study of Co-operative Formation in a Closed Tea Plantation in Dooars. | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Exploring how Indigenous knowledge systems of health and wellbeing can be integrated into modern educational programs. | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
The Contesting Debates and Challenges on validating and invalidating the Traditional Knowledge Systems in India: An Anthropological analysis | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Inheritance of Wisdom: A Comprehensive Study of Traditional Knowledge Systems in India | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Venerating stones: A living tradition among the Lepcha community of Sikkim | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Need for an Inclusive Approach to Indigenous Knowledge | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Influencing Women’s Mental Health: A Study in Juang Tribe in Odisha | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Walking the Path of Sustainability: Reconnecting with the Indigenous Roots through Odisha's Famine Narratives | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Contextualizing Culture and Agriculture in Neoliberal times in Kalahandi, Odisha | PN88 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge for sustainable development -Easing tension between Local and Academic Knowledge Production. |
Dialogues with Lithuanian Christian Women on Gender Equality: Power Imbalances in the Context of Rising Anti-Gender Populism | PN89 - Dialogues with the Other: positive and enriching encounters with diversity beyond the limits of ontological Otherness |
Grass-root energy technology innovation groups as a resource for energy innovation: what science can learn from DIY? | PN89 - Dialogues with the Other: positive and enriching encounters with diversity beyond the limits of ontological Otherness |
Intersectional women as spiritual actors and leaders: a comparative case study | PN89 - Dialogues with the Other: positive and enriching encounters with diversity beyond the limits of ontological Otherness |
Other faces of Development | PN89 - Dialogues with the Other: positive and enriching encounters with diversity beyond the limits of ontological Otherness |
Contemporary collecting – a provocation or a way forward? | PN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections |
Exploring Peasant Memory and State-Induced Repression: An Examination of Internal Colonization Theory through the Case Study of the Perm-36 Museum | PN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections |
A Glimpse on the Frobenius Expedition to Southern Ethiopia: The Significance of its Legacy to the Contemporary Studies of the Region | PN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections |
Museums and archives as scenarios for symbolic reparations for Afro-descendants in Colombia | PN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections |
An auto-ethnographic account of decolonised museum solidarities in the Global South & North | PN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections |
Museums and the possibility of decolonization. The case of the Ethnological Museum of World Cultures of Barcelona | PN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections |
The anthropologist as curator in collaboration with artists | PN90 - The role of Anthropology in the Decolonization of Museums and Ethnographic Collections |
Intercultural dialogues as a path to decolonize feminist anthropology: Reflections from Abya Yala | PN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala |
“You’re not blessing my life, you’re sponsoring it”: money and romantic relationships among young university students in Cape Town | PN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala |
Rethinking teenage mothering: Indigenous perspectives from Uganda | PN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala |
Beyond the Household and the Battlefield: Feminist Insights on War, Peace, and the Politics of Everyday Life | PN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala |
Feminist anthropologies in the Caribbean: tracing traces, weaving ties. | PN91 - Decolonizing feminist anthropology from the Global South: Dialogues from Africa and Abya Yala |
Folk phenological signs and problems of a green economy | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
Sustainable Living and Eco-Friendly Lifestyles as a Social Movement: The Case of Russia | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
The impact of climate collapse on pastoral customs in the Alpine territory of Sauze di Cesana Italy | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
Youth in the system of preservation and transmission of traditional values | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
Indigenous Tongva Sacred Springs of West Los Angeles, Southern California, USA | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
Folk Knowledge, Folk Wisdom, and Sustainable Development | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
Use of International Law to Preserve Indigenous Knowledge and Culture | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
Social reproduction, living and working spaces and collective action, The Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
Losing indigenous wisdom about dying and grief to globalization | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
Cheyenne Action Anthropology an Archeology of Mind | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
The Texas Power Grid and Political Power: | PN92 - Folk Wisdom and Sustainable Development: Towards Harmonizing the Human-Nature-Society System |
