Building an ecology for knowledges lab for planetary justice
Linda Musariri
Nationality: Zimbabwe
Residence: Netherlands
University of Amsterdam
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Gavaza Maluleke
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
Blessing Musariri
Presence:Face to Face/ On Site
decolonising, knowledge co-creation, climate change, planetary justice,
At the heart of global climate change action are debates around investing in decarbonization and green technologies. The ‘just’ energy transition has been commonly presented as the needed transition to usher the world into environmentally sustainable economies and just societies for 'all'. The global south where many of the minerals critical for technological advancements are extracted is characterized by fragile ecosystems, conflict, and extended climate vulnerability, where any change through excavations, or deforestation would escalate geopolitical and climate disruptions and consequently undermine planetary security. In these contexts, the quest for climate justice and efforts to decarbonize are complicated by the longstanding need to accelerate economic development while adapting to the devastating effects of the changing climate. Furthermore, those most affected by such transitions and climate change more broadly are often institutionally and intellectually excluded from academic conversations and global discourses, yet they are often portrayed as the purported beneficiaries of the interventions. This has resulted in a disconnect between dominant frames of climate change/sustainability and oral traditions and the lived realities of affected communities. As such, questions remain who gets to decide what is just and for whom? Furthermore who is benefitting and who is paying for this promised future? More importantly, who is included/excluded in such visions of a green and clean future? We will use this workshop to answer questions such as these and several others employing an ecology of knowledges lab (EOK Lab) approach which entails bringing together various researchers and knowledges providing a non-hierarchical interdisciplinary, intercontinental platform, for knowledge sharing and exchange. Our goal is to cultivate pluriversal and decolonial framings around sustainability, development., planetary justice and knowledge co-creation.