11th – 15th November 2024
Johannesburg - South Africa
As a self-reflective and reflexive discipline, Anthropology has seen concomitant shifts in knowledge and practice.
Most notably, since the 1960s, we have seen [post - ] theoretical movements:
- Post-structuralism
- Post-modernism
- Post-colonialism
- Post-humanism
- Post post-colonialism
- Decolonial shifts
- Post-socialism
Misty Hills
Country Hotel - Conference Center & SPA
- +27 11 950 6000
- andree[at]thecradleconcierge.co.za
- https://www.mistyhillscountryhotel.com
- Muldersdrift Estate, 69 Drift Blvd, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg, 1747, South Africa
* The WAU Congress has booked all the accommodation, so if you contact them directly you will be told there is no accommodation available. All accommodation bookings go through our agent
Organization of the congress

Anthropology Southern Africa is the professional association for social anthropologists living and working in Southern Africa.
We represent members in seven Southern African countries. ASnA organises the largest anthropological conference in southern Africa and collaborates with other anthropological organisations across the continent, and world. We provide a venue for publishing academic papers via our journal Anthropology Southern Africa.
See you in Johannesburg South Africa in 2024!