New Tribal Religions of India: Construction and Transformations | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Historical reenactment as an identity-oriented social movement: neo-traditional masculinity and innovations in contemporary medieval combat sports | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Anthropologist as a Catalyst: Exploring the role in revitalizing tradition amidst globalization (a case study of the Hamar of Southern Ethiopia) | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Not just spiritual: Sufi orders in modern India, administrations, organizations, functions. | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Traditional Convergence and revitalization: African Christianity as Mazeway disintegration | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Folk traditions: life after death | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Ethnicity of the "Russian Zoroastrianism": Rethinking the ancient Iranian religion in the context of Russia's political transformation | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
“World’s traditional religions against...”: The reconfiguration of “traditional religions” in the context of legitimizing contemporary military conflicts | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Protestantism as a new tradition: cases of the Protestant missionary strategies among indigenous peoples of Russia and Ethiopia | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Pastoral Traditions of the Hamar Tribe: Sustaining Cultural Heritage Through Livelihood Strategies | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
Integrated education as a discursive tradition; Anthropological insights on new traditionalism among the Sunni Muslims of Kerala | PN93 - New Traditionalism and Changing Patterns in Anthropological Knowledge |
“Impact of Storytelling in Reviving Glory in Communities” | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
Semantics of Verbal Symbol and Folklore Motif in Ethnolinguistics | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
“Answer” to “A Different History”: Linguistic Resilience and Cultural Encounters | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
Bikol Archetypes | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
VOICING THE TRAUMA OF CASTE:A READING OF THE POETRY OF MEENA KANDASAMY | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
“We All Serve the Same Master:” Transnationalism, Identity, and Pedagogy in the North American Alphorn Community | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
Human Culture and Environment in Anita Nair’s Novels: A Critical Study | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
From Ghost to Life: A Revitalization Story of a Village with Forests and Wetlands, Jeju Island, South Korea | PN94 - Linguistic and Cultural Aspects that Revitalize Communities |
Uncertainty, serendipity, opportunity: researching the COVID-19 crisis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ethnographically | PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events |
Ethnographic non-encounters: Researching Covid 19 in post-pandemic Diepsloot, South Africa. | PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events |
The Mark of the Witch’s Broom: After Collapse on the Cacao Coast of Bahia
| PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events |
Within the shadows of HIV: Fear, Rumor, and Stigma among young women living with HIV in COVID-19 times in Dudi, western Kenya. | PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events |
How to do ethnography in 'there' and 'then' | PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events |
"We have different problems now" - An (un)successful search for the long-term effects of Covid-19 in Germany | PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events |
Patriotic sentiments of modern Armenian youth in the context of the complicated political situation in the country | PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events |
Covid 19 in Tunisia: loss and the present | PN95 - Between past and present: Creating anthropological knowledge of “recent” events |
Deromanticizing unheard (queer) paradigms? Class and the politics of queer youth voices in contemporary India | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
The Ritual Object of Phanek: Infinite Forms, and Folds at the Interstices of Ritual and Politics | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Hijra Ilakas: Turf wars and communal land inheritance in New Delhi, India | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
1980s Transnational Lesbian Feminism in Mexico/Chicago through the Life and Photographs of Diana Solís | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Decolonizing Sexual Knowledge: Deconstructing Colonial Influence on Queer Identity and Indigenous Epistemologies in Oriental Contexts | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Challenges of Right to Employment Faced by Hijra People in the Formal Sectors of Bangladesh | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Ephemeral Archives of the Subaltern: De/Colonial Queer-Trans Worldmaking in Kothi WhatsApp Groups of Eastern India | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
POKHARA – The Tourism Capital of Nepal: Understanding the Anthropological Dialectics of Caste and Sanitation Work. | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Exploring the Perception of Masculinities: A Comparative Study of Nonbinary and Cisgender Individuals | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Exploring Intimate Relationships in the Indian Urban Middle Class | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Respect and Other Small Steps Towards a Countercolonial Anthropology: Learning from Indigenous Peoples in Brazil | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Exploring Indigenous Epistemologies: Voices, Challenges and enriching Indigenous Knowledge System of the Kamar Tribe, Chhattisgarh state, India | PN96 - The Voices of Grassroots in Anthropology: Theorizing from Unheard Paradigms |
Traversing Mongolia’s Rural-Urban Continuum with Herders’ Children: Spatiality of The Good Life | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
Rural Kazakhstan as a place of learning with/from more than human worlds | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
Roaming free: a 'mermaid in London' in search of a playground | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
Empowering Children as Peer Researchers in Walking Ethnography: Methodological Reflections and Ethical Considerations from Studies Past and Present PANEL NUMBER: 99 | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
Walking as Wayfinding | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
Childhood Memoir with an Anthropologist: Filming the Life Path of the First Educated Generation in a Bangladeshi Village, 2000-Present | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
Liminality of walking in rituals children partecipation. | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
"What if the city could-be also ours?": The right that girls have to walk, enjoy and live in the city, their urban experiences and their resistance strategies to claim their place | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
Exploring Multispecies Assemblages Through Walking Ethnography in Abandoned Landscape | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
Autismlogy: running as cognition and ethnography. | PN99 - Walk with me: Walking ethnography in research with and about children and young people |
"The Work of coastal Women in Southern Chile: Reexistence and Disputes for the Future from a Feminist Ethnographic Perspective" | PN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa |
Meat-Eating of the Bengalis in India: A discourse on the role of culinary symbolism influencing the socio-political dynamics of alimentary practices | PN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa |
Umleqwa and hata-hata: comparative perspectives on human-animal relations, food preparation and consumption in Mthatha, South Africa and Akita City, Japan | PN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa |
The Butchery of Breeds | PN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa |
The Brazilian Pampa Beef: a multispecies history of the bovine landscape transformations in the Southern Plains of Brazil | PN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa |
Good, bad, mediocre mothers: On ducks & motherhood in contemporary Egypt | PN100 - Caring, Rescuing, Eating: Thinking with Animals (and Meat) in Africa |
Climate Change or Local Justice?: On frequent drought and regicide in South Sudan | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Building Resilience from Below: Exploring Pastoralists’ High Reliability Networks in Northern Kenya | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Changes in Maasai livelihood practices and knowledge in the era of climate change and the Anthropocene: A case study of Amboseli region, southern Kenya | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
When Complex is as Simple as it Gets: A Recent Guide for Recasting Policy and Management in the Anthropocene | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
‘No longer Nowhere to Refuge’: Re-imagining the Displaced Pastoralists in the Anthropocene. | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Relational Resiliences: Reflections from Pastoralism across the World | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Wayuu pastoralism illustrates the urgency of a relational ontology that facilitates indigenous and scientific knowledges exchange for addressing the challenges of Anthropocene | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Environmental Narratives, Empirical Realities: Damaged Landscapes and Livelihoods and the Role of the State in Northern Kenya | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Relational approaches to sustainability transformations: walking together in a world of many worlds | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Re-visited Epupa Dam Debate: Chieftaincy Disputes in North-west Namibia | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Look for the ‘blood’!: Dealing with the Loss of Cattle among Nuer Refugees of South Sudan | PN101 - Re-imagining the ‘Anthropocene’ of Pastoralists and Nomads, Re-shaping Anthropological Knowledge with ‘Relational Ontology’ |
Matthew Effect in Anthropology: the Case of Europe and beyond | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
The Ostrich pulls his/her Head out of the Sand and Ponders Poverty | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
A Cartography of Good Living in Tocantins: thinking about development from indigenous worldviews | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
“If Education is the Key, then School is the Lock”: Reparative futures thinking beyond the modern school | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
Leveraging Local Knowledge in Acquiring Academic Knowledge: Experiences of Saora School Children in South Odisha | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
Teacher training and anti-racist education in Angola, Brazil and South Africa | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
Community care research: what theoretical and practical keys? | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
The politics of knowledge production and the policies of state: why practice education fails to be at the driving seat | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
Local Knowledge and Climate Science: Partners for Managing the Climate Crisis in Africa and the Global South | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
Indigenous Cognitive Process vs. Modern Mental Construct | PN103 - Local Knowledge: Values, the Future, and Connections with Academic Knowledge |
Pre-Islamic antiquities in Algeria : heritage or not ? A study of the processes of patrimonialisation during and after french colonisation . | PN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context |
Decolonizing Museum Spaces: How can anthropology be used as a tool to decolonize museums? | PN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context |
Spirituality, sacredness and re-imagining heritage spaces: the conceptualisation and functioning of the Spiritual Centre at Great Zimbabwe World Heritage Site, Zimbabwe | PN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context |
Absence and presence of Mayombe artefacts (DRC): a collaborative project | PN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context |
Restitution of sacred objects from National Museums to Communities | PN105 - Beyond the museum: Reframing restitution debates in a postcolonial context |
Communal Wealth? | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Beneath the Visible: How Power, Peer & Reliance Shape Youths’ Interaction with Artificial Intelligence | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Virtual representation of the Seto people in the Russian internet space in its current dynamics | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Approaches and Distances: The Role of the Researcher in Digital Anthropology Through Three Experience Reports | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Digitalizing the Tribal life: A study on globalization of Kadar through Internet | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Unveiling Black Feminist Narratives: Pan-Africanism, Decolonialism, and Digital Advocacy in Social Media Discourses | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Identity of digital artists in Cuba, considerations on technological use and appropriation in the present Cuban context. | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Understanding a Women’s WhatsAPP Group: Continuities between the physical and digital | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Selling Handlooms. Preserving Handlooms : Gendered Digital Retailing on Social Media | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Technological work and the utopia of flexibility: mobility and ageism among digital nomads in the technological district of Barcelona | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
"'Emotion capitalism' and its influence on the use of dating apps among gay men in the countryside of Santa Catarina - Brazil" | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Trade, Technology, and Trust: The Pillars of the India-Africa Partnership | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Emotional labor guided by application: an anthropological research about why neoliberalism is selling mental wellness in the digital age | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Memeing Revolution and War: Examining the Contemporary History of Ukraine via Online Folklore | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Ministries on WhatsApp: evangelical transformations based on intersectional uses of social media in Brazil | PN106 - Glocalization and Digital Technology |
Esports Physical Exercise/Performance Matrix 1.0 Country Factsheets: A Protocol for National, Regional and Global Annual Assessment | PN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport |
Watersports and local development on the coast of Uruguay | PN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport |
“The Flipped Classroom”: an Innovative Approach in the Field of Physical Education | PN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport |
Ultra-Trail Running and Walking: An Anthropological Perspective on Endurance | PN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport |
The (self)management of emotions: the complexities of activist practices between corporeal co-presence and a digital platform in an antifascist football club. | PN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport |
COST Action CA19101 DE-PASS Examination of Physical Activity Behaviors (PABs) and their associated determinants in youth: Dissemination of activities | PN107 - Innovations in Modern Anthropology of Sport |
“Mak xa ch’ut (Her belly is already closed)”: menopause, ageing and blood between tsotsil indigenous women from the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. | PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body |
Women´s experiences of menopause: A qualitative study among women in Soweto, South Africa | PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body |
Queer Reflections on Youth: Gay Men’s Experience of Growing Older | PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body |
An analysis of youth awareness towards contraceptive use and the role of counselors in promoting reproductive health education: A study in Lucknow city, India. | PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body |
Pink Ribbons on Postcolonial Bodies: Exploring the Efficacy of Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Kerala, India. | PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body |
Producing Sexual Desire: Aesthetic and Affective Labour in Nightlife in Southern Spain. | PN108 - Ageing, Sexuality and Cognitions about Feminine Body |
Methodological challenges in ethnographic fieldwork at agro-industrial city in Argentina | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Navigating as an anthropologist in the field | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Field work experiences: An insider and outsider view of the Biates of North east India | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Determining Hominin Behaviour during Acheulian from Surface Artefact Scatter Study: An Example from Tikoda Locality-I and III, District-Raisen, Madhya Pradesh | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Ethical and Methodological Considerations in Megalithic Research: Insights from Experiences in Chotanagpur, India | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Partnerships in the field: Team building for participatory research in the African context | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Unraveling Social Research Methods: Deriving insights from case studies on witch hunts in Assam, India | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Anthropology of women and Fieldwork tradition in Arunachal Pradesh | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Strengthening health system and community participation through public health implementation: A field work experience in Odisha, India | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Evolving Ethnographic Practices in Northeast India: Adapting and Integrating Technology for Modern Research | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Anthropological Fieldwork: Experiences as Ethnographic Researchers | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Navigating Ethical dilemmas in Fieldwork: Perspectives of Academics and Anthropologists in Indian Universities | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
ETHICS AND CONCERNS DURING FIELDWORK | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Case Study on Anthropological Fieldwork and Ethical Dilemma: The Changing Scenario | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Understanding the emplaced self/I in ethnographic work, understanding the rhetorical production of categories and conceptions | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
The Persistent of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Applying Medical Anthropology to the Problem
| PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Doing Anthropological Fieldwork in Sikkim: Challenges and Opportunities | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
Keeping Up with The Pace: Changes in Anthropological Fieldwork | PN110 - Traversing Changing Contours of Anthropological Fieldwork, Ethics and Principles |
The figure of “the average woman” and the white gaze in prolympic sports | PN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport |
Who needs categories? Skateboarding between play, sport and collective agency from below on the US-Mexico border | PN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport |
On the balance of sport: on the goods and evils on which sport is based | PN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport |
Exploring the Complexities of Sports Culture in North India: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Wrestling and Its Socio-Political Dynamics | PN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport |
Somatotypes among Konyak Naga males aged 11-20 years: A cross-sectional study in the District Mon, Nagaland, India | PN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport |
Olympic Games, Indigenous peoples and Mobility: Global/Glocal contexts | PN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport |
The Feeling of Honor and Defeat among Brazilian Chess Players | PN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport |
Sea you there! An auto-ethnographic study of open-water swimming in Cape Town | PN111 - Reimagining Anthropological Knowledge About Sport: Developing the perspectives, practices, and power within the Anthropology of Sport |
Mongolian marmot: hunting, boodog, legends | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Nomads, Wolves and Dogs in Siberia and Mongolia | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Animal-Oriented Projects of the Indigenous Societies in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
The Arctic Nomads’ “Reindeer Thinking” | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Peculiarities of settlement of river beavers along the Kem River in the Yenisei region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the 50s of the 20th century | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Human and Animal in Ethnographic Films of North Asia: on the Example of Film Collection of the International Film Festival “Days of Ethnographic Cinema” | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Humans and snakes as competitors and as relatives in Philippine traditional culture, epics and mythology | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Use of animal resources for food self-supply of local communities in Chukotka | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Human/animal collectives on the move: reindeer individualities and caravan among Evenki of East Siberia | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Yak breeders of Sayan-Altai region. Traditions and modern specifics of yak breeding among Tozhu Tuvans | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
Master Roshilin’s “Cruel Aesthetics”: Human-Animal Relations in the Mirror of Chukchi and Asian Eskimo Art | PN113 - Human and animal in a socio-cultural landscapes of North Asia |
The study of Twenty-eight constellations from the perspective of Yi and Han culture | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
On the Eco-translation to A Maini’s Poetry of Yi Minoirty from the Perspective of Language Parallax | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
The relationship between Astronomy and the Qoyllur Rit’i festival | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
Amani and the painting of Ancient Yi Books | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
Star lore of the Yi people of China | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
The Disciplinary Construction of Anthropology in China:The Current Status of Second-level Disciplines Under First-level Discipline and Interdisciplinary Collaboration | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
Amaini and the beliefs of the Yi people | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
Yi People's Millennium-long Duet with the World ———The Convergence of Amaini's Poetry Creation Theory and Ancient Greek Dramatic Theory: Commonalities and Differences in Human Cultural Development | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
Poetic Representations of stars and seasons of the Yi People of Southwest China | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
Archaeological Perspectives: Reflections on the Migration of the Sanxingdui Community to Today's Yi Derived Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Aftermath of the Pandemic | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
The narrative of the poetry of Amaini and the historical memory of the Yi Aborigines | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
The musical interpretation of the“Scrolls” of the Bimosuni | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
On the Construction of Guizhou Liupanshui Yi-ethnic Astronomical Observatory | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
A Comparison of Poetic Anthropology in Africa and China - Presents Our Reflections on the Construction of the Discipline | PN114 - Building a Poetic-Anthropology in SW China and Globally |
Self-perception of representatives of post-colonial countries in a non-colonial society | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
Indigenous Perspectives and Sovereignty Challenges in the Indo-Pacific: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Somaliland | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
Climate Change-induced Migration Risks in Southeast Asia and Their Impact on Taiwan Security | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
Principles and Practices of Responsible Research and Innovation towards foundational structures for a technology decolonization methodology in the Global South | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
Climate Change and Livelihood Vulnerabilities in the Global South: Vietnam and Bangladesh: A Systematic Review | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
The foreign Aid and the Sub-Saharan Economic Crisis in Africa | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
Coloniality, Democratisation and the Question of Taiwan Independence/Sovereignty | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
Coloniality, Decoloniality and the Praxis of Social Protection in Nigeria | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
The Haitian Revolution: from the ethic of Live free or Die to radical decoloniality | PN115 - Reimagining Sovereignty: Decolonial Perspectives on Global Dynamics in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific |
Kinship as an interdisciplinary dialog: the relationship today between kinship, family studies, and biomedicine. | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Cognitive Dimensions of Birjia Kinship: Insights from an Indigenous Community | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Segmentary Lineages, Indigenous Knowledge, and Grass Roots Agricultural Development | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Grandparent and Grandchild: Alternate Generation Equations in the Tewa Kinship Terminology | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Kinship in a flux: Community as a heuristic tool in urban spaces | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Transnational Kinship in Times of War: Re/configurations from “Below” and from “Above” | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Conspicuous consumption or evolution in tradition? Reflections on marriage prestations in Ghana | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
(Re)designs of families - imprisonment of women-mothers and circulation of children | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
(Un)veiling Phoenecianism: kinship and affect among the Mexican Lebanese | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Beyond Incest: matrimonial structures in historical perspective in an Amazonian Society | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Kinship as a product of Indigenous knowledge and producer of relations: exemplified by the Mẽbêngôkre (Jê) in Central Brazil. | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
What It Means to Be Human in Today's Transformed World: Gignetics as a Multidisciplinary, Kinship-Based Approach to the Study of the AI-Human Interactions, Human-Animal Interactions and New Reproductive Technologies | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Kinship issues of medically assisted reproduction : A religious and non religious comparative approach | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Conceptual basis for the descriptive and classificatory kinship terminology typology | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Performing Kinship in Central Africa | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Recentering Kinship in Anthropology | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Family, Kinship and economy among Kanjars of India | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
Family that is made in struggle: kinship relations, politics and commensality | PN116 - Kinship Relevance in Today’s Transformed World |
"Projeto Curas" Platform: co-creation, territory, spirituality, and the construction of memory archives. | PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality |
Conserving Biodiversity and Tradition: The Role of Sacred Groves among the Kandh Tribe in Odisha, India | PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality |
OCCUPATION OF A SUBALTERN COMMUNITY AND THEIR FISHING RITUALS | PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality |
Staroverstvo: Multidisciplinary investigation on slavic paganism in contemporary Slovenia | PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality |
Health and religious syncretism: understanding how Christian families in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa accept family members’ calling to traditional healing | PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality |
Cultivating Transformative Faith and a New Ecology of Hope | PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality |
Spirit-Filled Communities and Their Lived, Everyday Praxes: Modalities of ‘Doing Pentecostalism’ in Hong Kong | PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality |
All the magic of the south. Spiritual holism, subjectivation and lifestyle migration in scenic Puerto Varas | PN1472 - Contemporary Issues on Religion and Spirituality |
In xochitl, In cuicatl, poetry or performance? communication with the sacred. A proposal from the Nahua worldview. | PN1479 - Multiplicity of languaging and communication in anthropology |
Call out my name: the problem of choosing the proper name in our speech (on the materials of the epic songs of the Russian North) | PN1479 - Multiplicity of languaging and communication in anthropology |
Somatic Communication for a care protocol in first contact with aliens | PN1479 - Multiplicity of languaging and communication in anthropology |
Abordajes antropológicos de la literatura | PN1479 - Multiplicity of languaging and communication in anthropology |
Assembling Vaccine Perspectives: Vaccination and Moral Self-Talk in the Journals of White US Mothers during Covid-19 | PN1481 - Congress Withdrawals |
Anthropology Beyond Academia: Reflections on taking anthropological insights into the corporate workplace in South Africa | PN1481 - Congress Withdrawals |
Non-Rentier Conditions: Digital (Urban) Agency in Bahrain's Peri-urban Areas | PN1481 - Congress Withdrawals |
“Pour moi c’est la patience”. Migrants’ Experience of Time and Space in the Immobility Enforced by European Border Regimes. | PN1481 - Congress Withdrawals |
Mapping Martial Arts Genealogies on the Swahili Coast: “Karate Combat” and Its Contested Origins | PN1481 - Congress Withdrawals |
Radically embodied creativity in sport | PN1481 - Congress Withdrawals |
Determinants of oral health knowledge and dental care practices amongst students at a South African University | PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts |
Investigating the understanding of safer sex negotiation amongst first-year students at Rhodes University, Makhanda, Eastern Cape. | PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts |
Prevalence and associated risk factors of obesity among the adult rural population of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India | PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts |
Navigating Diverse Understandings of Childbirth Complications: Experiences of Traditional Healers working as Professional Nurses in Johannesburg Hospitals. | PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts |
Androcentric and ethnocentric biases in observation technologies (ultrasound) and fetal surgery: a lecture from feminist epistemology | PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts |
Mothers “in the measure”: reflections on the motherhood of adolescents in contexts of deprivation of liberty in Brazil. | PN1483 - Gender, health and identity in Global contexts |
Thirst for Hope: Imaginative Landscapes of Turkish Imperialist Populism
| PN1485 - The State |
Challenges of volunteer and humanitarian work in the Arab region The International Organization for Voluntary Work I-O-V model | PN1485 - The State |
Anthropology, Democracy, and Dictatorship: Reflections from Cameroon | PN1485 - The State |
How Can the Basic Income Truly act as a Trigger for Self-Organising a New Resilient Health System? | PN1485 - The State |
Cardko Lãgi": A Collective Moral of Migrant Nepali Agriculture Workers in Portugal | PN1485 - The State |
Ethiopia’s Post-Socialist Regress: The Re-imposition of Double Marginalization in Northeastern Ethiopia | PN1485 - The State |
The Role of Anthropological Knowledge in Addressing Injustices Beyond International Law | PN1485 - The State |
Paths of plea bargaining in Brazil: an ethnographic approach to contemporary forms of legal expansionism | PN1485 - The State |
Mukheristas: women in transit producing themselves and subjectivities | PN1486 - Urban Anthropology |
Recycling and its actors: approaches between Brazil and Uruguay | PN1486 - Urban Anthropology |
Tourism and Beyond: The Quest of Socio-Cultural Impacts and Sustainable Development of Kalbelia in Rajasthan, India | PN1486 - Urban Anthropology |
Slums of Rio de Janeiro and environmental crisis: Etnography as theoretical and methodological strategy | PN1486 - Urban Anthropology |
Guarani children in urban spaces: experience in multiple contexts in the commercialization of handicrafts. | PN1486 - Urban Anthropology |
"Platformization" of the taxi industry: A new dynamic of work relationship in Yaoundé, Cameroon. | PN1486 - Urban Anthropology |
Changes in the Formation of Cultural Space Brought about by the Expansion of the Verb “Walk” | PN1486 - Urban Anthropology |
Legal Activism, Police and Democracy: a comparative study between Brazil and South Africa | PN1486 - Urban Anthropology |
Digital Cacophony: nutritional culture and its sub-cultures on Brazilian social media. | PN1487 - Identities |
Performing soldiering, being women: situated and shifting identities of female soldiers in the Zimbabwe National Army. | PN1487 - Identities |
No Longer Earthlings: Impacts of Extreme Journeys on Personal Identities | PN1487 - Identities |
Reframing Migration Narratives: Marronage, Freedom of Movement, and Participatory Theatre in Anthropological Research | PN1487 - Identities |
La adquisición de Inglés entre los estudiantes de la UIEP | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Transforming Lives: Educating Child Beggars from Marginalized Communities in India" | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Traditional Knowledge and Pedagogy of Tribes in India: Relevance and Adoption in Formal Schooling | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
The profile of female rectors of the Brazilian Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Archaeology and Heritage Education from Perspective of Interdisciplinary Anthropology: Poster Project of Painting and Photography on Nuwa Mending Sky by Primary School Students | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Assessment of academic stress among students of NTPC campus, Shaktinagar, Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh, India | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
A case study of Heritage preservation and innovation with the implementation of NEP2020 | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Building Values and Ethics Among School Children through Academics in Maharashtra, India. | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Uniting Voices to Challenge the Monolith: Multivocal, Multilingual, Mutual approaches to Teaching Anthropology | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Bringing Empowerment, Social Justice, and Equity through Digital Literacy and Computational Thinking | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Rethinking postgraduate classroom Anthropology: a framework for successful postgraduate promotion and durable careers. | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Unsettling knowledge about Palestine: Epistemic decolonization in a time of genocide | PN1490 - Rethinking anthropology and education in different contexts around the world |
Integrating Oral Literature and Archaeological Methods in Identifying Potential Sites: A Case Study of Lepcha Folktales in, Sikkim, India. | PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends |
Transcultural Echoes in Bronte and Byron: A postcolonial Reading of ‘Jane Eyre’ and Don Juan | PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends |
For a Post-‘Turn’ Anthropology: Critical Realism, meta-theory, and the ‘militant middle ground’ | PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends |
Ecological Wisdom in Vindya-Satpura Range:praxis for human survival | PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends |
‘Political reading’ or a countercritique of Balaš’s „A Crusade for Social Anthropology“ | PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends |
Raising Mapuche children among violence a militarization | PN1491 - The panel of interesting odds and ends |
Anthropology of Food Sustainability: the Agroecological Transition of Food Producers in The Peri-Urban Area of Mexico City | PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food |
Food as Heritage: Politics on the Plate | PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food |
From Achojcha to Picante de pollo. The change from indigenous to mestizo identity in Argentina (18th to 21st century). | PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food |
Vanishing art of Paasa preparation: A study on the ethnic Tai Khamti delicacy of Arunachal Pradesh | PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food |
Cum Pane: Meditations on Bread, Life, and Death | PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food |
Can a community-based public health arts intervention in Mali motivate change in community practices regarding food hygiene and child nutrition? | PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food |
Contemporary wedding menu in Albania: examining food in the perspective of language and identity | PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food |
Cultural hybridisation and food practices, the case of "Friday's taco" in Norway. | PN1492 - Reimagining knowledge about Anthropology of Food |
Lost in an Emerging Megapolis: An Ethnographic Study of Abducted and Migrant Children in Pune City of India, Exploring Diverse Viewpoints and Associated Challenges | PN1494 - Duplicates |
Youth Participation in Lingayat Reservation Movement: An Anthropological Perspective in Pune,Maharashtra,India. | PN1494 - Duplicates |
Empowering Women’s Reproductive Health: Exploring CBD as a Novel Therapy for PCOS and Endometriosis Management. | PN1494 - Duplicates |
Deciphering cognitive paradigms of ancient humans : Rock Art of Central India | PN1494 - Duplicates |
An in-depth exploration of the traditional healing beliefs and practices of the Hawasupai Tribe of Arizona, Through an emic approach. | PN1494 - Duplicates |
Factors contributing to life satisfaction of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the perspective of positive psychology. | PN1494 - Duplicates |
التطور التكنولوجي وتأثيره على تطور البحث الانثروبولوجي في العالم العربي | PN1494 - Duplicates |
Southern African forms of shamanism: holistic healing of personal and social problems | PN1494 - Duplicates |